Thursday, March 25, 2010

tiring day.....

it was a tiring week for me when i start work from monday..... everyday i need to wake up during 6am n rush to go sch to start work..... although im free at sch but wake up so early really make me feel tired.....

mayb i should try to go sleep more early but cant manage to do it cz im use to the time i sleep which is 11something night time..... haiz no choice lo need to try it next time..... tis few days the 1st things i do when i reach home after work should be having my lunch then 2nd on the tv and finally 3rd sleep with the tv swith on.....

usually do like tat i need some nice sound like people talking inside the tv to make me sleep or nap during afternoon time..... bad habit cz it really waste electricity but lazy for me to swith off before i fall asleep.....

so 2day is my 4th day of work at sch as a temporary teacher and the working life still the same but at least we hav something to do like sit in or help teacher to do some easy work..... still not yet start teaching since the teacher im going to replace still work at sch now.....

so tat all la nothing special from me tis few days juz feel sien tat saturday still need to work cz is a school replacement day..... haiz..... anyway i will try my best to do it and pray hard to God so tat HE may guide me lar..... good night everyone.....

Monday, March 22, 2010

first day of work.....

2day was my 1st working day as a temporary teacher n basically it was a new experiance for me since i never work before..... 2day wake up early morning around 6am and prepare to go to school and start my working life.....

arrive at school around 6.40am(luckily din late) and directly report to pk1 which she need to brief us about wat we gonna do and after tat report to principal again..... then pk1 told us to go in pejabat am and get the form for guru sandaran baru n told us to fill in.....

actually 2day we have no classes at all and we just walk around and talk with teachers inside the staffroom since we are too free..... no work are given to us and no sit in for us..... a bit boring for me but it just the first day for us..... the rest of the 2 months i think it should be busy for us.....

so tat all from me 2day and im gonna share some interesting part of my working day if there are something special for me..... hahahaha so goodnight everyone n see ya.....

Monday, March 15, 2010

i have been hired.....

alomst 1 week of waiting finally i recieve the good news from school which comfirm me as the temporary teacher for the next 2 and the half months i think..... so happy that i have been hired and really thanks to GOD.....

tis morning when im waiting for the call i really feel nervous cause i tot i have no chance to be choosen since it was 10am and my handphone din rang..... so i send a msg to 1 of my friend hu oso been call up for the interview laz week with me..... but the bad news was she oso din recieve the call yet.....

while sms wif her my phone finally rang and with no thinking much i answer it..... here the conversation between me and my sch pk1:

pk1:erm, may i speak to bla bla bla??(my name lar)
me:yes, i am.
pk1:im cikgu bla bla bla (pk's name) here, and u have been hired as the temporary teacher so u may need to come school by next monday to stast teaching. pls arrive school b4 6.50am.....
me:okok, thanks....

after the call i sms my friend to told her about it and told to her to wait for it cz im 100% comfirm tat she gonna get it 2..... and finally she reply my msg told me that she oso been hired..... really feel happy and thanks to all hu help me to get the job and support from all my friend.....

2mr im gonna go shopping to buy my shirt and new leather shoes cz as a teacher we must wear proper wear and leather shoes..... ao tat all from me lar good luck everyone and good night.....

Friday, March 12, 2010


两年了还是被误会说我们是兄弟其实根本就不是啦不过我确实把他当自己弟弟看咯..... 虽然说我们两个都戴眼镜而且高度也差不多不过事实上一点血缘关系也没有..... 可是啊就是很多人会问我们到底是不是兄弟而且说我们长的很像..... 我想可能是相处久了吧而且在我毕业前没事就粘在一起这也是难免的事啦所以习惯了.....

给大家看看我跟他的照片吧..... 相识度就让大家来评分吧因为我自己也不确定到底是有多像.....

这张可能不怎么像啦因为背景太亮了不过跟他的合照也就这么一张啦所以大家就将就点看吧..... 不好意识哦哈哈哈哈哈..... 就酱啦再见啦.....

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


this morning 7.05am my handphone ring..... wake up then answer the call and i realize that is a call from school that told me to attend an interview this morning for temporary teacher..... so the conversation is something like this.....

cikgu:hello, may i speak to bla bla bla (my name lar)?
me:yes i am.
cikgu:ok, did you say you would like to be a temporary teacher?
cikgu:ok, plaease come for an interview later on at 10.30am and remember to bring along your sijil and dress up probably.
me:ok, thanks.

fell shock that suddenly principal will call me for an interview cz for my information there are no vacancy for temporary teacher..... so wake up 8am and start to prepare myself for the interview.....

as usaul fetch my mum for work and having our breakfast 2gather..... 9.30am is was still early for me so i decide to sit down and start reading the newspaper till 10am..... heavy rain but no choice i have to go for sch for the interview.....

pray inside the car while im driving on the way to sch cz it was too suddenly for me and i don have any experiance on attending a formal interview so abit worry about it..... reach sch at around 10.10am and wait inside the staffroom.....

the interview delay because principal are too busy wif his work and 7 of us jz wait outside the principal office..... the interview start at around 11pm wif 4 of us inside there 1st..... im the 1 hu selected to enter the office for the 1st round interview.....

principal ask us many question that related to teaching and controling the classroom..... we need to give him some suggestion to solve all the question..... i think im not doing very well cz i keep on repeating some of the point.....

11.30am the 1st round interview end and finally i can put down the stone at my shoulder..... stress about it but i think it was a good experiance for me before i went for the next interview if i got a chance to recieve my scholarship.....

all i need to do is prepare my heart to teach if i got the job of temporary teacher..... but all the results may know by us on next monday..... so need to wait for it and prepare well and another thing should be pray hard.....

tat all from me 2nite and good night everyone.....

Saturday, March 6, 2010


最近好像没什么是可以分享生活好平常每天就只是睡觉, 吃东西, 看电视, 上网然后再睡觉很像就酱了..... 根本就没任何特别的事发生根别说是什么新鲜事了每天的生活都是很无聊很闷的根本就开心不起来.....

之前还在忙着大学申请的事如今也算是告一段落了..... 忙了快一个星期了最后还是得做出最终的决定硬是绞尽脑汁选出了8个科系..... 虽然8个科系中没有我中意的不过那也没办法父母死盯着我选如果不选的话就会被念死.....

所以啊为了让自己的耳根能清静点还是勉强的应付他们下啦..... 不过也没真的乱选啦还是有照着自己能被录取的几率来选啦毕竟那是我的未来..... 如果真得无法得到奖学金我还是得进入本地大学就读咯那是我所下的赌注啦.....

说到奖学金的事我还在努力中毕竟那是有关我未来的一个很重要的一个环节咯..... 奖学金组织要求的作文我还得花些时间完成它让后还得请教学校老师帮我修改文法的问题然后才能顺利的寄出去..... 一切的一切还得继续的努力啦.....

最近的日子都被这些是环绕着所以就这样啦没事了再见咯..... 还有件事我想说的是诗巫这里真的很热请快下雨吧..... 我可不想被这么热的天气给热死..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈..... 晚安.....

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

miracle really happen.....

miracle really happen?? im not sure about it too cz it just a beginning for me to apply the Honda Dreams Fund scholarship..... all i need to do now is write an essay wif 500 word or less to talk about my dream n submit it b4 the deadline end of tis month(31 march 2010) .....

actually this is my 1st time to apply scholarship lor b4 tis i never think tat my poor result can get any sponsor or somehow shcolarship from government or from private sector lor..... but when im doing the research last night suddenly i think of maybe i can try out Honda Dreams Fund....

didn't think too much then i open up the google page n type in 'honda' to searh for it..... click in Honda Dreams Fund page n read through all the info n minimum criteria for applying their scholarship which is the most important part for me.....

i realise that i have meet all their minimum criteria and the application were just easy for me..... i have make my decision to apply for it and this should be the best chance that given by God..... and i will like to share this good news to all my friend that going to apply for scholarship.....

all u need to do is just write an essay that contain 500 words or less begin with "Honda Dreams Fund is the opportunity I have been waiting for to realise my dreams. Since I was young, I have always aspired to be…" and then submit it with all the document that needed by them b4 31 march 2010, 5pm.....

that's all from me and hope that i will be 1 of the shortlisted candidates.....

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


人的一生中到底会面临几次的决定时候呢? 其实我也不是很确定这个问题毕竟在我20年的生活中就做出了很多的的决定..... 最近因为成绩放榜了大部分的学生都在忙着找大学的科系的质料好像都快喘不过气了..... 对于我来说大学的生活真的必须出现在我的生命旅途中吗?

现在的我每天都面临着抉择感觉压力好大哦毕竟进大学不是我一路以来想要走的路..... 想在天空飞的理想我想大家都知道了每个人都给我很大的鼓励尤其是我身边的朋友们他们都很支持我的梦想不过家人却无法了解.....

我知道他们不同意的原因是因为学费的关系毕竟航空学院的学费比平常的学院学费高出了好几倍..... 这些我都明白而且我也透过个个银行的网页想得到更多有关贷款的质料还有一些政府的网页寻找更多有关借贷的质料就是想减缓家里的经济问题.....

从小就对航空事业很关心也很感兴趣, 不过我妈说第一次带我搭飞机时却是发生了一些很糗的事咯..... 听她说第一次搭飞机看到窗外的云白白的还哭呢说什么有鬼没办法年级还小不懂什么叫云更不懂飞机原来会飞到云层里去.....

如今长大了知道云层根本就不是什么鬼更不会哭闹说什么不想搭飞机这种没脑筋的话了..... 向更了解这方面的知识却无法实现它对我来说冲击真的很大还一度想哭呢..... 太久没哭了很像不懂该怎么哭了不过还好有朋友在身边的开导.....

可能是我太没用吧迟迟还不敢想父母表达自己真正想要的未来..... 人嘛总是有软弱的一面平时都会全副武装不让别人发现自己软弱的那面..... 当需要倒是却怎么都找不到更别说是想表达内心的话了.....

无论如何我还是得作出适合的决定毕竟那是我的未来因为我不想未来的我有任何的后悔也不想就这样放弃从小到现在的愿望成为一名飞机师..... 我想父母应该会谅解我的心让我能好好的带着他们的祝福还有支持往我的梦想前进.....

至于学费的问题我还会一直的找质料希望可以找到真正适合我的然后能减轻家里的负担毕竟那是我应该为家里做的一点点事而且这个家我也有分多已不能连累到家里所有的家人..... 还有我还会继续得祷告请求天父能继续持给我力量还有勇气让我能顺利得到父母的认同.....

Monday, March 1, 2010

chap goh meh.....

yesterday is the last day of chinese new year which we call chap goh meh or in chinese元宵节..... i don know the tradition about it cause im a banana man lar and i think most of the teenager now aslo having a same status like me don know about it.....

when heard about chap goh meh all we know is just we will gonna have a special dinner or lunch outside or just stay at home prepare for it instead of going out wasting much more money..... for my family normally every year will be the same we will having our chap goh meh dinner outside lo.....

actually the dinner last night was a special occasion dinner organize by诗巫药商工会to celebrate chap goh meh lor..... every year the same set up a few tables of dinner for all the members and their family lor.....

this year my dad as the organizer and early afternoon around 6pm he already go out to the restaurant to ready up his speech and others things lor..... as the rest of us stay at home and start our bath and ready to go out to the restaurant around 6.30pm lor.....

and the dinner start at 7pm with the singing of new year song by all the members lor..... for me their singing style need to improve again lo but cant blame on them lar they just sang it without practise de so still need to give them support lar.....

actually the dinner was quite nice except the fish lor..... overall for me still ok lar performance also not bad lar and i give 80 marks for last night dinner..... that's all from me lar and see ya..... ant lastly wish all my chinese friend happy belated chap goh meh lar.....