let's start from 23dec..... morning time stay at home lo din go anywher play computer for the whole day again..... wake up around 9am then start to sit in front the computer lo..... din eat breakfast cz ntg to eat lo..... hahahahaha..... then afternoon time still same after lunch start play computer again..... doing nothing at home jz nite time go out wif my daughter to watch the show at sibu town square lo.....
the next day 24dec(chirstmas eve)..... PMR result come out lo so go bak sch to see result lo..... our school champion again for sibu region war..... total up gt 103 student get straight A's lor..... congratz to all the students..... after tat go office to certify my cert for applying flying academy de..... done for it then go lim teh wif friend lo..... eat lunch after tat for free(hahaha.... my son chia me eat)..... go back sch again to see the practise for christmas party(still ok la)..... nite time 7.30pm go farley buy a present for my friend(Iris) then go her birthday party play till 11.30pm something ki jz reach home lo.....
25dec is christmas day..... go to church wif sister for the 1st圣诞崇拜on tat day during 7am(so early lar but use to it ler)..... finish it then go back my father de shop then go eat kampua wif my father lo cz many kopitiam din open..... done it back home rest for a while then sign in my internet again lor..... afternoon time help mummy clean the house lo then sleep for a while cz 2 tired ki..... nite time go church to watch christmas show lo..... really a nice show ah n thanks to god tat guide all the performance success lo..... hahahahaha.....
26dec yesterday lo..... early morning my sister go sch but not me fetch her lar..... she follow mt father de car hahahaha..... plan to go for hair cutting so fetch my mum 2gather to work lor(she work 2gather wif my father la)..... then eat breakfast wif my parents lo eh eat mee goreng cz no other choice le..... after tat go for hair cutting lor at Alex Hair Saloon lo usually i go de..... wait from morning time 10.30am till 12 something just reach my turn lo..... straighten my front hair again cz more good looking war..... cut till 2pm then go buy some kuih before go home lor..... nite time stay at home rest lo din go anywhere.....
27dec 2day lar..... sunday of cz go church during morning time lo for主日崇拜and 7am again lo..... normally i go very early de la 6.30am will go out ler cz scare no place park my car..... 2day plan to go sunday sch play de but at last din go lo cz i think of next year jz start go for help lo..... so next week will go le n 2day my friend told me to take pic for him so jz stay at church ther lo..... after tat go bak my father de shop then went for my breakfast wif my grandma cz nothing to eat again war..... after eat bak to shop read newspaper over n over then fetch my grandma home lor..... then start my computer again lo but jz for 1 hour plus la cz need to switch off when my father come bak home..... afternoon time go fetch my sister cz she studying law war then come bak home sleep for a while cz morning wake up 2 early le..... nite time stay at home watch tv n now bloging here lo.....
tat all for tis few days back lar..... will update from time to time again about my life lor..... hahahahaha..... good night everyone n sweet dream la.....
~生命最后一个月能帮你记录的是什么 我想是每一分钟的相聚 就算生命到了最后一分钟 每个明天都是幸福的奇迹 这些飞逝的时光是我最珍贵的一切 帮你记得属于我们幸福的永恒~.....
About Me
- Jeffrey
- actually im a tall guy lor..... around 180cm la n 60kg lor.... hahahah..... if you want to know how am i looking just view my profile photo ba..... i wish to become an airlines pilot to fly in the sky one day because i like blue sky and it was my ambition since i was still young...... that's all about me..... want to know more about me feel free to read my blog or add my msn at ahjeff0511.blogspot.com or jeffrey_hii90@hotmail.com.... hahahaha......
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
今天是华人庆祝冬至的一天咯..... 不过在这里的冬至气氛不会很浓咯因为毕竟太接近圣诞节了所以冬至就被遗忘啦..... 不过我家还是有庆祝啦毕竟一年一次的节日怎么可以放过呢..... 至于吃汤圆那是在今天之前就开始吃咯不然今天才吃可能会吃不下啦..... 因为每当有节日我妈就会准备很多食物嘛(很幸福的哈哈哈哈).....
起了个大早其实也没很早啦我想应该是9点多了吧..... 然后就开始对着电脑一直到午饭时间咯没办法要写blog嘛..... 吃完饭继续坐在电脑前继续玩咯没事做嘛快闷死了哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 那时还看了些有关飞行学校的质询咯想多了解有关申请方法不然到是什么都不懂嘛.....
看了好久一段时间还是没什么头绪咯没办法下次得找朋友帮忙了..... 3点半了接到老妈打回家的电话要我去载她回家来准备冬至晚餐..... 当然答应了她然后关了电脑后就出去载她咯..... 没她回来准备的话今晚就没有美味的菜肴可以享用啦.....
一到家换了件很朴素的衣服后就往厨房里去开始忙个不停啦..... 本来想帮她处理点别的事不过一开了电视就不知觉的想睡觉啦..... 一睡就是两个小时后的晚餐时间啦结果什么忙也没帮到(没办法嘛电视是我的死穴)..... 一开了就会想睡觉哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
昨晚的晚餐还是像平常佳节的一样丰富咯..... 有肉有菜也有汤咯就像家常便饭一样因为不想浪费钱到外面的场馆去吃..... 不过我妈的手艺已经可以和外面的餐馆厨师有的比啦甚至还不会输呢..... 这就是她厉害的地方每次我们都会叫她开间餐厅做生意不过太累了不适合她啦.....
吃完晚餐就继续的看电视咯不过没睡着啦没那么会睡啦哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 而我妈就忙着收拾她的厨房啦洗碗啦还有一些很琐碎的家务事咯没办法她跟我一样有很严重的洁癖啦不喜欢看到家里有那么一点的肮脏咯(所谓有其母必有其子嘛哈哈哈哈哈).....
终于忙完了所有的家务事啦这时的她又开始忙啦..... 想自己染头发所以又开始忙了起来咯东涂涂西抹抹的应该有弄了快半个小时了吧..... 因为后面的头发看不到所以她就叫我帮她染咯于是就开始充当了半小时的美发师咯..... 一开始的我手忙脚乱的乱涂了一通还不时的吃了很多她发的炮弹呢不过慢慢的到后来就比较顺啦(没办法第一次嘛).....
终于在一团乱的情况下完成啦感觉还蛮得意的从完全不会到后来的完成..... 真是个不错的初体验啊过后还充当了洗头仔替老妈洗头咯哈哈哈哈哈..... 还不错啦不过被老妈和老妹亏说不适合美发业啦..... 我也是这么想的而且我很没创意的不会设计发型就连自己的头发都要发型师替我设计哈哈哈哈哈.....
就这样啦也没什么特别的想说了只是又花了我一个多小时的时间来完成这篇blog咯..... 习惯了每次写华语的就是需要那么长的时间咯..... 没办法华语拼音真的很难需要花很多时间去找嘛哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 不过下次会改进的啦请大家多见谅哦.....
起了个大早其实也没很早啦我想应该是9点多了吧..... 然后就开始对着电脑一直到午饭时间咯没办法要写blog嘛..... 吃完饭继续坐在电脑前继续玩咯没事做嘛快闷死了哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 那时还看了些有关飞行学校的质询咯想多了解有关申请方法不然到是什么都不懂嘛.....
看了好久一段时间还是没什么头绪咯没办法下次得找朋友帮忙了..... 3点半了接到老妈打回家的电话要我去载她回家来准备冬至晚餐..... 当然答应了她然后关了电脑后就出去载她咯..... 没她回来准备的话今晚就没有美味的菜肴可以享用啦.....
一到家换了件很朴素的衣服后就往厨房里去开始忙个不停啦..... 本来想帮她处理点别的事不过一开了电视就不知觉的想睡觉啦..... 一睡就是两个小时后的晚餐时间啦结果什么忙也没帮到(没办法嘛电视是我的死穴)..... 一开了就会想睡觉哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
昨晚的晚餐还是像平常佳节的一样丰富咯..... 有肉有菜也有汤咯就像家常便饭一样因为不想浪费钱到外面的场馆去吃..... 不过我妈的手艺已经可以和外面的餐馆厨师有的比啦甚至还不会输呢..... 这就是她厉害的地方每次我们都会叫她开间餐厅做生意不过太累了不适合她啦.....
吃完晚餐就继续的看电视咯不过没睡着啦没那么会睡啦哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 而我妈就忙着收拾她的厨房啦洗碗啦还有一些很琐碎的家务事咯没办法她跟我一样有很严重的洁癖啦不喜欢看到家里有那么一点的肮脏咯(所谓有其母必有其子嘛哈哈哈哈哈).....
终于忙完了所有的家务事啦这时的她又开始忙啦..... 想自己染头发所以又开始忙了起来咯东涂涂西抹抹的应该有弄了快半个小时了吧..... 因为后面的头发看不到所以她就叫我帮她染咯于是就开始充当了半小时的美发师咯..... 一开始的我手忙脚乱的乱涂了一通还不时的吃了很多她发的炮弹呢不过慢慢的到后来就比较顺啦(没办法第一次嘛).....
终于在一团乱的情况下完成啦感觉还蛮得意的从完全不会到后来的完成..... 真是个不错的初体验啊过后还充当了洗头仔替老妈洗头咯哈哈哈哈哈..... 还不错啦不过被老妈和老妹亏说不适合美发业啦..... 我也是这么想的而且我很没创意的不会设计发型就连自己的头发都要发型师替我设计哈哈哈哈哈.....
就这样啦也没什么特别的想说了只是又花了我一个多小时的时间来完成这篇blog咯..... 习惯了每次写华语的就是需要那么长的时间咯..... 没办法华语拼音真的很难需要花很多时间去找嘛哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 不过下次会改进的啦请大家多见谅哦.....
说到昨天的事哦让我想下该从哪开始讲吧..... 那就从早上的约会开始吧(别误会不是跟女朋友约会啦而且我还单身没有女朋友)..... 是和一些很久没见的朋友约在一起吃早餐罢了..... 约好9点在Aloha碰面的不过前一天就通知朋友说会迟到一些啦.....
载我妈去上班后就到Esther家去载了她然后再载我妹到学校去后才和朋友们会面咯(好忙的一早哈哈哈哈哈)..... 不过到了之后才发现原来我们俩还不是最慢的咯因为还有两个朋友还没到呢..... 那两个足足慢了半个小时多了吧(没办法其中一个的家跟我家差不多远).....
不等他们啦所以就自己跑去点了一份潮州馃条和一杯的冰奶茶来垫垫肚子因为真的太饿了..... 等了好久他们终于到啦而我也吃完了第一份的早餐..... 觉得还有点俄所以又跑去点了一份煎饼来吃咯..... 早上的我可是个大胃王叻.....
吃完早餐就到学校走了一圈咯然后就到朋友家去等了一下因为还没决定要去那里玩咯..... 最后决定好到Delta Mall附近的cafe去探望另一位正在忙着帮忙父母打理生意的朋友咯..... 在那里呆了好长一段时间咯没地方去了嘛..... 过后就回到Delta Mall里逛了一圈后就回家咯(当了一早的女中宝终于可以摆脱了哈哈哈哈哈).....
到了家就开始update了3篇的blog咯..... 没想到一篇既然花了我一个小时的时间才完成叻(没办法太久没写华语了需要时间想拼音)..... 过后就洗澡换衣为晚上的另一个约会做准备啦(还是和朋友一起啦)..... 约好了6点半在京都戏院碰面咯.....
6点就开车出去在乐Georgina和Esther然后就前往戏院啦..... 真得很感谢上帝的帮助让我找到了好车位不用地到很远的地方咯..... 昨晚选了一部叫"十月围城"的中文戏看咯..... 还蛮好看的卡斯阵容也很强大哦个个都是大明新咯.....
电影述说中国在策划革命时期的故事咯..... 中国数位英雄为了保护孙中山来到香港策划革命而纷纷牺牲的悲惨故事咯..... 这部电影我给与很高的评价咯也很佩服当时那些英雄为中国的改革作出那么多的牺牲咯所以大家有空要去看哦.....
看完电影我们就到Uncle Don去喝茶咯..... 那里的气氛很想在Cafe Cafe的感觉咯环境很烂漫而且还很复古咯(很适合男女拍拖时的好去处)..... 我点了两球的香草及巧克力的冰淇淋咯味道是还不错啦 跟平常得没两样咯..... 不过结账时我后悔了没点食物咯因为没想到朋友说要请我们吃咯(咳没关系啦下次还有机会的哈哈哈哈哈).....
就这样昨天的两场约会结束啦..... 不懂几时还会有机会再见面咯不过我想很快了吧因为朋友们没那么快回到国外读书啦..... 所以很期待哪一天的到来哦.....
载我妈去上班后就到Esther家去载了她然后再载我妹到学校去后才和朋友们会面咯(好忙的一早哈哈哈哈哈)..... 不过到了之后才发现原来我们俩还不是最慢的咯因为还有两个朋友还没到呢..... 那两个足足慢了半个小时多了吧(没办法其中一个的家跟我家差不多远).....
不等他们啦所以就自己跑去点了一份潮州馃条和一杯的冰奶茶来垫垫肚子因为真的太饿了..... 等了好久他们终于到啦而我也吃完了第一份的早餐..... 觉得还有点俄所以又跑去点了一份煎饼来吃咯..... 早上的我可是个大胃王叻.....
吃完早餐就到学校走了一圈咯然后就到朋友家去等了一下因为还没决定要去那里玩咯..... 最后决定好到Delta Mall附近的cafe去探望另一位正在忙着帮忙父母打理生意的朋友咯..... 在那里呆了好长一段时间咯没地方去了嘛..... 过后就回到Delta Mall里逛了一圈后就回家咯(当了一早的女中宝终于可以摆脱了哈哈哈哈哈).....
到了家就开始update了3篇的blog咯..... 没想到一篇既然花了我一个小时的时间才完成叻(没办法太久没写华语了需要时间想拼音)..... 过后就洗澡换衣为晚上的另一个约会做准备啦(还是和朋友一起啦)..... 约好了6点半在京都戏院碰面咯.....
6点就开车出去在乐Georgina和Esther然后就前往戏院啦..... 真得很感谢上帝的帮助让我找到了好车位不用地到很远的地方咯..... 昨晚选了一部叫"十月围城"的中文戏看咯..... 还蛮好看的卡斯阵容也很强大哦个个都是大明新咯.....
电影述说中国在策划革命时期的故事咯..... 中国数位英雄为了保护孙中山来到香港策划革命而纷纷牺牲的悲惨故事咯..... 这部电影我给与很高的评价咯也很佩服当时那些英雄为中国的改革作出那么多的牺牲咯所以大家有空要去看哦.....
看完电影我们就到Uncle Don去喝茶咯..... 那里的气氛很想在Cafe Cafe的感觉咯环境很烂漫而且还很复古咯(很适合男女拍拖时的好去处)..... 我点了两球的香草及巧克力的冰淇淋咯味道是还不错啦 跟平常得没两样咯..... 不过结账时我后悔了没点食物咯因为没想到朋友说要请我们吃咯(咳没关系啦下次还有机会的哈哈哈哈哈).....
就这样昨天的两场约会结束啦..... 不懂几时还会有机会再见面咯不过我想很快了吧因为朋友们没那么快回到国外读书啦..... 所以很期待哪一天的到来哦.....
Monday, December 21, 2009
昨天早上一大早就到圣堂去参加崇拜啦..... 由于下雨的关系所以耀杰(带我参加教堂活动及团契的主谋)就托我载他一程咯..... 到他家已经6.45am了上了车就飞奔到教堂去咯因为怕迟到嘛..... 到了教堂应该是6.55am了吧.....
崇拜7点开始一直到8.30am结束咯..... 过后本来想和崇拜的朋友们去吃早餐的不过最后全都跑去拍脱了留下我一个人(没办法不想当电灯泡)..... 所以就跑到宣教楼去找耀杰咯..... 刚好在半路上遇到他和他的女友还有一些主日学的小老师所以就约了一起去教堂附近吃'curry kampua'咯.....
吃面的时候发生了很多的趣事啦他们每个都很有趣咯..... 不过我也不逊色啦因为我还有本事搞了一些很冷的事让大家都在桌上画起圈圈了(==)..... 认识了很多新朋友不过都在学校见过面啦只是很少交谈有的却从来没交谈过..... 所以昨天是正式的认识咯.....
因为之前已经答应耀杰昨天要到主日学去帮忙了所以吃好面大家就一起回到宣教楼去准备游戏咯..... 原来昨天主日学正在办游戏关卡比赛所以需要更多的老师来帮忙咯..... 不过我最后没跟耀杰一组啦因为他已经有女朋友帮忙啦而我则是去帮忙莉菁咯.....
我们负责的游戏关卡名叫'show一下'也就是小朋友要踩破装有经文字条的气球然后用比手画脚的方式将经文的内容表达出来让其它的小朋友来猜咯..... 每答对一题就有5分而答对6题或以上的队伍就会有50分的bonus mark.....
我和莉菁负责的是小树A班也就是一年级到三年级A的班级咯..... 不过到最后也分不清楚了因为有太多班了只知道忙个没完就是了..... 哈哈哈哈哈..... 小朋友们都很可爱也很聪明咯一比就能很容易的猜出对友所要表达的字咯..... 不过有些太难的还是得靠我们这些老师的帮忙啦.....
和小朋友一起玩真的很开心而且我也认识了一位很可爱的小男孩咯..... 因为我很少和小朋友打交道毕竟我家里没有比我妹更小的弟妹了而且我妹不喜欢小孩子咯..... 所以很自然的也很少和小朋友有接触咯.....
游戏结束了所有的小朋友也回到Hall A去准备回家了..... 而我们这些负责游戏的关主们就得收拾干净所有的垃圾后才可以回咯..... 这个初体验我还蛮喜欢的也希望有机会可以让我有这份恩赐让我能加入主日学老师的团队来进行服侍工作咯..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
崇拜7点开始一直到8.30am结束咯..... 过后本来想和崇拜的朋友们去吃早餐的不过最后全都跑去拍脱了留下我一个人(没办法不想当电灯泡)..... 所以就跑到宣教楼去找耀杰咯..... 刚好在半路上遇到他和他的女友还有一些主日学的小老师所以就约了一起去教堂附近吃'curry kampua'咯.....
吃面的时候发生了很多的趣事啦他们每个都很有趣咯..... 不过我也不逊色啦因为我还有本事搞了一些很冷的事让大家都在桌上画起圈圈了(==)..... 认识了很多新朋友不过都在学校见过面啦只是很少交谈有的却从来没交谈过..... 所以昨天是正式的认识咯.....
因为之前已经答应耀杰昨天要到主日学去帮忙了所以吃好面大家就一起回到宣教楼去准备游戏咯..... 原来昨天主日学正在办游戏关卡比赛所以需要更多的老师来帮忙咯..... 不过我最后没跟耀杰一组啦因为他已经有女朋友帮忙啦而我则是去帮忙莉菁咯.....
我们负责的游戏关卡名叫'show一下'也就是小朋友要踩破装有经文字条的气球然后用比手画脚的方式将经文的内容表达出来让其它的小朋友来猜咯..... 每答对一题就有5分而答对6题或以上的队伍就会有50分的bonus mark.....
我和莉菁负责的是小树A班也就是一年级到三年级A的班级咯..... 不过到最后也分不清楚了因为有太多班了只知道忙个没完就是了..... 哈哈哈哈哈..... 小朋友们都很可爱也很聪明咯一比就能很容易的猜出对友所要表达的字咯..... 不过有些太难的还是得靠我们这些老师的帮忙啦.....
和小朋友一起玩真的很开心而且我也认识了一位很可爱的小男孩咯..... 因为我很少和小朋友打交道毕竟我家里没有比我妹更小的弟妹了而且我妹不喜欢小孩子咯..... 所以很自然的也很少和小朋友有接触咯.....
游戏结束了所有的小朋友也回到Hall A去准备回家了..... 而我们这些负责游戏的关主们就得收拾干净所有的垃圾后才可以回咯..... 这个初体验我还蛮喜欢的也希望有机会可以让我有这份恩赐让我能加入主日学老师的团队来进行服侍工作咯..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
星期六(19/12/09), 是一年一度的联合报佳音..... 也是我第一年以青团团员的身份参加今年的游行咯..... 福原堂今年参加游行的人数还是很多咯一眼望去都是穿着红色堂服的会友及个个团契的团员咯..... 场面好像是在电视里看到的"红杉军"出来示威一样..... 哈哈哈哈哈.....
我们每个人在5.45pm都到圣堂隔壁的富雅各广场集合咯..... 然后在牧师的带领下唱了诗歌和祷告后就到诗巫广场去了..... 在一系列的开幕及闭幕仪式后游行终于在晚上7点正式开始了..... 不过就在这时候开始下雨了.....
我在没办法之下只好跑回圣堂的停车场里拿了两把的雨伞回到广场..... 我将一把比较大的雨伞借给了两个也是青团的女生然后自己拿着另一把小的咯..... 雨越下越大不过我们还是没放弃继续的坚持要参加这场的游行.....
终于轮到我们福原堂的队伍开始步行到街上去了..... 在花车还有堂会女少年军乐队的带领下我们都走到了街上向街上的人报佳音..... 雨慢慢的变小了大家都把雨伞收了起来然后继续的步行在街道上.....
真的很感谢上帝一路上的带领让我们福原堂全体会友及团契团员们都能顺利的走完这短暂的一段路将耶稣降临的好消息传给大家知道让诗巫这个城市充满了圣诞气氛..... 当天晚上的游行很顺利的在晚上9点结束了..... 而这时的雨也停了在广场的表演还是继续着一直到晚上的10点在结束.....
参加好这么有意义的游行后我和朋友们就到百盛去逛了一圈..... 接下来他们去吃东西而我则回到家里休息因为真的很累了..... 因为下雨的关系我的球鞋湿透了所以拿去晒啦..... 回到家冲个澡后就帮老妈弄了一点汤圆当宵夜咯.....
就这样很有意义的一个晚上结束了..... 希望明年的联合报佳音我还能有机会参加就算下雨我还是会继续参加的因为一年一次的机会绝对不可以放过..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
我们每个人在5.45pm都到圣堂隔壁的富雅各广场集合咯..... 然后在牧师的带领下唱了诗歌和祷告后就到诗巫广场去了..... 在一系列的开幕及闭幕仪式后游行终于在晚上7点正式开始了..... 不过就在这时候开始下雨了.....
我在没办法之下只好跑回圣堂的停车场里拿了两把的雨伞回到广场..... 我将一把比较大的雨伞借给了两个也是青团的女生然后自己拿着另一把小的咯..... 雨越下越大不过我们还是没放弃继续的坚持要参加这场的游行.....
终于轮到我们福原堂的队伍开始步行到街上去了..... 在花车还有堂会女少年军乐队的带领下我们都走到了街上向街上的人报佳音..... 雨慢慢的变小了大家都把雨伞收了起来然后继续的步行在街道上.....
真的很感谢上帝一路上的带领让我们福原堂全体会友及团契团员们都能顺利的走完这短暂的一段路将耶稣降临的好消息传给大家知道让诗巫这个城市充满了圣诞气氛..... 当天晚上的游行很顺利的在晚上9点结束了..... 而这时的雨也停了在广场的表演还是继续着一直到晚上的10点在结束.....
参加好这么有意义的游行后我和朋友们就到百盛去逛了一圈..... 接下来他们去吃东西而我则回到家里休息因为真的很累了..... 因为下雨的关系我的球鞋湿透了所以拿去晒啦..... 回到家冲个澡后就帮老妈弄了一点汤圆当宵夜咯.....
就这样很有意义的一个晚上结束了..... 希望明年的联合报佳音我还能有机会参加就算下雨我还是会继续参加的因为一年一次的机会绝对不可以放过..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
好久又没update我的blog了所以曾今天有空就来说说上星期发生的一些事吧..... 上星期五(18/12/09)在朋友的邀请还有带领下去参加了今年最后一次的青团也是我人生中第一次的青团聚会啦..... 其实在这之前已经有想过要去参加了不过刚好遇到考试时间所以就答应朋友在考试后才去咯.....
当晚的主题是"福音茶会"咯..... 很特别也很有气氛因为青团的委员们把祷告室布置成像餐厅一样咯..... 而且还帮它取了个名字叫"Carol Cafe"..... 当天晚上我大慨看了一下人数应该有超过上百人吧..... 每个人的脸上都带着笑容围在用纸箱布置好的小小桌子前咯.....
委员们也准备了很多的食物供所有前来参加聚会的弟兄姐妹们吃..... 真是辛苦了各位为我们做了那么多很好吃的食物而且还准备了很多动听的诗歌和很搞笑的戏剧让我们欣赏..... 在这里真得很感谢你们的付出让我在整个晚上的聚会都笑得很开心咯.....
委员们的分享还有发文牧师带来的分享都很感动咯..... 尤其是发文牧师说了很多有关他死后所准备要做的事咯..... 虽然觉得很不吉利啦不过还蛮有趣的逗得我们每个人都很开心咯..... 还有就是当晚我才觉得发文牧师和平常在崇拜时所看见的完全不一样耶.....
很快的聚会在晚上9点结束了..... 不过大家还是不舍得走咯想继续留在那里继续聊天咯..... 过后我和朋友到广场去看了圣诞树然后就回家咯..... 没事做了嘛..... 不够当天晚上的聚会真的很棒咯..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
当晚的主题是"福音茶会"咯..... 很特别也很有气氛因为青团的委员们把祷告室布置成像餐厅一样咯..... 而且还帮它取了个名字叫"Carol Cafe"..... 当天晚上我大慨看了一下人数应该有超过上百人吧..... 每个人的脸上都带着笑容围在用纸箱布置好的小小桌子前咯.....
委员们也准备了很多的食物供所有前来参加聚会的弟兄姐妹们吃..... 真是辛苦了各位为我们做了那么多很好吃的食物而且还准备了很多动听的诗歌和很搞笑的戏剧让我们欣赏..... 在这里真得很感谢你们的付出让我在整个晚上的聚会都笑得很开心咯.....
委员们的分享还有发文牧师带来的分享都很感动咯..... 尤其是发文牧师说了很多有关他死后所准备要做的事咯..... 虽然觉得很不吉利啦不过还蛮有趣的逗得我们每个人都很开心咯..... 还有就是当晚我才觉得发文牧师和平常在崇拜时所看见的完全不一样耶.....
很快的聚会在晚上9点结束了..... 不过大家还是不舍得走咯想继续留在那里继续聊天咯..... 过后我和朋友到广场去看了圣诞树然后就回家咯..... 没事做了嘛..... 不够当天晚上的聚会真的很棒咯..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
yesterday happy time.....
yesterday morning i meet wif my friend n go to his house for the whole day..... but b4 tat i need to fetch another 2 girls from other place n 4 of us go for our brunch=breakfast + lunch b4 we go to his house.....
i bring my sis de laptop go cz she din at home so i borrow it out to use lor..... hahahahaha..... reach kim shuh house n lend him my laptop 1st then fetch him go out n went to another girl(flora) de house to fetch her lor.....
after tat went to sch since i wan to meet principal to apply for temporary teacher as my job start from january next year..... write down my name, tel number n subject tat i can teach in his note book(hope tat he wont forget wher i write it ah).....
principal told me the staff will call me for an interview if there a vacancy so told me to wait untill next week lo..... while tis few days i stil can relax like being in the heaven..... hahahaha..... after tat we went to fetch another girl(karin) then went for our brunch at farley food corner lo.....
no place to go le n tat is the place most near kim shuh house lar..... i order honey bean n bubur telur sapi cost me rm6 lor..... not very nice the bubur cz too sticky ki..... not like tat kind de lor..... hahahaha..... nvm lar 1 year don knw gt how many times to go n eat ler..... hahahaha.....
after eating went to kim shuh house directly lo..... his house quite ok xia lar..... middle size lo cz apartment war wont be like banglo tat big lar..... but at least comfortable lor..... hahahaha..... then set up my laptop n start play lar.....
spend our whole day playing comp n gossip lor..... he teach me some skill of playing my online game n help me to do some of the quest lo..... on the other hand both the girl playing fb n msn lor..... tat the living style we hav after our exam war..... so realx.....
yesterday we go back during 5pm lor..... rain heavily so i force to drive very slow lor..... cant see the car in front war need to be more carefull..... me n flora went to sugarbun to buy some food for her sister n she oso chia me a chicken burger cz im fetching her home war..... hahahaha..... like tumbang taxi need to pay money ah..... hahahaha.....
finally reach home at abt 6pm lor..... eat my burger than start clean the fan tat my father order me to do few days back..... so dirty mo but need to clean it oso la if nt later gt bomb by him again lor.... finally done my cleaning n feel very tired ler.....
wan to sleep for a while but cant lar my mum coming back need to have my dinner wif her lar..... hahahaha..... usually i having my dinner 2gather wif my mum de but if she din at home i will eat lonely lo..... hahahaha.....
so tat the whole day i spend during yesterday lor..... tat all lar..... bb lar.....
i bring my sis de laptop go cz she din at home so i borrow it out to use lor..... hahahahaha..... reach kim shuh house n lend him my laptop 1st then fetch him go out n went to another girl(flora) de house to fetch her lor.....
after tat went to sch since i wan to meet principal to apply for temporary teacher as my job start from january next year..... write down my name, tel number n subject tat i can teach in his note book(hope tat he wont forget wher i write it ah).....
principal told me the staff will call me for an interview if there a vacancy so told me to wait untill next week lo..... while tis few days i stil can relax like being in the heaven..... hahahaha..... after tat we went to fetch another girl(karin) then went for our brunch at farley food corner lo.....
no place to go le n tat is the place most near kim shuh house lar..... i order honey bean n bubur telur sapi cost me rm6 lor..... not very nice the bubur cz too sticky ki..... not like tat kind de lor..... hahahaha..... nvm lar 1 year don knw gt how many times to go n eat ler..... hahahaha.....
after eating went to kim shuh house directly lo..... his house quite ok xia lar..... middle size lo cz apartment war wont be like banglo tat big lar..... but at least comfortable lor..... hahahaha..... then set up my laptop n start play lar.....
spend our whole day playing comp n gossip lor..... he teach me some skill of playing my online game n help me to do some of the quest lo..... on the other hand both the girl playing fb n msn lor..... tat the living style we hav after our exam war..... so realx.....
yesterday we go back during 5pm lor..... rain heavily so i force to drive very slow lor..... cant see the car in front war need to be more carefull..... me n flora went to sugarbun to buy some food for her sister n she oso chia me a chicken burger cz im fetching her home war..... hahahaha..... like tumbang taxi need to pay money ah..... hahahaha.....
finally reach home at abt 6pm lor..... eat my burger than start clean the fan tat my father order me to do few days back..... so dirty mo but need to clean it oso la if nt later gt bomb by him again lor.... finally done my cleaning n feel very tired ler.....
wan to sleep for a while but cant lar my mum coming back need to have my dinner wif her lar..... hahahaha..... usually i having my dinner 2gather wif my mum de but if she din at home i will eat lonely lo..... hahahaha.....
so tat the whole day i spend during yesterday lor..... tat all lar..... bb lar.....
farewell party.....
last sunday still the same as my big day our class have a farewell party at ricky house lo..... but actually it cant be consider as farewell la cz the end of tis month we have another very important dinner tat we can meet each other once again.....
after coming back from church i feel very tired cz last nite din sleep well so lay on the sofa n start sleep till afternoon abt 3pm jz wake up..... very hungry so eat 1 piece of currypuff tat bought tat morning.....
waiting for the time to come n go for my bath n ready to go to the party lor..... i went out 6pm lo cz the party will start on 6.30pm war..... fetch my friend 1st at her house n we go 2gather to ricky house..... tat nite i sesak for 2 times war..... cz it was my 1st time to go his house i don knw which way is the right way to go since he din told me more details abt his housing area lo.....
finally we reach ther on time or more early i forget le..... but sure din late la..... hahahahaha..... i saw many of his relatives n our class member lo..... all come 2gather n have dinner at his house war..... nice ah.....
the party start a bit late cz need to wait for all the friends n relatives to come..... finally at the end start la..... all of us start eating n gossiping lor..... tat nite really gt many pl bring girlfriend mo..... all pakto ah...... hahahahaha.....
the food ok lor..... quite nice xia cz order from restaurant de war but gt a bit cold lo..... i think should be the tauke of the restaurant listen wrong ki abt the time lo..... don knw lar but at least we still have many nice food to eat lor..... hahahahaha.....
after eating we start gossip again lo.... don knw wher to come so many topic can talk abt lor..... only din meet for 4 days nia then gt so many things to talk war..... hahahaha..... but good from the other side la cz we still very close de friend war can talk for so long period.....
finally at last we need go back lar cz very late nite ler..... i fetch my friend home then come back to my own home to start my 'work' again lar..... hahahahaha..... play till midnight ki mo but jz 12midnight lar..... nt so long time lar.....
so lastly thanks ricky for gather all of us up at ur house to have such a good n nice party..... n thanks to aunt n uncle who order the food for us..... we really appreciate n thanks to all of u..... hahahaha..... wish all of u have a nice holiday n happy always..... meet again soon lar.....
after coming back from church i feel very tired cz last nite din sleep well so lay on the sofa n start sleep till afternoon abt 3pm jz wake up..... very hungry so eat 1 piece of currypuff tat bought tat morning.....
waiting for the time to come n go for my bath n ready to go to the party lor..... i went out 6pm lo cz the party will start on 6.30pm war..... fetch my friend 1st at her house n we go 2gather to ricky house..... tat nite i sesak for 2 times war..... cz it was my 1st time to go his house i don knw which way is the right way to go since he din told me more details abt his housing area lo.....
finally we reach ther on time or more early i forget le..... but sure din late la..... hahahahaha..... i saw many of his relatives n our class member lo..... all come 2gather n have dinner at his house war..... nice ah.....
the party start a bit late cz need to wait for all the friends n relatives to come..... finally at the end start la..... all of us start eating n gossiping lor..... tat nite really gt many pl bring girlfriend mo..... all pakto ah...... hahahahaha.....
the food ok lor..... quite nice xia cz order from restaurant de war but gt a bit cold lo..... i think should be the tauke of the restaurant listen wrong ki abt the time lo..... don knw lar but at least we still have many nice food to eat lor..... hahahahaha.....
after eating we start gossip again lo.... don knw wher to come so many topic can talk abt lor..... only din meet for 4 days nia then gt so many things to talk war..... hahahaha..... but good from the other side la cz we still very close de friend war can talk for so long period.....
finally at last we need go back lar cz very late nite ler..... i fetch my friend home then come back to my own home to start my 'work' again lar..... hahahahaha..... play till midnight ki mo but jz 12midnight lar..... nt so long time lar.....
so lastly thanks ricky for gather all of us up at ur house to have such a good n nice party..... n thanks to aunt n uncle who order the food for us..... we really appreciate n thanks to all of u..... hahahaha..... wish all of u have a nice holiday n happy always..... meet again soon lar.....
sunday big day.....
sori ah..... din post my blog during past few days cz im busying doing my 'work'=online game..... usually ther is ntg very special for u guys i think but i think it was very meaningful for me lo..... abt last sunday(13/12/09)..... tat day should me my big day cz im having my 受洗n入会at the church lo.....
don knw y i cant sleep for the whole nite b4 the day coming lor..... i think sholud be too excited n too high ki cz finally i finish my course for tat special event which take 4 months to finish it all war..... now i can consider a pure christian la..... hahaha.....
tat day morning wake up very early as i say cant sleep for the whole nite then jz wake up lo.... ready up myself n wake for my sis lor..... then 6.30am go church directly n arrive abt 6.40am cz not much car during tat early time war..... all going very smooth de.....
i have been arrange to sit in the most front seat while the others tat same as me oso sit on the most front seat lor.... finally start our mess like usual sing some song n listen to the performance tat brought to us by church de choir la.....
next should be my turn to undergo the 受洗n入会event la..... all the event going very smoothly n we r welcome by all the church member war..... n 1 of the most happy thing is i manage to shake hand wif 1 of the sibu dato ler..... nice n feel great ah.....
after a short event like tat i finally recieve my cert lar..... tat was a very important cert to prove me as a christian n im 1 of the member of my church..... really thank to every1 tat welcome me n thanks to my friend tat support me n give me so much care.....
last but nt least really thanks to god tat bring me back to church after i have leave the church life for almost 6 years..... really thanks to god tat give me such a good opportunity tat can let me join the church activity once again.....
don knw y i cant sleep for the whole nite b4 the day coming lor..... i think sholud be too excited n too high ki cz finally i finish my course for tat special event which take 4 months to finish it all war..... now i can consider a pure christian la..... hahaha.....
tat day morning wake up very early as i say cant sleep for the whole nite then jz wake up lo.... ready up myself n wake for my sis lor..... then 6.30am go church directly n arrive abt 6.40am cz not much car during tat early time war..... all going very smooth de.....
i have been arrange to sit in the most front seat while the others tat same as me oso sit on the most front seat lor.... finally start our mess like usual sing some song n listen to the performance tat brought to us by church de choir la.....
next should be my turn to undergo the 受洗n入会event la..... all the event going very smoothly n we r welcome by all the church member war..... n 1 of the most happy thing is i manage to shake hand wif 1 of the sibu dato ler..... nice n feel great ah.....
after a short event like tat i finally recieve my cert lar..... tat was a very important cert to prove me as a christian n im 1 of the member of my church..... really thank to every1 tat welcome me n thanks to my friend tat support me n give me so much care.....
last but nt least really thanks to god tat bring me back to church after i have leave the church life for almost 6 years..... really thanks to god tat give me such a good opportunity tat can let me join the church activity once again.....
Friday, December 11, 2009
wah hahaha.... my big day come lor.....
wa hahahahaha.... finally finish my last paper de exam yesterday lar..... really excited n feel sad lo.... cz 7 years de secondary sch life finally end le..... need to seperate wif all my beloved friend la..... yesterday is our last day meet at sch lar..... but outside the sch still can meet lar....
yesterday so happy ler.... we all wait for the time 4pm to come since our last paper start in the afternoon while sc stream start in the morning time..... but actually is quite fair lo..... cz finish on the same day war.... if nt me now still eating my book lo..... wont write any post here le.....
3 weeks of evil day finally leave me alone lar.... no 1 can force me to study tis or tat lar.... now is my holiday time war.... i want to do watever things tat i like during tis 6 and half months de holiday..... but start from next month im going for work ler..... if not no money can use to buy the things tat i like lor.....
my friend all start find jobs le war.... but me still here play comp n write blog lor..... hahahahaha.... nvm war.... still half month to go n i need a rest 1st only then just go a job lo.... actually wat im going to apply im also nt very sure ler..... jz got wat job then do wat lor....
tat all for 2day lar.... tis coming sunday will be my another big day lar.... hahahaha....
yesterday so happy ler.... we all wait for the time 4pm to come since our last paper start in the afternoon while sc stream start in the morning time..... but actually is quite fair lo..... cz finish on the same day war.... if nt me now still eating my book lo..... wont write any post here le.....
3 weeks of evil day finally leave me alone lar.... no 1 can force me to study tis or tat lar.... now is my holiday time war.... i want to do watever things tat i like during tis 6 and half months de holiday..... but start from next month im going for work ler..... if not no money can use to buy the things tat i like lor.....
my friend all start find jobs le war.... but me still here play comp n write blog lor..... hahahahaha.... nvm war.... still half month to go n i need a rest 1st only then just go a job lo.... actually wat im going to apply im also nt very sure ler..... jz got wat job then do wat lor....
tat all for 2day lar.... tis coming sunday will be my another big day lar.... hahahaha....
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