七年的中学生活终于在今天画下完美的句点啦..... 回想当初刚进中学时还一脸笨笨的什么都不懂..... 不过一转眼七年的时间很快的让我学到了很多东西也结交到很多的朋友..... 如今这一切的一切都结束了想起来还真得有点难过咯.....
还记得那年刚进form 1的第一天就发生了中暑事件咯..... 我想是因为太热还有太兴奋的关系吧让我第一天的上学日就得麻烦老师替我刮痧咯..... 真得觉得很不好意识咯..... 一直到现在我还一直记着这件事有时想起还会觉得好好笑哦.....
form 2 那年可以说是我七年中学生活中最低潮的一年吧..... 因为当时和之前的朋友分开了而被分配到一班我完全不认识的班级..... 那时的我一回家就会想哭有时还会想不去上课咯..... 没了好朋友的陪伴真得觉得好寂寞每天的生活都很乏味也很无助..... 不过现在已进不会了就算朋友不在身边我也会很坚强的继续生活.....
上了form 3后朋友越来越多了心情也慢慢的恢复开朗了..... 一半的原因可能是自己开始对新朋友解除了防备而且也慢慢对学校社团的生活开始习惯了..... 每次一想到星期六可以回学校参加社团活动就会很开心咯..... 社团活动让我结交了更多的朋友而且也获得了很多的额外知识咯.....
form 4 的一年里好像没什么可以纪念的叻..... 有的话应该只有在学校外的事吧..... 记得那年我和几位死党开始有了很多校外的聚会咯..... 会互相帮朋友庆祝生日咯,去郊游咯,新年时也会互相到朋友家去拜年啦..... 感情增进了不少咯也更了解朋友了..... 至于在学校我想没什么特别的咯不过的确过了个很好玩的蜜月年啦.....
考试年form 5对很多学生来说应该算是很重要的一年咯..... 不过对我而言还是像平常的生活一样能够继续的玩乐咯..... 还记得那年的历史老师换了个我们都不喜欢的老师来教咯..... 班上的同学都为了这件事而开始闹个没完没了咯..... 其实那时的我只是保持着一个中立的立场咯..... 因为不想闹事也不想朋友间的友谊受到创伤咯.....
去年SPM成绩公布了..... 考到的成绩还算是满意的啦..... 不是很差也不是很好保持在中等的阶段咯..... 本来一心想form 6继续修读理科班不过成绩不够理想所以才转到了文科班咯..... 刚转到文科班时真的很不习惯咯..... 因为习惯英文教学的我突然要接受国文的课程教导难免会遇到一些不习惯的状况咯..... 不过经过一段时间的适应后慢慢的可以接受国文的教学方法咯.....
upper 6的生活还是一样的开心因为有一位很开朗的级任老师的带领咯..... 每次遇到不开心的事朋友们也很愿意伸手帮忙咯..... 感觉很窝心咯也很感谢朋友们及老师带来的欢笑咯..... 今年的校园生活应该算是我七年来最开心的一年咯..... 许多开心的事都在今年发生咯.....
如今中学生活的这一页已经画上了句点..... 所有的回忆都会留在我心里永远都不会忘记的..... 朋友们给我带来的开心及愉快我也会记着的..... 虽然明年我们可能很少机会再见面了不过我还是会记得你们每个人不会忘记你们的.....
最后要预祝大家在STPM考试的期间能为自己的未来而加油..... 也祝大家考到满意的成绩好让我们都能顺利的进入自己理想的大学完成梦想哦..... 在此谢谢你们带给我的回忆我会好好把它收藏在我的心里的.....
就酱啦..... 晚安啦各位.....
~生命最后一个月能帮你记录的是什么 我想是每一分钟的相聚 就算生命到了最后一分钟 每个明天都是幸福的奇迹 这些飞逝的时光是我最珍贵的一切 帮你记得属于我们幸福的永恒~.....
About Me
- Jeffrey
- actually im a tall guy lor..... around 180cm la n 60kg lor.... hahahah..... if you want to know how am i looking just view my profile photo ba..... i wish to become an airlines pilot to fly in the sky one day because i like blue sky and it was my ambition since i was still young...... that's all about me..... want to know more about me feel free to read my blog or add my msn at ahjeff0511.blogspot.com or jeffrey_hii90@hotmail.com.... hahahaha......
Monday, November 16, 2009
Monday, November 9, 2009
Pilot FAQ.....
many of my friend curious abt pilot course or pilot carrier tat im going to take after stpm lo..... here r some question tat they usually ask me or someone else abt pilot course n pilot carrier lo..... 2nite im going to share some of the ans to u guys la.....
1.can a pilot wearing spectacles (the most comman question they ask).....
-the answer is 'YES', of cz can..... a pilot can wear spectacles but wif an option tat u must pass the medical check up by the DAME(doctor tat approve by DCA to undergo aviation medical check)..... as well as u pass the medical check then it should be no pro for a pilot to wear spectacles.... n nowadays most of the airlines company accept pilot tat wearing spectacles lo..... so there is no problem for someone tat wan to become a pilot wif wearing spectacles.....
2.can an art stream students becoming a pilot.....
-i think many art stream student oso think of becoming an airlines pilot lo..... my answer should be 'YES'..... art stream student can become a pilot oso no problem de n don worry..... as well as u guys pass ur SPM wif 5 credit including eng, maths n science(most important) then there is no problem for u guys to join the pilot course n becoming a pilot in the future.....
3.wat is the minimum height for a pilot.....
talking abt tis..... i oso nt very sure about the height lo..... but according to my research through many of the flying academy..... most of them will need a cadet pilot to have at least 165cm for boys n 159cm for girls lo..... i think tis is because a pilot need to have certain height to press some of the buttom up their head when they sit on their seat lo..... no pilot are allow to stand up when operate an aeroplane war..... danger le if stand up suddenly.....
i think most pl ask de will be tis 3 question lor..... if still gt any other question jz post some comment ba..... i will try my best to ans u guys n do more research de..... hahahha..... tat all for 2nite lar..... good nite everyone.....bb
1.can a pilot wearing spectacles (the most comman question they ask).....
-the answer is 'YES', of cz can..... a pilot can wear spectacles but wif an option tat u must pass the medical check up by the DAME(doctor tat approve by DCA to undergo aviation medical check)..... as well as u pass the medical check then it should be no pro for a pilot to wear spectacles.... n nowadays most of the airlines company accept pilot tat wearing spectacles lo..... so there is no problem for someone tat wan to become a pilot wif wearing spectacles.....
2.can an art stream students becoming a pilot.....
-i think many art stream student oso think of becoming an airlines pilot lo..... my answer should be 'YES'..... art stream student can become a pilot oso no problem de n don worry..... as well as u guys pass ur SPM wif 5 credit including eng, maths n science(most important) then there is no problem for u guys to join the pilot course n becoming a pilot in the future.....
3.wat is the minimum height for a pilot.....
talking abt tis..... i oso nt very sure about the height lo..... but according to my research through many of the flying academy..... most of them will need a cadet pilot to have at least 165cm for boys n 159cm for girls lo..... i think tis is because a pilot need to have certain height to press some of the buttom up their head when they sit on their seat lo..... no pilot are allow to stand up when operate an aeroplane war..... danger le if stand up suddenly.....
i think most pl ask de will be tis 3 question lor..... if still gt any other question jz post some comment ba..... i will try my best to ans u guys n do more research de..... hahahha..... tat all for 2nite lar..... good nite everyone.....bb
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Air Asia....
'Good morning ladies n gentleman, welcome for aboard Air Asia flight Airbus A320, AK5199 to Kuala Lumpur..... ' tis is wat u guys will listen through the report from a flight attendant when u guys abord Air Asia flight lo..... i think most of u gt listen it before lor.....
nt much to say 2nite jz wan to promote xia Air Asia de blog..... really interesting lor..... gt many diff post n pic from all over the place tat Air Asia travel lo..... n can gain some travel knowledge through the blog lo.....
actually i have been reading some of the post abt Air Asia cadet pilot selection competition through blogging named 'Do You Want To Be A Pilot?'..... really nice lo all the blogger share their experiance of how they dream of becoming an airline pilot n the importants of a responsible pilot lor..... i really gain more knowledge through their post lo.....
many of them dream of becoming a pilot since very small age lo..... jz like me i dream of becoming an airline pilot when i was about 10 years old lo..... beside tat Air Asia blog oso provide us wif many interesting place around whole asia region lo.....
for example like china, thailand n so on lar..... really nice war n interesting lo..... if gt chance u guys really need to visit their blog by urself ah..... really a nice place for traveller to share their happiness from all the place they travel before lo.....
Air Asia have been selected as the most low cost airlines 2009 by SKYTRAX lo..... really low price war..... but peak season will be a bit expensive la.... but compare to Mas Airline i will choose Air Asia lo.... no need to waste much money war..... really a good chance for all the pl to make their dream come true lo.....
jz like Air Asia slogan 'Now Everyone Can Fly'..... i think the management board make it really success for those hu really have financial pro on the expensive air ticket lor..... they really make their dream come true to travel wif Air Asia with low cost air ticket.....
last but nt least thank u Air Asia for making my dream come true oso when i went for Melacca Jamboree during June 2009..... bcz of Air Asia i can join tis camp with the low cost air ticket n provide me wif a comfortable trip.....
ok lar.... tat all from me..... good nite everyone n bb.....
nt much to say 2nite jz wan to promote xia Air Asia de blog..... really interesting lor..... gt many diff post n pic from all over the place tat Air Asia travel lo..... n can gain some travel knowledge through the blog lo.....
actually i have been reading some of the post abt Air Asia cadet pilot selection competition through blogging named 'Do You Want To Be A Pilot?'..... really nice lo all the blogger share their experiance of how they dream of becoming an airline pilot n the importants of a responsible pilot lor..... i really gain more knowledge through their post lo.....
many of them dream of becoming a pilot since very small age lo..... jz like me i dream of becoming an airline pilot when i was about 10 years old lo..... beside tat Air Asia blog oso provide us wif many interesting place around whole asia region lo.....
for example like china, thailand n so on lar..... really nice war n interesting lo..... if gt chance u guys really need to visit their blog by urself ah..... really a nice place for traveller to share their happiness from all the place they travel before lo.....
Air Asia have been selected as the most low cost airlines 2009 by SKYTRAX lo..... really low price war..... but peak season will be a bit expensive la.... but compare to Mas Airline i will choose Air Asia lo.... no need to waste much money war..... really a good chance for all the pl to make their dream come true lo.....
jz like Air Asia slogan 'Now Everyone Can Fly'..... i think the management board make it really success for those hu really have financial pro on the expensive air ticket lor..... they really make their dream come true to travel wif Air Asia with low cost air ticket.....
last but nt least thank u Air Asia for making my dream come true oso when i went for Melacca Jamboree during June 2009..... bcz of Air Asia i can join tis camp with the low cost air ticket n provide me wif a comfortable trip.....
ok lar.... tat all from me..... good nite everyone n bb.....
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
说到今天早上一到学校不开心的是就发生了..... 今天是我当值日生所以便准备好要开始擦窗啦..... 本来一心想赶快的完成值日生的工作后再继续的补个眠..... 谁知道一切都因为一块擦窗的抹布都没了..... 抹布不懂去了那里根本就找不到害我要等allen擦完后才能开始工作咯.....
更气的是一星期下来根本就没人擦的窗口既然要我和allen两人包到完..... 真是有够不公平的明明每天都应该有人负责的工作既然只剩下我们两个在做而别的则是不管它..... 真是不负责任的同学啦..... 我不是有意要针对谁只不过那真的不只是我和allen的工作..... 所以请负责的同学可以为最后一星期的值日生工作尽到自己的责任.....
说到快乐的事啊应该只有这件了..... 今天老师又播放了上次未看完的影片(我们班两年的回忆影片)..... 真的很好笑而且也勾起了很多开心的事情咯..... 原来我们在班所作的一切都被记录下来了而且还看到很多很好笑的画面哦(尤其是cikgu ai fen birthday de video n we sleep in class de pic).....
能带给我们班这么多欢乐的当然只有班上最疯的ricky咯..... 真的是没药救的小孩不过也因为有他在我们班才会那么的活泼及吵闹..... 影片制作的功劳就得归功于我们班未来的警察大哥lian nan还有就是ricky again lo..... 他们两个的制作真得很经典咯让我们都很开心的笑了..... 在此谢谢你们两位啦.....
接下来是恶心的事了..... 今天发生了一件非常非常非常恶心的事我既然喝了'男生的口水'叻..... 真得无法想象这种事既然发生在我身上..... 我也是千百个不愿意啊谁叫某人发疯了既然把我水壶里的水倒到他的水壶后混在一起然后又倒回我的茶壶里..... 真是疯了,快疯了不过这也不是我第一次喝男生的口水了所以没关系啦.....
共喝水是没什么啦不过可以不要那么恶心吗..... 我有很严重的洁癖啦所以有时还是会不习惯的..... ling yaw jye小弟弟求你以后别那么恶心了...... 我会受不了的,还有不要再拿我的水壶盖开玩笑啦真的很不卫生叻..... 还有就是别动不动就随便向我表白我会怕啦...... 我如果要谈恋爱也不是找你啦..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
就酱吧..... 晚安啦各位.....
更气的是一星期下来根本就没人擦的窗口既然要我和allen两人包到完..... 真是有够不公平的明明每天都应该有人负责的工作既然只剩下我们两个在做而别的则是不管它..... 真是不负责任的同学啦..... 我不是有意要针对谁只不过那真的不只是我和allen的工作..... 所以请负责的同学可以为最后一星期的值日生工作尽到自己的责任.....
说到快乐的事啊应该只有这件了..... 今天老师又播放了上次未看完的影片(我们班两年的回忆影片)..... 真的很好笑而且也勾起了很多开心的事情咯..... 原来我们在班所作的一切都被记录下来了而且还看到很多很好笑的画面哦(尤其是cikgu ai fen birthday de video n we sleep in class de pic).....
能带给我们班这么多欢乐的当然只有班上最疯的ricky咯..... 真的是没药救的小孩不过也因为有他在我们班才会那么的活泼及吵闹..... 影片制作的功劳就得归功于我们班未来的警察大哥lian nan还有就是ricky again lo..... 他们两个的制作真得很经典咯让我们都很开心的笑了..... 在此谢谢你们两位啦.....
接下来是恶心的事了..... 今天发生了一件非常非常非常恶心的事我既然喝了'男生的口水'叻..... 真得无法想象这种事既然发生在我身上..... 我也是千百个不愿意啊谁叫某人发疯了既然把我水壶里的水倒到他的水壶后混在一起然后又倒回我的茶壶里..... 真是疯了,快疯了不过这也不是我第一次喝男生的口水了所以没关系啦.....
共喝水是没什么啦不过可以不要那么恶心吗..... 我有很严重的洁癖啦所以有时还是会不习惯的..... ling yaw jye小弟弟求你以后别那么恶心了...... 我会受不了的,还有不要再拿我的水壶盖开玩笑啦真的很不卫生叻..... 还有就是别动不动就随便向我表白我会怕啦...... 我如果要谈恋爱也不是找你啦..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈哈.....
就酱吧..... 晚安啦各位.....
Sunday, November 1, 2009
今晚才发现原来要找一位朋友是很难的一件事..... 结交朋友也像恋爱一样需要缘份的..... 如果没有足够的缘份我向朋友是很难找到的尤其是真心的朋友..... 虽然我身边有朋多的朋友但是真正了解我的朋友并不多咯.....
facebook里的朋友不见了..... 不懂去了那里也不懂怎么搞得就这样突然间不见了..... 可能是真的没缘份吧想找回不见的朋友却找不到..... 心情有点受到伤害也很生气..... 不过还是压抑住了生气的情绪好让自己没那么难过.....
无缘的结局就是那么得令人难过..... 一再的追求只会让对方更讨厌自己..... 所以还是决定放弃了因为不想造成别人的困扰..... 这就是我的想法从来不会给别人带来困扰的好处..... 不过对我来说那是个不好也不坏的事.....
很多人了能不明白我所说的..... 其实我也不怎么懂咯..... 没办法啊觉得自己写的东西太少了所以才写了些有的没的来添加下字数..... 不过这些都是些看不懂也不明白的东西咯..... 完全没什么意义在里面的.....
好啦不写了..... 得去睡了晚安啦.....
facebook里的朋友不见了..... 不懂去了那里也不懂怎么搞得就这样突然间不见了..... 可能是真的没缘份吧想找回不见的朋友却找不到..... 心情有点受到伤害也很生气..... 不过还是压抑住了生气的情绪好让自己没那么难过.....
无缘的结局就是那么得令人难过..... 一再的追求只会让对方更讨厌自己..... 所以还是决定放弃了因为不想造成别人的困扰..... 这就是我的想法从来不会给别人带来困扰的好处..... 不过对我来说那是个不好也不坏的事.....
很多人了能不明白我所说的..... 其实我也不怎么懂咯..... 没办法啊觉得自己写的东西太少了所以才写了些有的没的来添加下字数..... 不过这些都是些看不懂也不明白的东西咯..... 完全没什么意义在里面的.....
好啦不写了..... 得去睡了晚安啦.....
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