Sunday, October 31, 2010

sem 1 finish lar.....

finally my semester 1 at UMS has come to an end lar..... n for me it was a very meaningful semester with all those happiness and sadness im facing all those time..... actually i really don know how can i survive from all those difficulties but im doing it quite well and din let myself disappointed..... that's the main point lar.....

last week finish all my assignment and presentation feel like finally i can relax and sit down to start my revision for my final exam...... quite good for me as i still hav 1 more week for me to prepare for the exam as i know im going to pass all my papers for semester 1.....

n yesterday which was the last assignment for me and for all my fencing mate..... we are having the co-cum carnival at Canselor Hall which start from 8am until late night about 11.30pm..... we start preparing and do some decoration before the day......

as for us the main purpose is to provide as much information of fencing to those who don't have a chance to join fencing and let them try out the fencing fighting..... set up our booth with all those weapon and armor plus the wiring system.....

actually for me i use to do all those technical things because im the head of technical and equipment department and i need to settle all those technical and equipment that appear to have problem..... that's the main job for me.....

as my mother says, she told me to find something that im interested in and put in my effort to do it as good as i can..... n now i found it and i have try my best to giving out all my effort to manage all those things in proper way and in good condition.....

as time goes by, i think i start to love this sport and yesterday i manage to get my 2 upgrading cert which i score quite good as the coach told me im in the middle line and still can be improve..... fell happy and appreciate as i can meet with all those nice and good fencing mate and i think we will continue and fencing life for the few semester as we still studying in UMS.....

so end of the carnival we have a small celebration with our beloved coach and a group photo with all the first year fencers..... nice memory and last but not least tidy up all the things and sent back to hostel by our coach..... just want to say coach thanks lar..... we will meet up again someday and maybe we will do a big celebration for all of us.....

that's all from me lar.... thanks and bye..... missing u guys.....

Monday, October 25, 2010

finish presentation..... nice job guys.....

after busy for two days for the fencing competition, now is the time to do the preparation for our presentation this morning which is a long period presentation that need us to present our view in 1 hour time.....

actually it was tough for us as we never present our assignment in such a long time..... busying prepare all the things in just 8 hours without any stop last night as we have planed so many things and yet we need to combine all those info in such a short period of time.....

feeling stress and depress especially for me as im so tired because of the fencing competition preparation and the tournament..... luckily i have all those good and strong group member who help me to cover most of the things and let me do the video editing work.....

for them im the best person to solve all those technical things and i admit im quite good on it..... so for me doing all those editing was just suitable for me just a bit tired the whole night just look at the laptop and concentrate on all those video record and sound recording.....

tat was killing me as im gonna finish it in a very short time and cant even show the best results but im happy all my group member was able to accept my work..... besides, i hav a special job that is acting as a very depress students as we gonna present a short drama during our presentation.....

so our presentation start at 9am as our first speaker (our group leader) start to introduce all of us..... follow by the introduction then history, significance, drama, survey, Q&A, video and finally the conclusion..... finish in time as it was the most pack presentation we have.....

good to have praise from our beloved lecturer as we put in so much effort for our presentation and according to him we manage to get high marks for our presentation..... dare to try is our main reason as the creativity we have never end and keep on going for the next presentation.....

so congratulation to all of us "the golden group" as our passion on doing this assignment..... thanks to all of u who given all ur contribution in the presentation and all those paper work..... tat's all from me lar..... signing off bye.....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

fencing competition.....

yesterday which consider as our big day for all fencers as we r having the fencing close competition at our university..... preparing for almost 1 month finally the competition goes on yesterday from 7am to 11pm war.....

but that's the time we end our competition only lo..... beside we need to tidy up all the things especially all those technical materials and apparatus which we use it for the competition..... before this we have many things to do especially me myself as the head of technical and equipment department, i need to borrow many things for instance mic, amplifier and all those sword and jackets from different way.....

but luckily i have all those group member and our beloved president of the competition who are willing to help me if not im gonna die if im the one who do those things alone..... before the competition starts, we get to the venue and start setting up all the things.....

that's killing me as i need to set up all those stupid stuff and get ready all those equipments on position before the competition day..... all i need to do is to polish all the weapon we gonna use and check all those cable and machine as they are functioning well and in good condition.....

thanks to all those committee members from other department with your help to settle all those complicated stuff with me..... settle all those things by the time of 1am midnight n directly go back to my room after a tired work..... bath first then sleep till the next day.....

6.15am which i was suppose to wake up and yet i off my alarm and continue to sleep until 7am which all of us gonna gather and the competition venue to start our event..... unfortunately we only can start by the time of 8.30am since we face many problem before it which make me a b it disappointed at the beginning.....

never thought that this gonna happen when the device not functioning as before the competition it still can be use as i try it many time..... so for the men's foil we need to wait for the replacement to come before the competition goes on.....

whereas for women's epee, we start exactly at time and the competition run smoothly as all the fencers get ready in their position and run the competition smppthly..... glad to have their cooperation as i cant do it all by myself and it was a fantastic competition.....

next goes to men's foil where we start a bit late as the repacement wire have just come at the time of 9am..... set up again and directly starts the competition with all fencers get ready in the position..... im in the third pole of the competition which need to wait for a long period of time before my turn to compete.....

during the men's foil competition, i get to compete with my friend from DT department and my classmate last time which im glad to fence with them..... nice experience as i never spar before and it was my first time competing in a competition like this.....

good to say that im winning 3 out of 5 matches and qualify me to the next round..... keep going to work for technical part as i need to care about all those equipment and jackets and all those machine as it was all under my responsible.....

non stop working and running here and there once i heard my name been call here and there for help for the technical enquiries..... finish my competiton by the time of 2pm and that's the time i start to rest for a while but it seem like i have no time to rest and continue to work and compete for men's epee for the third pole also.....

this time the opponent was different from the past as im going to fence with our beloved mr. president and once again im qualify to the next round after winning for 2 matches out of 5 matches..... epee for me are more easy than foil because we can poke anyway we like as that's the rule.....

rest for awhile after my epee competition and hav some tea break before continue to work as a mcees after that..... actually the mcees job was too easy for me but i just manage to do it for half hour as it was too boring for me..... nevertheless, i went back to my own department and continue my work on technical side.....

after some time all those who qualify for the next round competition are gather and giving a briefing before the competition starts..... all the fencers get ready themself and without wasting any time we manage to finish all the competition by 10.30pm and end the competition with finalist and champion for the competition for different catagories.....

closing ceremony and prize giving time and finally the photo taking time as we all feel happy and get to know each other more deeply and gain more and more experience on fencing about the rule and regulation..... for me i get to know more about how to fix all those technical problem and settle all the technical things that we face during the competition.....

as the conclusion i feel happy and meaninigful as i get to know more friend and team mate as we can work together to organize an competition smoothly..... last but not least thanks to all the fencers and wish all of us can pass the upgrading having yesterday afternoon and continue training as to become a good fencers..... love fencing.....

tat's all la..... bye.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010



Sunday, October 17, 2010






Saturday, October 9, 2010


听潘裕文的夏雨诗感觉突然来了所以写了这篇部落格啦..... 心情有点混乱不知自己为什么突然变成这个样子难道是接了昨晚的电话后吗..... 有时我在想为什么这个世界上会有那么多的为什么难道就没有人能解决那些所谓的为什么吗..... 这个问题可能难倒了很多人吧就连我自己都没办法解决也无法回答.....

前几天想起了她好像很久没有关心她了而且很久没听到她的声音了心头突然出现一种冲动的感觉一直想打电话给她不过看了时间觉得还是算了吧..... 怕自己不懂想说什么更怕两个会因为某些事而觉得尴尬毕竟她对我的感觉和我对她的感觉并不同.....

有时我在想啊如果我真的打电话给她了我们之间会有什么话题可以聊呢??..... 我是个很纳闷的人所以很多事后我都慢个半拍忧其是在表达情绪或感觉的那方面..... 那就是我最大的败笔啦很多人并不名到为什么我会这样可能是和我的星座有关吧..... 金牛座的男生是这样的啦神经总是比较爱大条什么东西都丢三落四的.....

说回昨晚的事吧其实对我来说那已经是一件很平常的事了就常常会发生在我身上的事咯..... 对我来说可能我真的没那个命把什么是很像都得跟着家人为我铺好的路走一样什么事都得跟着他们的喜好去办..... 难道我就不能有我自己想要的生活吗这种按着你们安排好的路走的生活我已经过腻了也不想再这样过下去.....

有时我在想啊是不时我太乖了从来没有反对过你们的所做的决定也很没什么主见..... 所以才这样一次又一次的让我失望把我从高高的地方往下摔跌得粉身碎骨..... 从小开始所有的事都由家人做决定我没有反驳的机会就算是我不喜欢的我都逼着自己去做因为我不想造成他们的困扰..... 如今我长大了20岁了感觉上还是被逼着去做我不喜欢的事.....

这种感觉就如同我还是个小孩一样不懂得照顾自己需要家人的照顾..... 我明白也知道家人对孩子的看法总是不一样凡是孩子想做的事他们都会认为那是不对的那真的是对孩子好的方法吗?? 我不敢肯定这个问题因为在我的人生中从来就没违反过家人的旨意..... 他们所说的一切就像圣旨一样没人敢反抗.....

有时我在想啊如果今天我违反了家人口中所谓的圣旨那会怎么样呢?? 可能那时我才能脱离家人的束缚吧对于他们所做的有时很对有时我不认同真的好复杂..... 没办法抓到他们想表达的一切更不明白那到底是在帮我还是有着别的意义.....

.......... end

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


刚回来的那个星期天去了一个算是不错的岛吧..... 不知道该怎么形容咯因为这是我第二次出海到岛上去玩而且是和一群不是很熟的朋友一起咯..... 基本上来到大学就是这样的吗认识新的朋友和他们搞成一团就是主要的宗旨.....

5点起床准备是我来到大学后的第二次, 至于第一次是在刚开学的那个新生期间的第一天..... 之后呢就没有再那么早起来过了, 其实早期对我来说真的很痛苦的因为我是个很守时的人所以约定了什么时间就是什么时间绝对不会迟到不过偶尔还是会啦.....

6点早上在巴士站等着巴士的到来又是另一个折磨因为巴士真的很慢足足等了一个小时多才到咯..... 上了巴士到了码头然后搭着最早一班船到了目的地我们还租了浮潜工具咯..... 不过在那之前我们先要上完两堂的课才能好好的享受海边及海水的感觉.....

这次的家庭日主要是为了让我们能更了解对方而且也能透过这次的机会让我们能学到更多有关西洋剑的新知识咯..... 说起来这应改算是一中缘分吧大家能聚在一起而且还能相处得那么融洽真的觉得很难的咯..... 不过我们都得到了该有的知识咯这是值得开心的一件好事.....

结束了两堂课后就是自由时间的时候啦不过在那之前还是得填饱肚子后才能玩嘛..... 没在那里吃晚餐因为真的很贵而且在那种岛上比较多都是外国人所以那些事物就留给他们吧..... 对于那天的午餐没什么可挑剔的因为总比学校的好吃就是了所以满意.....

终于到了自由时间的时候啦大家都拿着早上租来的浮潜工具到海里去玩啦..... 当然我也不例外啦毕竟下海游泳是件很有挑战性的事儿且我还是那个没有穿救生衣就下海的那个家伙真的很大胆咯也很佩服自己的勇气咯.....

海底的生物真的很漂亮咯可能是我从来就没有亲眼看过真的海地世界吧所以对我来说真的很特别咯..... 在海里呆的时间久了觉得有点闷了而学姐们在这时也提议一起去玩个香蕉船于是二话不说立刻答应然后穿上了救生衣就到码头去等船只的到来.....

第一次玩香蕉船感觉上有点紧张其实不止一点而是很多点毕竟我们即将被甩进海中央..... 看着别人被甩到海里的感觉真的很开心很刺激也很迫不及待想玩咯..... 最后终于轮到我们几个好玩的家伙啦我们选择被甩两回合的方法好让我们能体验更多的刺激感.....

被甩到海里的感觉真的很舒服咯..... 因为可以看到海里的一些景观咯不过对我来说很像没看到任何东西咯因为那一瞬间真得太快了无法看到漂亮的海底景观..... 觉得有点可惜咯不过没关系啦在这里的时间还有很长我想几时去看都没问题的..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....

回到岸上表示是时候该回学校啦于是大家就准备好了一切冲凉的冲凉换衣的换衣..... 搞定了所有的事情后时间已经是旁晚的5点啦..... 最后一班船也到了牌了大合照于是大家就抱着又累又开心又不舍的心情回到了学校结束了家庭日

就酱啦..... 再见啦.....