Wednesday, June 30, 2010

scout family gathering.....

yesterday was the day i meet wif my children before i go for my study at Sabah lar..... we meet at pizza hut at about 7pm lo..... im going a bit late cause i have been cheat by someone that told me she din go..... this make me feel a bit sad and turn into emo for awhile.....

at last i still prepare up myself and fetch another friend who live near to my house and directly go and meet with them lar..... actually everything is fine and we have our dinner there and have some talk lo.....

the girl that make me emo appear before we start the farewell..... actually she have been arrive quite awhile just want to give me a big surprise..... really touch about that and thanks to all my friend who set a wonderful trick for me as im the only 1 who get cheated.....

having our nice and delicious pizza which order by me cause nobody gonna order it and the waitress are waiting for us so long time..... cant wait for it so i take the order as most of them have no idea wat to eat lo.....

the dinner cause us about rm250 share by 16 people lo..... i think its quite expensive cause they change the policy by adding so much bla bla bla inside the bill and order in order to earn more money war..... but never mind lar 1 year 1 time..... hahahahaha

after that we have photo taking session and i have been taking photos wif all my child and friends lar..... the most important i have something that can leave it as part of my sweet memory before i go on.....

anyway really thanks to all of u and i promise i will come back more often to see u guys and wish all of u luck and be prepare lar..... hahahahaha

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

university stuff and class gathering....

yesterday was a busy day for me cause im going to settle all my uni stuff..... wake up early morning around 8am and prepare myself up and wait for my friend to come and pick me up..... our 1st destination will be going back to our mother school to wait for another friend who will me follow us 2gather.....

after that we went for urine test which is part of the body check up before went to polyclinic for another 2 phase of checking..... actually it was very easy but im going to explain here lar next time try by your own lar.... hahahahaha

next we are going to bank to pay for our school fees cause there is a expired date for it..... so we choose to pay through counter instead of online payment cause i think it will be more easy and more safe.....

finish paid for the school fees, next we are going to have our lunch at yummy cafe since we are so hungry cause didn't eat anythings during breakfast time..... busy of all the complicated things..... haiz.....

then we went to our next stop, photostat our cert and went back to school to find for qualify teachers to certify for us..... i cant think of i got so many cert need to certify and i really thanks to the teacher who helping me in doing this.....

the time shows 1.30pm and its time for us to go polyclinic to undergo another 2 phase of checking after taking the urine report..... reach polyclinic at about 1.50pm and we directly go and find the pathologist that well known by 1 of my friend's mother.....

without any waiting, we went to the registration counter and pay for the fees the directly went to where we suppose to go for our 1st phase of checking..... actually its just a very basic checking which cover our weight, height, eye sight and so on.....

after that going to the 2nd phase, taking X-ray for our lung..... simple phase done of all the checking..... the final will be seeking for the doctor signature to approve that we are healthy and qualify to enter the university.....

finish all the payment and checking and reach home around 4.30pm and i was so tired but need to be ready up for class gathering in the night time..... it was at 8.30pm and the place where we gather are Baba And Siam Cafe.....

a very nice and romantic restaurant which full of mystery and old style furnished..... there are 16 of us who attend for the class gathering with our beloved ex form teacher..... hahahaha..... we have a wonderful night there......

i think it wont be the last time we gather and i really hope we can meet like this and have a gathering again for the coming year so we wont forget each other..... keep in touch guys and wish u all a very good luck in ur future and study hard lar.....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

campfire night.....

it was my last day and the most memorial night for me yesterday before im leaving sibu here to further my study at sabah..... campfire which consider as the most important activity for scout movement wher all of us can enjoy singing, dancing, playing and get to know more new friends through this annual activity.....

as im the scout member for my former school, i had involve myself in this meaningful activity which consider as part of my sweet memory before im leaving here to start my new life at a new city.....

before the campfire night we had to built out the main gate, set up the spotlight, set up the campfire circle which is the most important part, set up the sound system and arrange the chairs for all of our guest.....

actually im just working as a supervisor which guide all the scout members what to do and how they should do to finish off all the set up in time..... basically we have finish it before the campfire start and thanks to everyone who involve in those set up.....

next should be the campfire night..... everything going on smoothly and this year i really happy to see that all the guest hu join us in this activity are well cooperative lo..... we had fun together and we had gain our relationship.....

1 more thing to share here is im involve in performing the welcoming dance for my last (maybe) campfire night and i also accompany my youngest son by singing a chinese song as he force me to accompany him lo..... hahahaha.....

is was a very wonderful night for me and i wont forget this meaningful campfire night as it was part of my sweet memory as a scout for 8 years..... and i will continue my scouting journey as i love it so much and the most important will be follow what the slogan have told us "Once A Scout, Always A Scout"......

last but not least thanks to all the scout members from different school, our own school's uniform group and thanks to all 3rd sibu scout members for giving me a very special campfire night and well done to all of u.....

that's all from me 2night lar.... bb and night everyone....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


昨天晚上我真的输了..... 输在亲情的攻势上因为他们把我彻底的瓦解了..... 没办法谁叫我家不是有钱人什么都得靠政府不过想清楚了也是啦我的梦想本来就遥不可及更别说什么想实现它..... 对于家人来说它们并没有反对我的梦想而是真的没有能力.....

我也非常了解这点不过就是很不甘心为什么总是要我做我不想做的事..... 不过经过一个晚上的思考我还是决定去大学了先拿张文凭再说至于我心中的梦想嘛我想我是不会放弃的..... 等大学毕业后我会继续往我的梦想前进.....

而且我姐也答应了等我毕业后我想干麻都可以只不过这种话我已经听了很多次希望她不会再开空头支票..... 还有我的父母也一样是他们要我到大学去的如果我真的不能接受我真的会回来的那时我就会一心往我的梦想去了没人能阻止的.....

不过我想应该很难咯因为我是家中出了名的固执..... 可能是因为我本身是金牛座而且还有着金牛座的个性吧所以就算遇到再难的事我也会忍气吞声将它熬过去的..... 所以一旦决定要完成某件事后我是没那么容易放弃的这点我可以保证.....

心理学系对我来说应该不算什么难事因为在业之前我总是替有疑难杂症的朋友解决了很多心理上的事..... 所以我尽我所能的发挥平常帮朋友解决问题的那种精神来完成大学3年的心理学课程..... 3年后的今天我想我应该已经顺利的毕业了并且能继续我未完成的梦想旅途.....

我会继续加油的毕竟那是我的未来不能就这么容易放弃这样并不像平时的我..... 平时的我可是个很坚强也很开朗的男生不能被这么小的事打败..... 我应该更开心的去面对眼前新的大学生活更努力完成我的学业证明给我的父母看让他们能心甘情愿的让我继续我的梦想.....

就酱咯..... 再见啦各位, 下次再聊咯.....

Monday, June 21, 2010


上个星期五本地大学的成绩公布了..... 不过我却没有任何特别的感觉而是我身边的朋友比我还紧张..... 没感觉的原因是我早就预料到我会中其中一间大学毕竟我的成绩不是很差..... 早上8点多就收到朋友发来的信息告诉我说成绩放榜了..... 那时的我还在学校忙着营会的事根本就没空去理会其它事.....

好心的朋友于是就发了封短信来说要自愿帮我查..... 后来我便把我的IC NO 给了他让他帮我查咯..... 而我则是继续我手摆弄还没完成的功作咯也没理会别的事了..... 过了不久信息又来了, 打开一看是刚刚那位朋友发来的里面写着'Hii Yu Ing, Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi UMS'.....

因为那时在忙着评分所以看了一眼就不理了然后就继续我的事..... 终于忙好了一切的事后再打开电话里的信息看个清楚, 真的没看错是我的名字而在往后看一看是我所选的科系而且还是第一个选择.....

这是心里突然出现一种很奇怪的感觉不过那肯定不是开心的感觉..... 不知道该怎么去形容这种感觉是伤心或是怎么样我没办法辨认..... 总之就是很复杂就是了而这种感觉就留在我的心里一直无法消失..... 真搞不懂为什么会变成这样.....

回到家这种感觉更是强烈让我有几度想哭可是却怎么也哭不出来..... 可能是压力吧很多时候家人对我说话我都选择不回答保持沉默就连对他们说话的时间也少了..... 家里的气氛便得很凝重也很尴尬因为我的沉默.....

于是我选择留在学校里毕竟在学校还可以见到一帮的好朋友能够让我放松下心情让压力能够见少点..... 那是其中一个原因而还有一半的原因是想逃避家人给我的压力吧..... 每当我会到家我的心情就开始复杂不想回答任何人的问题只想一个人静一静.....

已经是公布成绩后的第四天了, 我的心情还是没有回到原来的那样..... 或许我真的需要更多的时间去想想我真正想要的是什么吧..... 毕竟那是我的未来不能如此马虎的就做决定不然后悔的可是我自己没人能够帮我的.....

我心中的那个愿望到底能不能成为现实我真的没把握因为那毕竟是得花一笔很大的钱才能得到的愿望..... 而且我也无法确定哪到底是不是我未来想要的但至少那是我现在想要的..... 而对于心理学系那只是我其中一部分的兴趣因为我愿意聆听别人的心事而且还很鸡婆喜欢帮人解决问题.....

至于我到底对那一份工作比较有兴趣我只能说两边都有他的好处及坏处我真的无法作抉择..... 可能是天生就没什么主见吧什么事都由家人帮我决定所以才酿造了今天这种地步..... 就算遇到了在难的事也有家人的帮助.....

可是这次的事是攸关我未来人生的一个非常重要的转折点所以我得自己做决定不能在靠家人的帮忙了毕竟这是我的未来不是他们的..... 去或不去继续或放弃最后都得想清楚后才能作决定没有任何人能帮我的这点我非常清楚.....

我真的很需要大家的意见好让我能更快的作出一个很好的决定..... 咳...........................

Sunday, June 20, 2010

holiday part 3.....

another camp have been end during last friday that is our school annual uniform camp..... it was a 2 days 1 night camp starting from thursday (17/6) to friday (18/6)..... as im the vice president or 1 of the teacher adviser for this camp, so i need to go and handle part of the activity lo.....

thursday morning went to school early in the morning before 7am and start helping the committee member to do the registration stuff for all the participant..... actually i just assist them only lor.....

after that all the camper are told to bring their luggage to their own sleeping quarters and ready for the 1st activity which is flag designing..... then each group must explain their flag after the design.....

go to the next activity which is ice breaking game..... the game actually quite funny and all the camper enjoy in those funny game lar..... after that is time to have our lunch at school cantten lor..... the food there really sucks..... speechless.....

afternoon activity start at 1.15pm which is station game..... all we have 8 station for all 8 different group to play lor..... all the station is the afternoon section mostly related to water lo..... i think 7 out of 8 station play water game lor.....

station game come to an end at 4.30pm and all the camper ready themselves to have their bath and dinner time before heading to the night time activity which start at the time of 7pm at school hall lo.....

7pm the talent night start which needed all the 9 uniform bodies to show their dance performance and fashion show performance to compete among all the uniform group..... the dancing performance has won by Boy's Brigade follow by Scout and Police Cadet.....

for the fashion show performance, champion won by Scout follow by Boy's Brigade and then Police Cadet..... the overall result for talent night will be champion goes to Scout then follow by Boy Brigade and Police Cadet.....

light off time at 11pm mean all the camper must turn off their light for their sleeping quarters and sleep lo..... but for all the committee member, they need to have patrol during midnight time and for me i can sleep whole night inside my lovely tent with another teacher adviser.....

the next morning all the camper wake up early to ready for the marching competition which held at school stadium at 8.30am..... i wake up a bit late around 7.30am and ready up myself to join the activity.....

actually me and the other teacher adviser have been choose to become the judge for the marching competition as NGO member as there is 1 police judge and 2 other judges from jail police lor.....

the competition start on time and end on time..... counting the marks for marching competition and overall results for the whole uniform camp..... for marching competition, champion won by Boy's Brigade follow by Scout and BSMM..... and the best commander award goes to Scout commander.....

and the overall results, Boy's Brigade won the champion follow by Scout and BSMM..... the 3rd year Scout get 1st runner up for uniform camp..... and there are still more to improve..... after tat will be the closing ceremony and clean up the school compound then ready to go home.....

that's all from me for holiday part 3 lar..... bye

Saturday, June 12, 2010

new phone.....

finally get my new hand phone 2day which i have order it yesterday..... i tot that it will be only arrive 1 week after but surprisingly i get in just 1 day after the order..... really happy and excited to explore each of the function for my new phone.....

actually it's quite familiar for me cause the brand is the same as my old phone so i can handle it in just few minutes to make it more easy for me lar..... oh ya, my phone is Sony Ericsson W995 and it was in black color.....

before this i have make a decision to buy Aino but due to many of my friend says that Aino not very good so i change to W995 lo..... actually i have been make my decision to take this model before Aino was publish out.....

so show u guys my new phone lar..... is cost me around rm900 war.... almost my 1 month salary that all for tonight lar..... signing off now n good night.....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my finger injured war.....

my finger injured during the 2nd night of the camp as i mention in the last post..... this happen when the blindfold game held as i guide 1 of the group to round the school compound..... i just realize it after the game as i feel a bit pain.....

is was green and purple in color at 1st when i saw it and it turn to red after a day..... actually hu cause my finger injured, a guy or boy who known as my son-in-law..... he feel really sorry to me but i have forgive him lar.....

here the pictures for my finger that injured lar..... (forget to take for the 1st night injured)

the next day after the injured.....
still in red color lo.....
this is the guy who cause my finger injured lo.....

that all for 2 night lar..... bye and good night.....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

holiday part 2.....

finally end of another camp yesterday at the time of 12 noon..... is a 3 days 2 nights camp actually starting from monday to wednesday..... and actually im in-charge of night time game activity which consider as extra activity for all the camper lo.....

so im gonna overnight at sch for 2 nights to conduct the night activity after all their activity had finished lo..... so the 1st night i have set the treasure hunt game for the camper so that they can get more tired after finding their clues here and there lo.....

me and few scouter start prepare the clues in the afternoon so tat we have enough time to hide all the clues..... we have prepare 7 clues for each group so that they can enjoy the searching more long time and can waste their energy so that they can sleep well after that.....

so the game start at 10pm till 12 something in the midnight lo..... all the camper feel happy and tired but gain new knowledge through the game lo..... that is the main objective to set the game lo..... after that prepare to sleep la.....

go to the 2nd night which i have set another special game for them which need all the camper to be co-operate and follow the instruction that given by scouter..... this game needed all the camper to blind fold their eyes and the scouter will bring them round in at the sch compound......

actually it help camper to understand how's the blind people life as their cant see anything in their daily life and need more people to help them..... good experience for them and it may help them to gain more knowledge lor.....

the activity end at 12 something same as the 1st night and all the camper sleep well after that as they have no more energy to play anymore..... hahahahahahaha..... really funny lo when see them playing the game and enjoy it lo.....

so that's what i have done during the 2nd camp for this holiday..... stay tune to part 3 after next week cz my third camp will be help on 17 and 18 june..... hahahahaha.....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

holiday part 1.....

hi everyone im back lar..... i think i dint post a new post since 2 weeks ago le ba..... no choice lo cz im start busy when the 1st day of my holiday start..... my time was fully pack with all kind of activity for instance like camping, workshop, competition and so on.....

1st activity held on 27 may which is thursday after teacher's day celebration..... having a talk for BSMM member hu are going to have their camp craft badges exam on 2-4 june..... then 2 days after tat 29 may which is saturday having scout meeting as usual.....

rest for 3 days from 30 may to 1 june then having camp craft exam for BSMM member from 2 to 4 june..... 3 days of workshop really made me tired and this time im the organizer and im oso the examiner for the camp..... luckily i have so many small small sifu help me la..... anyway thanks lar.....

next will be 2day lar which is 5 june..... as a judge for scout annual gangshow competition lo..... wait up early morning same as 3 days before and went to school to judge for the competition lor.....

nt very satisfy with all their performance lo and actually they din done their very best yet..... hope tat the will do better and try their very very best during campfire..... and tat the things tat im doing for my 1st week of holiday.....

during 1st week of holiday my friends bought me a few present that bring bak from different country lo..... 1 is a magnet stamp that have my name on it and explanation for it which my friend bought it from Singapore Changi International Airport.....

another present my friend bought me was a Airbus A380 aircraft model from China..... really nice lo and i really appreciate of it..... hahahaha..... anyway thank you very much and i wont forget u guys de..... hahahahaha

tat all for part 1 and stay tune to part 2 after my next camping activity that gonna be held from 7 to 9 june which is next monday to wednesday...... so tat all from me lar..... night and bye.....