Monday, November 9, 2009

Pilot FAQ.....

many of my friend curious abt pilot course or pilot carrier tat im going to take after stpm lo..... here r some question tat they usually ask me or someone else abt pilot course n pilot carrier lo..... 2nite im going to share some of the ans to u guys la.....

1.can a pilot wearing spectacles (the most comman question they ask).....
-the answer is 'YES', of cz can..... a pilot can wear spectacles but wif an option tat u must pass the medical check up by the DAME(doctor tat approve by DCA to undergo aviation medical check)..... as well as u pass the medical check then it should be no pro for a pilot to wear spectacles.... n nowadays most of the airlines company accept pilot tat wearing spectacles lo..... so there is no problem for someone tat wan to become a pilot wif wearing spectacles.....

2.can an art stream students becoming a pilot.....
-i think many art stream student oso think of becoming an airlines pilot lo..... my answer should be 'YES'..... art stream student can become a pilot oso no problem de n don worry..... as well as u guys pass ur SPM wif 5 credit including eng, maths n science(most important) then there is no problem for u guys to join the pilot course n becoming a pilot in the future.....

3.wat is the minimum height for a pilot.....
talking abt tis..... i oso nt very sure about the height lo..... but according to my research through many of the flying academy..... most of them will need a cadet pilot to have at least 165cm for boys n 159cm for girls lo..... i think tis is because a pilot need to have certain height to press some of the buttom up their head when they sit on their seat lo..... no pilot are allow to stand up when operate an aeroplane war..... danger le if stand up suddenly.....

i think most pl ask de will be tis 3 question lor..... if still gt any other question jz post some comment ba..... i will try my best to ans u guys n do more research de..... hahahha..... tat all for 2nite lar..... good nite

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