Friday, December 31, 2010

end of 2010.....










Wednesday, December 22, 2010


短暂的旅程在几天的时间内结束了而我在这次的旅途中体会了很多也了解了很多特别的事尤其是感情方面的事..... 对我来说感情问题是我永远都不陌生的事不过那是给别人的印象其实自己的内心最清楚.....

在这几天的旅途中看透了很多事因为朋友的好奇心作祟让我将内心的那段暗恋了很久的感情说了出来..... 其实说真的我并没有隐藏事实而是从来就没有正面的面对过因为对于我这段感情毕竟只是我自己一个人心甘情愿想做的事.....

有些事憋在心里久了还是会憋不住的因为每个人都有他的极限所以对我一样..... 朋友们不停的支持让我感觉到很对不起大家因为我的恐惧感让我一直无法表达内心的一切让她知道..... 不过朋友们的包容关心并没有责怪我让我感到很惭愧.....

是时候了吗??? 答案依然还是不知道因为喜欢她将近两年的事我一直保守得很好..... 朋友们都常在问我到底被她的那一点吸引着让我死命的喜欢她两年的时间从来就没有想放弃过..... 其实我真的不知道可能这就是爱情的魔力吧让人无法分辨是非.....

喜欢上她对我来说是很偶然的事因为那种感觉不像平常那种就像是突如其来的一样无法预测..... 记得第一次见到她时在我中六的那年因为当上了童军领导所以被指派教导学弟妹们有关更新的skill而她就是那其中的一个.....

那时的我对他并没有特别的感觉也只当她是我的其中的一位学生而且那时的我心里有着另一个女孩的存在..... 这位女孩的出现对我来说是日久生情所照成的因为她是我在prefect的下属不过我们俩的感觉就像是很好的朋友一样擦不出火花.....

一度想和她表白不过我选择放弃因为我知道我没办法带给她快乐而且它根本就没察觉我喜欢她..... 也许那对她是好的如今他和我最好的兄弟在一起了而且还是我牵的红线那是我唯一能为她做的最后一件事了.....


没过多久的时间也不知道从何时开始对她有了感觉一直没有断过的感觉到现在..... 两年了在这当中了解了很多有关她的事而每一件事我都记得很清楚..... 她的习惯, 她喜欢的事物我都了解我并不知道那算什么只是想多了解她多一点.....

也许对她来说那些只是在普通不过的小事不过对我来说她所说过的一切就像皇上所赐下的圣旨一样一直记在心里..... 对我这个健忘症很严重的人来说能记得别人所说的每一句话是多么难的一件事不过她所说的我却没法忘记.....

开始会担心她的每一件事这也许就是深陷其中了吧..... 知道她有胃痛的病例所以每当她有胃痛的状况我就会很担心恨不得马上赶到她身边陪她..... 知道她考试压力大时我就想到考场去替她考或者能在她身边给她些鼓励.....

还有啊知道她喜欢吃某种食物时我都会让自己也喜欢虽然那可能是我不喜欢吃的..... 当她对别的男生太好时我会觉得心里不是滋味有种酸酸的感觉..... 当知道她和前男友分手时我会觉得很难过好想在她身边借给她我的肩让她能放声大哭.....

这一切的一切她都不知道因为那是我默默付出的一切是我乐意为她做的..... 对于这样的付出我并不觉得那是不值得的因为能为喜欢的人做这些事我真的很开心也觉得那是值得的毕竟那是该付出的代价.....

不久前不知道自己发了什么疯既然给她发了封简讯问了她一些问题..... 而简讯的内容就像以下一样.....

我:那好吧, 我知道了.....

这么一短简讯从来就没有曝光过也许是因为想要保留她心里队我的答案吧..... 虽然在简讯里我并没有表达那是我不过我想她应该也知道因为她身边的朋友都知道我喜欢她的事而且大家都很赞成只是我没那个胆量.....

对于远距离的问题我早就想过了我也知道她不喜欢而这也是让我烦恼了很久的事..... 远距离恋爱对每个人来说都是种煎熬因为每办法时常见到对方..... 不过想了想远距离也何尝不是种磨炼呢因为很久才能见一次面才会更加珍惜这段感情.....

朋友常对我说对于远距离恋爱情侣间互相都要有足够的信任因为那是最基本应该要做到的..... 一直都很相信我对她有很高的信任度毕竟能让我放心的喜欢她2年可是件不简单的事..... 也许这就是让我无法忘记她的原因吧.....

我知道她并没有拒绝我只是她有自己的顾虑我也了解我想那是失恋后的难过吧..... 记得她说过要把心锁上然后将钥匙丢到海里去因为不想再难过想回到开心的日子..... 她的那句话让我一度想放弃不过还是坚持了并没有这么做因为能遇见她始种缘分.....

我坚信自己将会是能从新开启她内心的那把新钥匙从来就没放弃过正如我对朋友说的只要有机会就要好好的把握不要让机会里开了后悔莫及..... 而对于之前的我还在等待着适当的机会来临因为认为自己还不够成熟不能带给她幸福.....

至于现在的我还在持续的加油希望在我还没离开这里时能有好消息吧..... 想着她的心一直都没有改变我想也不会有改变因为她是我心中的唯一至少今天还是明天也时后天也是, 以后的每一天每一天都会是.....

Saturday, December 11, 2010

'他'的故事(续集)part 2.....

续集的part 2在此啦.....

转眼间已经过了一年的时间说长不长说短不短一个学期又结束了而'他'也在不断的努力下获得了飞行初级驾驶照这也是'他'梦寐以求的事..... 对于学妹的事'他'一直抱着一种莫不关心的态度然而却无时无刻的留意着学妹每天的生活.....

虽然受到了之前的创伤但'他'一直相信只要不放弃依然还会有机会这种信念让'他'学会了更多在爱情的路上应该遭受到的挫折..... 无论遇到多大的困难都依然抱着强烈的信念继续的往前冲一直到最后的一秒钟.....

带着开心的外表和伤心的内心和同学们一同到一个美丽无污染的岛屿去放松心情同时继续自己的兴趣拍照..... 那种内心的寂寞感顿时得到了释放仿佛就像是得了失意症一样忘了所有不开心的事而尽情的享受在那蔚蓝的海.....

呼吸着新鲜的空气脑袋里的困扰被轻吹来的海风带走了..... 这对'他'来说可能是唯一能让自己整理好所有的复杂心情从新开始新生活的一个定点..... 相机里所拍的照片表现出了伤心及空虚的内心大多以无人的背景为主题展现美丽的风景.....

3天的旅行换来的是开心的记忆至少能让'他'暂时忘掉所有的烦恼不过接下来的一切将回到最初的时候了..... 本性难移也许正是时候用在这里了吧, 回到家乡的'他'把所拍的照片放到了网上却在无意间看到了之前和学妹一起所拍的照片.....

内心的感伤立刻表现在脸上而眼泪也不知觉的流了下来..... 虽然那只是回忆的一部分但对'他'而言那时多么的珍贵的回忆与其它的回忆根本就不能比较..... 为了不让自己在伤心'他'决定将网上及所有看得到学妹样子的东西隐藏起来.....

说得容易但行动时却在次的犹豫不决尤其是与学妹一起所照的那些照片删除键总是按不下去证明了'他'对学妹的一切完全没放下..... 学妹送的礼物想丢掉可是却怎么也办不到因为那可是学妹亲手送给'他'的.....

到了最后还是什么都没完成保留了所有的东西..... 决定一个人踏上了孤单旅行到外国去为了整理烦乱的内心及思绪在回来之后能从新面对学妹..... 选择了法国巴黎成为第一站就这样开始了自己一个人的旅行.....

在巴黎的时间, '他'想了很多同时也了解自己更多因为曾经不懂得珍惜也没主见造成了现在这种地步而漫漫的'他'找回了自信决定在回国后再一次的向学妹表白..... 在孤单旅行的过程中学会如何去面对更多的困难这对'他'来说是平常所学不到的.....

完成了孤单旅行的第一站的同时签证也到期了心里想着是时候该回国了毕竟那已经是一个月后了..... 收拾好了心情准备第二次的表白而这次找来了'他'的好朋友及学妹身边的好朋友们来帮忙一心想筹办个完美的表白.....

回国后的第二天开始计划所有的事包括约了朋友们及学妹的朋友一起商讨这次的表白..... 再告知朋友们所有的细节后得到了很大的支持也更加提升了他的自信心想用力的往前冲..... 而表白的日期就选在那年的圣诞节.....

终于重要的日子圣诞节来临了..... 那是个美丽, 太阳照耀看得到蓝天及白云的美好早晨而'他'起了个大早梳洗后开始准备晚上的表白..... 挑选了一间气氛不错的餐厅自己打理了全部的布置因为想表达自己的诚意.....

准备好的礼物和一封很重要的信早就放在床头等着晚上送给学妹..... 好不容易接到朋友的电话传来了好消息说学妹答应出席今晚和'他'一起的圣诞晚餐觉得很开心也很紧张..... 一切准备妥当就待晚上的重头戏了.....

期待的晚上终于还是到了, '他'盛装打扮了自己希望换来学妹的好印象来到了餐厅..... 等了10分钟心目中的学妹终于出现了让'他'感到非常的高兴而紧张的情绪也更加的提升了..... 开始了属于两个人晚餐时光美妙的音乐化解了尴尬的气氛.....

一顿完美的晚餐结束了然而接下来才是最终要的时刻..... 将手上的礼物及那封信交到了学妹的手上而最重要的是那句话'我喜欢你, 我们交往吧! 如果答应的话请收下这份礼物吧!'..... 终于还是说出口了等待着学妹的反应而得到的答案是成功了.....

学妹接过了那份礼物及那封信表示一切都成功了花了好长一段时间的准备总算没有白费..... '他'的心停顿了一秒钟后感动的抱紧了学妹大声的说了'谢谢你, 凡'..... 拉着学妹的手往外跑来到了设定好的地方在那里一场美丽的烟火秀掀开序幕了为完美的成功画下句点.....

一整天的准备换来了成功对'他'来说那一切是值得的..... 送了学妹回家自己却依依不舍的看着学妹进到了屋内没办法得回家了因为夜深了..... 发了封简讯给学妹道了一声晚安及谢谢她的出现让他的内心不再空虚寂寞.....

回到礼物和那封信, '他'送了一条很精致的手链而且上面还刻上了两个人的英文名字作为礼物送给了学妹..... 至于那封信的内容呢里面写到了:

'凡, 当你看到这封信时我想你已经接受我了..... 我想你早就知道那个之前在简讯里的那位男生是谁了虽然我并没有对你说过..... 还记得喜欢你是2年前的事了也不知道为什么会喜欢上你不过我想这可能就是缘分捉弄人吧.....

在这漫长的2年我学会了很多东西也明白了很多而你就是那个让我明白这么多的那个人..... 你知道吗在你拒绝我的那一刻我真的很伤心我试着用功课及训练来遗忘你可是却在那过程中我因为操劳过度进了医院.....

从朋友的口中得知我在被送往医院的过程中还不断的喊着你的名字..... 那时我心里想我已经喜欢你到无法自拔的地步了..... 无论用什么方法我依然无法把你从我的记忆中抽离也无法让自己不去想你的样子.....

你所说过的每一句话我到现在依然还记得牢牢的从来就没忘记过而你身边所发生的事我也都一直很清楚..... 虽然我不在你身边但是感觉上就像与你在一起一样..... 当你胃痛时我会担心你, 当你考试压力大时我会想帮你考, 当你伤心难过是我想安慰你, 当你饿时我会想马上买东西给你吃.....

这所有所有的一切可能对你来说都是些微不足道的事但对我来说你的每一件都是很重要的事..... 这些事每天都在我的脑海里跑来跑去的真的好烦可是又不能在身边陪你我真的感到很惭愧..... 不过从现在开始这一切都不存在了因为有你在身边了.....

还记得你说过你不喜欢远距离的感觉不过那是我们该面对的现实但是朋友们给的建议让我有信心可以好好解决这个问题..... 虽然没有我时常的陪伴但是也就因为久久才能见一次面感情才会更加的牢固啊..... 就像牛郎与织女一样一年只能见一次面不过我们比他们好很多啦..... 哈哈哈!!

刚开始会觉得那很难也不习惯不过我们还是可以通过很多方式来和对方联络..... 现在的科技这么发达我想你要找到我不是件难事的..... 最后我想对你说谢谢你凡, 因为你愿意给我机会让我能好好的为你付出也谢谢你相信我对你许下的承诺..... 杰上.....'

完美的成功表示一段刻骨铭心的爱情即将展开而付出的所有也是值得..... 终于'他'找到了唯一的她而两人的爱情故事将怎么发展下去呢..... 敬请期待下回吧再见啦各位.....

Tuesday, December 7, 2010


过了好长一短时间了'他'有什么行动吗?? 今晚就来分享下吧.....

上次说到'他'在营会认识了B女而且对B女有了特别的感觉问题是还是保持着原本的模样不动声色什么事也没做..... 心里也面对了抉择这就是'他'的宿命吧得面对不同的选择还有各式各样的难题这就使'他'的性格没什么主见所照成的.....

漫长的假期结束了在音乐班上课的时刻也结束了是该回到校园生活的时候了..... 得到父母的认同顺利的进入理想的专业学院开始非凡的训练生活..... 这是'他'所选择的生活也是'他'一直以来想要拥有的这一刻对'他'来说比任何事都还开心.....

面对着两个女生的抉择'他'选择暂时放开一切不去想而选择专注在'他'理想的事情上..... 因为那毕竟是'他'花了很长一段时间来得到父母的认同而也不想就此被任何事干扰..... 训练的生活让'他'成熟了很多面对事情也更有主见了那可是件好事.....

时间过了3个月, 一天早上因为没课所以'他'一个人呆在宿舍里上网听歌..... 偶然间'他'的电话传来了信息的铃声, 拿起手机一看是B女发来的简讯..... 简讯里写着'杰, 好久没联络了最近还好吗? 我有个好消息想告诉你就是---我恋爱了..... 我真的好开心哦!'.....

这个消息传来的时间太突然了让'他'一时无法反应过来..... 对'他'来说这样的消息有点震撼因为不知道应该祝福B女还是为自己感到可惜因为B女曾是'他'内心的一部分但如今一切都成了回忆..... 后悔吗'他'并不觉得因为能遇见比自己更好的男孩是B女的荣幸.....

回过了神, '他'决定发封简讯给B女祝福她..... 简讯里写着'晶, 真的好久没联络了, 很恭喜你找到如意郎君..... 我祝福你们哦..... 哈哈哈哈'..... 这时可能只有苦笑是唯一能表达'他'内心的伤心及感伤不过那是暂时的因为'他'知道自己得提起精神来应付不久后的考试.....

考试对'他'来说没什么难因为从小头脑就很灵活没什么事可以难倒'他'的而且做足了准备所以'他'对考试非常的有信心..... 不出大家所料'他'的考试成绩依然保持着个人的水准而且是高水准从来就没让'他'自己失望.....

考试过去了是时候回家乡的时候了而'他'却选择留在读书的地方带着'他'的宝贝相机到处去游玩..... 这就是'他'放松自己的方法选择到较落后的地方拍拍照, 吹吹海风, 品尝没吃过的美食..... 虽然是一个人的旅行不过对'他'来说那种感觉很有意义.....

回到了家乡'他'选择留在家里一个人孤单因为'他'是唯一的独生子..... 有时留在网上可望着朋友的问候心里的寂寞很少人知道因为'他'总喜欢把所有的心事隐藏起来..... 表现出开心开朗的一面好让大家都开心可能这就是'他'的使命吧.....

假期过了1个星期多日子还是一样的过, 只是对'他'来说多了种寂寞感..... 然而这种感觉让'他'在某一天的晚上想起了学妹的样子..... 其实学妹在'他'的生命中从来就没有离开过不时不时'他'都会想起尤其是在夜深人静一个人温习功课时.....

'他'对学妹还是一样的忠心从来就没变过也没遗忘过虽然两人的距离远了联络的时间也少了不过心里还是保留着对学妹的思念..... 向来就很专一的'他'一旦喜欢上一个女孩对'他'来说就是心里的唯一这使得'他'很难对别的女孩动心.....

那个晚上'他'想了很久最后决定联络上学妹而在电话里两人聊了很多..... 很久不见话题变少了不过'他'还是尽量的想了很多不同的话题一心只想继续听到学妹那温柔的声音..... 虽然看不到学妹的样子不过听到学妹的声音'他'也觉得那是值得的.....

电话挂断了'他'却还在想着学妹于是发了封短信给学妹..... 简讯里写着'凡,想问你一件事,如果有个男生喜欢你很久了你会有什么感觉?'..... 发了信息后'他'的心跳开始加速一支等待着学妹的回信不知过了多久,学妹终于回信了.....

这时'他'的心情更是紧张因为那是'他'第一次的表白, 打开简讯信里回到'杰学长,对不起虽然你没说那个男生是谁不过我想说的是我不喜欢远距离的感觉'..... 看到简讯内容的'他'顿时好像从天空跌到了地面心情跌到了谷底虽然那不是直接的拒绝.....

在接下来的每个晚上'他'都选择坐在阳台上看着满天星星的天空一个人发呆想着和学妹一起的时光..... 有时想了想眼泪就从眼睛两旁流下那就是失恋的感觉吧..... 时间久了开学的时间又到了带着沉重的心情还有难过的内心会到该回去的地方继续训练的生活.....

为了逃避难过的心情'他'选择用练习来遗忘一切的难过..... 每天'他'都很努力很努力的训练早上一早就一个人到海边跑步, 吃好早餐就开始一整天没间断的训练课程一直到下午的4点钟..... 休息半小时'他'又到健身房开始运动而晚餐后的时间全部都留给了书本......

这样的生活对'他'来说是唯一能让'他'遗忘过去一切的事无论是开心或不开心的'他'都选择忘记..... 可是这样的生活方式却让'他'在接下来的一个星期生了一场大病..... 就在某天的训练过程中'他'突然的昏到了这让同班的同学们都感到很惊讶.....

同学们把'他'送到医院去而'他'在去医院的路上口中还不时的叫着学妹的名字这使到同学们都感到很担心..... 经过医生的检查证实因为操劳过渡才会导致昏到的情况而'他'也被要求留院观察一星期.....

在医院休息的那段时间'他'为了不让父母知道一直都瞒着不说而也吩咐朋友及同学们不能说出去..... 因为不想造成家人的负担所以选择自己一个人面对病痛面对辛苦的生病日子..... 朋友们都觉得很不忍心不过那是'他'所选择的所以没办法.....

出院了带着疲惫的身躯回到了学校继续的训练因为曾经对自己许下的承诺决不能让子集的成绩推不也要顺利的毕业完成自己的梦想..... 一星期没追上的课及训练'他'试着在3天内完成因为一心想着和同学们一起同进退所以得跟上大家的进度.....

就这样时间久了每一天的生活都被课业, 训练及考试环绕着没有多余的时间去想其它的事更别说是想到学妹..... 对'他'来说可能是一种催眠自己遗忘过去的好事吧但对身边的朋友来说'他'太过于逞强了而且逼得自己太紧了.....

失恋, 这两个字对大家来说都是一种梦魇谁都不想踏上这一步更不想面对的事..... 不过有时真的没办法因为种种的关系两个相爱的情侣被迫走上这一步这可能是处理感情的问题把..... 就像故事里的'他'因为一直没说出内心的那段话而落到了如此的下场.....

续集的故事我想还会继续下去的至于接下来的一切得看看'他'该如何表现及身边的朋友们是怎么帮'他'渡过难关..... 内心还留着学妹一丝思念的'他'该如何面对学妹呢, 我想作者会有自己的接决方法所以敬请期待啦各位..... 再见啦.....

Sunday, December 5, 2010


回来已经一个星期了而每天的生活就是面对着电脑从早到晚因为真的没什么事可做也没有活动要跑真的好闷啊..... 面对着电脑能做什么呢??就只能看看facebook里的notification,不然就是上youtube看短片,更不让就是录戏咯很无趣的生活......

说到应改还是不应该这个话题嘛因为最近一整个星期都在想着要买DSLR的事没有一刻间断过咯真的好执着噢..... 脑袋一直不断的在想到底应改还是不应该买因为用的钱是自己大学的生活费所以南面会有点舍不得可是心里的渴望还是不断的怂恿我.....

真的好烦咯没办法谁叫我没什么主见在这种情况我就只能找老妈问可是啊一说到钱她的反应总是很大总而言之就是得听她啰嗦个没完就是了..... 被她这么一啰嗦我又没了自信怕这个又怕那个的早知就不问她了不过啊不问她又觉得不安心总之就是很乱啦.....

至于老爸呢我是从来就不问他的可能是关系不太好的缘故吧这是小时后开始就这样的乐..... 跟老爸很少话题聊天也聊不到太久的时间咯..... 我在大学期间好像没跟他聊过电话咯这是真的咯因为通常都是老妈子打电话来老爸没在身边的时候.....

有想过要问老爸的意见不过啊每次话到嘴边又被吞回去了所以没办法啦只好一个人烦恼吧..... 一架DSLR要花掉rm2000+对家里人来说可能真的太过分了也不值得可是啊那是我想给自己的一点奖励慰劳下自己辛苦了这么久咯的礼物咯.....

我知道他们担心我在大学会不够钱用咯因为在那里的消费真的太高了所以才劝我慢点再买..... 这点我没得反驳因为我不想因为这种事跟他们吵咯只是心里还是有点闷闷的..... 所以啊有时真的很难做抉择得顾虑很多方面咯.....

朋友们呢当让是很支持我的因为他们有时比我父母还要更了解我..... 因为内心的话我常常会对他们说而且他们也知道我的金钱状况愿意找我当管钱大使那可是我的荣幸呢..... 所以说啊这种事很难说的啦没办法咯只好自己解决吧.....

不过啊还是会得到老爸老妈的许可才会动手的因为那是我的原则咯很难改的..... 还得继续烦下去咯应该还是不应该呢再想想吧..... 就酱吧再见啦.....

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Nikon D3000 or Nikon D3100.....

yesterday i start thinking of a question: should i buy my very first DSLR camera this year or next year during my vacation to west Malaysia..... and thinking of which brand should i choose for it..... in my mind there's only 3 option which is Canon, Nikon and Sony.....

after some advice from my friend i kick off the Sony brand which they think that once the adjustment of white balance was incorrect it may harm our body..... so left only Canon and Nikon which i have to choose either one.....

after some consideration, i think of my friend did have a Canon EOS 1000D model so finally i make my mind to choose Nikon since it's also my first choice among the 3..... but here comes the problem again.....

i need to think of my financial problem as i need it for next semester study and for my vacation to west Malaysia..... it will be a big burden as for next semester i wont able to receive much money from PTPTN as they cut of all my school fees and WPP.....

so try to find a best and cheapest DSLR for myself and doing research during the whole afternoon until night for yesterday..... finally i get it which is Nikon D3000 and D3100..... both are good and nice and the price was reasonable for me.....

but the problem is which should i choose as D3100 is the upgrade model of D3000 and including video recording function which D3000 do n0t have..... besides, D3100 have extra 2 auto focus point compare with D3000.....

the price just hundred something in different as D3100 is the new model which release during August 2010 and D3000 was release last year..... as for the megapixel, D3000 have only 10.2 megapixel whereas D3100 have more 4 megapixel which is 14.2 megapixel.....

other than that the function of these 2 DSLR are mostly the same and both are suitable for beginners as provide easy functioning and nice shooting quality..... so which should i choose for my very first kind of headache and waiting for the selling price for both through my friend.....

here's the photo for Nikon D3000 and Nikon D3100.....

Nikon D3000

Nikon D3100

so that's all from me and i think i will buy one of them before my next semester starts..... so bye and see you then.....

Sunday, November 28, 2010

home again.....

after a month of exam finally im bak home again yesterday lar..... feel happy but not till high lo don know why like this since i hv one month holiday to go for the next semester..... but still satisfy with it lo.....

bak to home my family all say that i become more thin (that's always be the 1st sentences from them lar) so use to it already lar.... and i admit it as i drop in my weight but no choice lar exam time too stress and less taken of healthy food war.....

coming bak home now so i can enjoy whatever that i like and go around wherever i like to relax myself lo..... that's the main point lar and i can play, sleep, eat and so on without worrying this or that nice ler.....

i will try my best to continue update my post while i feel so lazy to write lor..... hahahahahaha..... so that's all lar..... happy holiday to all my friends at UMS and see you all again next semester..... bye

Thursday, November 18, 2010

preparing for final exam lar.....

its been a long time i think almost 2 weeks i din update with u guys about my life at sabah lar..... tis 2 weeks im busying in my preparation for my final exam which i hav 4 papers to test last week for this week 2 paper and next week 1 paper.....

actually i don like this kind of arrangement because it waste my time staying at hostel for 1 week doing nothing..... i prefer more to the arrangement that test all the subject within 1 week and let me go home more early instead of staying here for another 2 weeks.....

definitely i suffer a lot during the preparation week sometime i juz like give up everything and let it be juz fail everything..... but think of other aspect i shouldn't do like tat cz it the only way i can go since i juz can go for my dream after a earn my 1st degree.....

every night i sleep at 3am and some of the day i din even sleep jz to prepare for my exam..... is my first time put on so many effort on it but every time when step into the exam hall i will start forgetting everything that i hv study.....

i think for me im a person which suitable on the theory part of study which i will done badly on it..... i like more in practical jz like something that can let me try or touch or even have control on my own..... that's the best part for me.....

but i think now i still need to concentrate on my theory study and keep on memorizing all the terms, name and so on ba..... it is the fate of my life i think a challenges for me before i step my feet into my aspiring career which require responsibility and many aspect.....

so i will be start preparing for my exam starting from 2mr and will update u guys with my life next time lo..... signing off now..... bye.....

Sunday, November 7, 2010


是时候让我来帮康师傅茉莉清茶打下广告啦..... 这次康师傅公司找来了艋胛导演钮承泽来当短片的监制同时也找来了连奕琦来当这次短片的导演..... 这次所拍摄的短片共分成了12集诉说着12个星座的男生在面临和自己另一半的相处模式..... 短片的内容大部分注重在一个男生应该有着别星座的特性纵使让自己变得更有魅力..... 我很推荐大家去看哦只要到YouTube上查找《清蜜星体验》就能找到完整的12集段片啦.....



对于牡羊座他们最缺乏的就是和谐尊重, 喜欢当自己的英雄而且不管别人的感觉(这个性格要改哦).....





朋友多 反应快 不按牌理出牌.....

对于双子座你们最大的缺点就是小聪明太多, 从来就不会用直接的方式来告白(这种个性要改哦!).....


敏感 爱家 念旧.....

对于巨蟹座他们往往不够了解另一半真正想要追求的幸福是什么, 有点自私, 常忽略别人的感受(这种个性快改了它吧).....


爱当大哥 当明星.....

对于狮子座他们最大的缺点就是太爱面子了, 因为认为自己是想者所以凡事都太自我注意(是时候改改这个坏个性了).....


聪明 有效率 重细节.....
需要懂得感谢 称赞的伴侣.....

对于处女座塔门最大的缺点就是很龟毛, 很爱挑剔, 总喜欢唠叨个没完(这种个性会让另一半觉得很不耐烦所以要改啦).....

学习双鱼座的包容 接纳.....

重视和平 美感.....

对于天秤座他们最大的缺点就是老是拿不定主意, 常怕伤害别人不把话说清楚结果却造成更大的伤害(这种个性一定要改掉).....

学习牡羊座的行动 表达.....

神秘 复仇 不断死而重生.....

对于天蝎座呢最大的缺点就是疑心病太重了而且喜欢控制别人, 爱比较的性格也是这个星座的缺点(所以要改变了天蝎座).....


又开朗 爱冒险.....

对于射手座他们最大的缺点就是太过好客, 好玩还有就是做事从不看场合常常忽略了另一半(得快点改掉这个坏个性).....

学习双子座的观察 沟通.....

有计划 有毅力.....



独立 自由.....

对于水瓶座他们最大的缺点就是太投入在某些事或物上, 喜欢自由和独立的生活模式往往让另一半觉得没安全感(该是时候改变这种性格了).....

学习狮子座的热情 表现欲.....

敏感 牺牲 包容.....

对于双鱼座他们的缺点就是喜欢吃醋, 他们不会在当场表现出来不过却在私底下盘问自己的另一半(记得要改咯这种性格).....





学会表达 学会直接 学会积极.....
学会妥协 学会包容 学会把握 学会信任.....
懂得倾听 懂得分享 懂得牺牲.....



Friday, November 5, 2010










Thursday, November 4, 2010

















Sunday, October 31, 2010

sem 1 finish lar.....

finally my semester 1 at UMS has come to an end lar..... n for me it was a very meaningful semester with all those happiness and sadness im facing all those time..... actually i really don know how can i survive from all those difficulties but im doing it quite well and din let myself disappointed..... that's the main point lar.....

last week finish all my assignment and presentation feel like finally i can relax and sit down to start my revision for my final exam...... quite good for me as i still hav 1 more week for me to prepare for the exam as i know im going to pass all my papers for semester 1.....

n yesterday which was the last assignment for me and for all my fencing mate..... we are having the co-cum carnival at Canselor Hall which start from 8am until late night about 11.30pm..... we start preparing and do some decoration before the day......

as for us the main purpose is to provide as much information of fencing to those who don't have a chance to join fencing and let them try out the fencing fighting..... set up our booth with all those weapon and armor plus the wiring system.....

actually for me i use to do all those technical things because im the head of technical and equipment department and i need to settle all those technical and equipment that appear to have problem..... that's the main job for me.....

as my mother says, she told me to find something that im interested in and put in my effort to do it as good as i can..... n now i found it and i have try my best to giving out all my effort to manage all those things in proper way and in good condition.....

as time goes by, i think i start to love this sport and yesterday i manage to get my 2 upgrading cert which i score quite good as the coach told me im in the middle line and still can be improve..... fell happy and appreciate as i can meet with all those nice and good fencing mate and i think we will continue and fencing life for the few semester as we still studying in UMS.....

so end of the carnival we have a small celebration with our beloved coach and a group photo with all the first year fencers..... nice memory and last but not least tidy up all the things and sent back to hostel by our coach..... just want to say coach thanks lar..... we will meet up again someday and maybe we will do a big celebration for all of us.....

that's all from me lar.... thanks and bye..... missing u guys.....

Monday, October 25, 2010

finish presentation..... nice job guys.....

after busy for two days for the fencing competition, now is the time to do the preparation for our presentation this morning which is a long period presentation that need us to present our view in 1 hour time.....

actually it was tough for us as we never present our assignment in such a long time..... busying prepare all the things in just 8 hours without any stop last night as we have planed so many things and yet we need to combine all those info in such a short period of time.....

feeling stress and depress especially for me as im so tired because of the fencing competition preparation and the tournament..... luckily i have all those good and strong group member who help me to cover most of the things and let me do the video editing work.....

for them im the best person to solve all those technical things and i admit im quite good on it..... so for me doing all those editing was just suitable for me just a bit tired the whole night just look at the laptop and concentrate on all those video record and sound recording.....

tat was killing me as im gonna finish it in a very short time and cant even show the best results but im happy all my group member was able to accept my work..... besides, i hav a special job that is acting as a very depress students as we gonna present a short drama during our presentation.....

so our presentation start at 9am as our first speaker (our group leader) start to introduce all of us..... follow by the introduction then history, significance, drama, survey, Q&A, video and finally the conclusion..... finish in time as it was the most pack presentation we have.....

good to have praise from our beloved lecturer as we put in so much effort for our presentation and according to him we manage to get high marks for our presentation..... dare to try is our main reason as the creativity we have never end and keep on going for the next presentation.....

so congratulation to all of us "the golden group" as our passion on doing this assignment..... thanks to all of u who given all ur contribution in the presentation and all those paper work..... tat's all from me lar..... signing off bye.....

Sunday, October 24, 2010

fencing competition.....

yesterday which consider as our big day for all fencers as we r having the fencing close competition at our university..... preparing for almost 1 month finally the competition goes on yesterday from 7am to 11pm war.....

but that's the time we end our competition only lo..... beside we need to tidy up all the things especially all those technical materials and apparatus which we use it for the competition..... before this we have many things to do especially me myself as the head of technical and equipment department, i need to borrow many things for instance mic, amplifier and all those sword and jackets from different way.....

but luckily i have all those group member and our beloved president of the competition who are willing to help me if not im gonna die if im the one who do those things alone..... before the competition starts, we get to the venue and start setting up all the things.....

that's killing me as i need to set up all those stupid stuff and get ready all those equipments on position before the competition day..... all i need to do is to polish all the weapon we gonna use and check all those cable and machine as they are functioning well and in good condition.....

thanks to all those committee members from other department with your help to settle all those complicated stuff with me..... settle all those things by the time of 1am midnight n directly go back to my room after a tired work..... bath first then sleep till the next day.....

6.15am which i was suppose to wake up and yet i off my alarm and continue to sleep until 7am which all of us gonna gather and the competition venue to start our event..... unfortunately we only can start by the time of 8.30am since we face many problem before it which make me a b it disappointed at the beginning.....

never thought that this gonna happen when the device not functioning as before the competition it still can be use as i try it many time..... so for the men's foil we need to wait for the replacement to come before the competition goes on.....

whereas for women's epee, we start exactly at time and the competition run smoothly as all the fencers get ready in their position and run the competition smppthly..... glad to have their cooperation as i cant do it all by myself and it was a fantastic competition.....

next goes to men's foil where we start a bit late as the repacement wire have just come at the time of 9am..... set up again and directly starts the competition with all fencers get ready in the position..... im in the third pole of the competition which need to wait for a long period of time before my turn to compete.....

during the men's foil competition, i get to compete with my friend from DT department and my classmate last time which im glad to fence with them..... nice experience as i never spar before and it was my first time competing in a competition like this.....

good to say that im winning 3 out of 5 matches and qualify me to the next round..... keep going to work for technical part as i need to care about all those equipment and jackets and all those machine as it was all under my responsible.....

non stop working and running here and there once i heard my name been call here and there for help for the technical enquiries..... finish my competiton by the time of 2pm and that's the time i start to rest for a while but it seem like i have no time to rest and continue to work and compete for men's epee for the third pole also.....

this time the opponent was different from the past as im going to fence with our beloved mr. president and once again im qualify to the next round after winning for 2 matches out of 5 matches..... epee for me are more easy than foil because we can poke anyway we like as that's the rule.....

rest for awhile after my epee competition and hav some tea break before continue to work as a mcees after that..... actually the mcees job was too easy for me but i just manage to do it for half hour as it was too boring for me..... nevertheless, i went back to my own department and continue my work on technical side.....

after some time all those who qualify for the next round competition are gather and giving a briefing before the competition starts..... all the fencers get ready themself and without wasting any time we manage to finish all the competition by 10.30pm and end the competition with finalist and champion for the competition for different catagories.....

closing ceremony and prize giving time and finally the photo taking time as we all feel happy and get to know each other more deeply and gain more and more experience on fencing about the rule and regulation..... for me i get to know more about how to fix all those technical problem and settle all the technical things that we face during the competition.....

as the conclusion i feel happy and meaninigful as i get to know more friend and team mate as we can work together to organize an competition smoothly..... last but not least thanks to all the fencers and wish all of us can pass the upgrading having yesterday afternoon and continue training as to become a good fencers..... love fencing.....

tat's all la..... bye.....

Thursday, October 21, 2010



Sunday, October 17, 2010






Saturday, October 9, 2010


听潘裕文的夏雨诗感觉突然来了所以写了这篇部落格啦..... 心情有点混乱不知自己为什么突然变成这个样子难道是接了昨晚的电话后吗..... 有时我在想为什么这个世界上会有那么多的为什么难道就没有人能解决那些所谓的为什么吗..... 这个问题可能难倒了很多人吧就连我自己都没办法解决也无法回答.....

前几天想起了她好像很久没有关心她了而且很久没听到她的声音了心头突然出现一种冲动的感觉一直想打电话给她不过看了时间觉得还是算了吧..... 怕自己不懂想说什么更怕两个会因为某些事而觉得尴尬毕竟她对我的感觉和我对她的感觉并不同.....

有时我在想啊如果我真的打电话给她了我们之间会有什么话题可以聊呢??..... 我是个很纳闷的人所以很多事后我都慢个半拍忧其是在表达情绪或感觉的那方面..... 那就是我最大的败笔啦很多人并不名到为什么我会这样可能是和我的星座有关吧..... 金牛座的男生是这样的啦神经总是比较爱大条什么东西都丢三落四的.....

说回昨晚的事吧其实对我来说那已经是一件很平常的事了就常常会发生在我身上的事咯..... 对我来说可能我真的没那个命把什么是很像都得跟着家人为我铺好的路走一样什么事都得跟着他们的喜好去办..... 难道我就不能有我自己想要的生活吗这种按着你们安排好的路走的生活我已经过腻了也不想再这样过下去.....

有时我在想啊是不时我太乖了从来没有反对过你们的所做的决定也很没什么主见..... 所以才这样一次又一次的让我失望把我从高高的地方往下摔跌得粉身碎骨..... 从小开始所有的事都由家人做决定我没有反驳的机会就算是我不喜欢的我都逼着自己去做因为我不想造成他们的困扰..... 如今我长大了20岁了感觉上还是被逼着去做我不喜欢的事.....

这种感觉就如同我还是个小孩一样不懂得照顾自己需要家人的照顾..... 我明白也知道家人对孩子的看法总是不一样凡是孩子想做的事他们都会认为那是不对的那真的是对孩子好的方法吗?? 我不敢肯定这个问题因为在我的人生中从来就没违反过家人的旨意..... 他们所说的一切就像圣旨一样没人敢反抗.....

有时我在想啊如果今天我违反了家人口中所谓的圣旨那会怎么样呢?? 可能那时我才能脱离家人的束缚吧对于他们所做的有时很对有时我不认同真的好复杂..... 没办法抓到他们想表达的一切更不明白那到底是在帮我还是有着别的意义.....

.......... end

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


刚回来的那个星期天去了一个算是不错的岛吧..... 不知道该怎么形容咯因为这是我第二次出海到岛上去玩而且是和一群不是很熟的朋友一起咯..... 基本上来到大学就是这样的吗认识新的朋友和他们搞成一团就是主要的宗旨.....

5点起床准备是我来到大学后的第二次, 至于第一次是在刚开学的那个新生期间的第一天..... 之后呢就没有再那么早起来过了, 其实早期对我来说真的很痛苦的因为我是个很守时的人所以约定了什么时间就是什么时间绝对不会迟到不过偶尔还是会啦.....

6点早上在巴士站等着巴士的到来又是另一个折磨因为巴士真的很慢足足等了一个小时多才到咯..... 上了巴士到了码头然后搭着最早一班船到了目的地我们还租了浮潜工具咯..... 不过在那之前我们先要上完两堂的课才能好好的享受海边及海水的感觉.....

这次的家庭日主要是为了让我们能更了解对方而且也能透过这次的机会让我们能学到更多有关西洋剑的新知识咯..... 说起来这应改算是一中缘分吧大家能聚在一起而且还能相处得那么融洽真的觉得很难的咯..... 不过我们都得到了该有的知识咯这是值得开心的一件好事.....

结束了两堂课后就是自由时间的时候啦不过在那之前还是得填饱肚子后才能玩嘛..... 没在那里吃晚餐因为真的很贵而且在那种岛上比较多都是外国人所以那些事物就留给他们吧..... 对于那天的午餐没什么可挑剔的因为总比学校的好吃就是了所以满意.....

终于到了自由时间的时候啦大家都拿着早上租来的浮潜工具到海里去玩啦..... 当然我也不例外啦毕竟下海游泳是件很有挑战性的事儿且我还是那个没有穿救生衣就下海的那个家伙真的很大胆咯也很佩服自己的勇气咯.....

海底的生物真的很漂亮咯可能是我从来就没有亲眼看过真的海地世界吧所以对我来说真的很特别咯..... 在海里呆的时间久了觉得有点闷了而学姐们在这时也提议一起去玩个香蕉船于是二话不说立刻答应然后穿上了救生衣就到码头去等船只的到来.....

第一次玩香蕉船感觉上有点紧张其实不止一点而是很多点毕竟我们即将被甩进海中央..... 看着别人被甩到海里的感觉真的很开心很刺激也很迫不及待想玩咯..... 最后终于轮到我们几个好玩的家伙啦我们选择被甩两回合的方法好让我们能体验更多的刺激感.....

被甩到海里的感觉真的很舒服咯..... 因为可以看到海里的一些景观咯不过对我来说很像没看到任何东西咯因为那一瞬间真得太快了无法看到漂亮的海底景观..... 觉得有点可惜咯不过没关系啦在这里的时间还有很长我想几时去看都没问题的..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....

回到岸上表示是时候该回学校啦于是大家就准备好了一切冲凉的冲凉换衣的换衣..... 搞定了所有的事情后时间已经是旁晚的5点啦..... 最后一班船也到了牌了大合照于是大家就抱着又累又开心又不舍的心情回到了学校结束了家庭日

就酱啦..... 再见啦.....

Thursday, September 23, 2010


昨天也是一年一度的中秋节而我呢却在异乡过着没有家人陪伴的第一个中秋节..... 可能对大学生来说这就是所谓的想家的时候吧得一个人或对着一堆的功课和书本过节的感觉..... 对我而言也一样咯只不过还是有和教会的朋友出去朋友家吃个饭啦这是不一样的地方咯.....

中小学都放假的昨天对我们大学生来说还是得过着平常的生活..... 每有放假也没有特别优惠更没有所谓的中秋节气氛就像平常一样的过生活觉得真的很可悲..... 有的人甚至还得再考试中度过中秋节不过还好我不是那个不怎么幸运的人.....

上课到一半叫回的朋友穿了封短信给我问我要不要和他们一起到朋友家去庆祝中秋节..... 第一个反应就是没有问题啊反正我也没事可做不想读书也不想作功课只想放松心情..... 二话不说答应了他的邀请也在约定的时间准备好自己了不过每想到朋友的车却在这时坏了.....

没办法毕竟那不是谁都愿意发生的事所以就延迟了好长一段时间才去到朋友的家享用晚餐..... 坐在车里看着窗外的月亮真的很舒服因为很少机会看到如此亮又圆的月亮..... 虽然没看到什么星星不过有月亮就好了毕竟月亮才是真正的主角嘛.....

在朋友家呆了两小时多吧也是时候回学校宿舍了..... 带着开心和满足的心情回到宿舍继续找了些朋友一起聊天过完中秋节的夜晚..... 发现好多情侣都喜欢在半夜出动到较少人的地方去谈情说爱真的觉得很奇怪也很尴尬..... 哈哈哈哈哈哈.....

那就是我在大学的第一个中秋节啦..... 就酱咯再见啦.....

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

good news.....

"Ladies and gentlemen, we have just landed at Kota Kinabalu International Airport. For your own safety, please remain seated until the aircraft comes to a complete stops and the fasten seat belt sign is switch off. Please ensure that your mobile telephone are still switch off until you reach inside the terminal building. Do take care when opening the overhead compartment, before leaving the aircraft please check that you have all your hand luggage with you. Is our great pleasure to be you on board and we hope to see you again soon. If you need any assistant upon our arrival, please contact with our group staff. On behalf of MASwings, the commander of this flight, Captain so and so and the rest of the crew would like to thank you for choosing MASwings to your destination and have a pleasant day.".....

a landing briefing to all the passengers from a cabin crew and this is what a cabin crew doing beside serving refreshment or set meals to the passengers..... to all those cabin crew wannabe, here is a chance for u all to join MASwings as a cabin crew.....

MASwings which owned subsidiary of Malaysia Airlines (MAS) is going to recruit their new cabin crew on the 25 September 2010 (Saturday) at MAS admin building, Kota Kinabalu which just next to KK International Airport from 9am t0 1pm.....

so who is qualify to join MASwings as cabin crew??..... below is the minimum requirements for the cabin crew.....
1. Malaysian citizen
2. Age 18 to 30 years (as at date of application)
3. Minimum height: Male - 165cm
Female - 157cm
4. Pass SPM of its equivalent qualification recognized by Malaysian government with a pass in English OR pass SPM open certificate with pass in 4 subjects including English
5. Good command of Bahasa Malaysia and English Language
6. Good command of at least one local dialect would be an advantage
7. Pleasant personality
8. Excellent health and good eyesight (not colour blind)
9. Experience in customer service would be an advantage

beside this, all of you must prepare some important documents that request by MASwings which include:
1. Comprehensive Resume
2. Passport size & full length photo (non-returnable)
3. Photocopy of IC
4. Original certificates with their copies (SPM & other relevant)

More details about the walk-in-interview: (Based in Kota Kinabalu)
Date: 25 September 2010, Saturday
Registration Time: 9.00am to 1.00pm
Venue: MAS admin building,
Kota Kinabalu International Airport
Ground Floor, Jalan Petagas
Putatan, Kota Kinabalu. (Next to KK International Airport)

all cabin crew wannabe don't let go the chance to realize your dream as a cabin crew which can bring you to the sky and serve the passenger as you like..... so don't forget the time and place where you should be..... keep going everyone.....

do they look smart and beautiful in their cabin crew uniform??..... "YES" so what do you wait for, join MASwings today as you like them so much..... good luck to you all and safe flying..... bye.....

Monday, September 20, 2010


回来沙巴才不过两天却感觉好像回来了很久一样..... 可能是太忙碌了吧这两天都还在适应放假后的大学生活感觉上没什么读到书也没什么睡到觉..... 所以身体感觉上有点有气无力作什么事都觉得很快就累了真不想这样.....

事实上那可能是我懒惰所找的借口吧..... 回家休息了两个星期才动了一次的书真的很想我平常的作风因为所谓的放假对我来说就应该是开开心心的吃喝拉撒睡玩咯..... 至于学业的东西嘛就丢到一边去先吧不必去理会.....

回到这里我想是大家都不想要的吧更何况是我..... 真的很不愿意回来这里因为我知道要面对的即将是一堆的功课和考试我想大家的想法也跟我一样咯..... 所谓学生嘛最讨厌的事就永远离不开功课和考试因为那是大家的噩梦当然对我也一样.....

明天又有一场战要打了不过我还在这里上网写部落格真搞不懂自己在想什么可能是我的本性吧..... 总对我不喜欢的事没兴趣也不想去做更不愿意去提起总之就是恨之入骨咯..... 没办法谁叫我就是这种怪人就连读的科系也怪咯.....

假忙碌的两天让我根本没时间去想别的东西咯..... 脑袋出现的都是危机而不是好的东西咯正如将面对一场大灾难一样毫无喘气的余地留给自己..... 真的很烦咯镇乡有个人能给我吐下苦水或者在身边陪我下咯可是那应该很难吧.....

不说这么多了要去看看我的书了不然真的会死得很惨啊..... 算了吧再见啦各位.....

Sunday, September 19, 2010

the way bak to KK.....

hi, everyone im bak to my school after 2 weeks holiday spend at my hometown lar..... so i have done nothing during my holiday just come out playing and "lim teh" with my friends lo..... actually just very simple life la cz the purpose i go home is to rest ma..... so nothing special can be update for u guys de.....

yesterday coming back to sabah by air transport which is the fastest way for me to reach here within 1 hour and 35 minutes from my hometown..... going to airport a bit late but luckily everything was smoothly done.....

im taking Maswings 9M-MWI take off at the time of 5.45pm from my hometown to sabah lar..... leaving my hometown for another 2 month lar and start my uni life for the next 2 month lar..... actually for me is usual to leaving home lo.... no big deal for me.....

so talk about my flying experience with Maswings lo..... this is the third time i use to take Maswings flight cz no AirAsia was operate for the route from Sibu to KK lo..... and is the third time i meet with the pilot during the middle of the flight.....

during the first time i meet with a senior first officer which he have 3 stripes on his shoulder..... then the second time i meet a captain which have 4 stripes on his shoulder..... and then the third time which was yesterday, i meet with a senior first officer again lo.....

i feel that i was too lucky to meet with them but unfortunately i cant have a photo shooting with them or inside the cockpit cause there is no camera with me at the time..... feel a bit sad since i admire them so much especially having their pilot uniform on them..... hahahaha

next should be talking about my flight journey lar..... actually i think should the worst from all my aircraft journey experience..... im nt blaming those crew member and pilot but the passenger sitting behind me.....

a kid actually and he was so naughty and cant control his own behavior..... and his mother cant even take care of her child also just leave his son playing and kicking my chair during the whole journey and yet she was wearing her earphone and start washing movie i think.....

i thought she was able to control her son properly since i look to the back and showing her my angry face but unfortunately she din even bother me and continue wif her things..... really irresponsible as im paying the same amount of money as u to take the flight and u din even bother about others.....

make my really angry and moody during the whole journey to sabah..... i just want to say that parents should be responsible to their own children as other passenger paid the same amount of money to take the flight..... or even it is the first time for someone who taking the same flight with u to go for vacation or so on and u have spoil his or her mood as they want to enjoy each and every moment inside the aircraft.....

so this is my conclusion to all of u..... next time pls take care ur children and beware cause someone will be angry and start shooting some impolite word on u or even on ur children as u cant control ur own children well enough.....

so that all from me lar..... bye.....

Tuesday, August 24, 2010












Monday, August 23, 2010


最近身边好像出现了很多令我烦恼的事咯..... 难道这是不好的预兆吗? 我不知道而且也不想去想象想太多对我没好处倒不如就把它放到一旁不理它..... 可是不理它我又觉得不是滋味就好像是缺了什么东西没做一样真的好烦.....

第一件事就是前天发生的那一件啦心里每天都在想我真的没有生气了吗或是我真的发下一切了吗?..... 没人能给我一个正确的答案因为就连我自己都不懂了别人更不可能会懂的..... 朋友说今天的我和平常很不一样没什么说话难道真的那么明显吗?.....

对每个人我都说我没事我很好可是内心真的是这样想的吗?..... 我真的不知道因为面对着他我没话可以说..... 可能是伤害太深了吧我们两个从无话不谈的朋友关系变成了面对面没话聊更加没有所谓的交际就好像两个陌生人一样场面真的好僵好冷.....

Mid-term快到了而我却还没开始读书这可是我的本性总喜欢临时抱佛脚到了最好一秒钟才懂得自动自发把书拿起来..... 可是这次的感觉却不一样很像是内心有股力量告诉我不能再像以前一样因为那是行不通的..... 所以到现在我还是不懂我该怎么办才好真的好烦啊.....

再来就是功课的问题啦..... 过两个星期就是交功课的时间啦而我们却还在搜索的过程中就缺了很多东西还没做也没有头绪该从何开始咯..... 可能是没经验吧很多事我们都还在莫索中而且这份功课关系到我们一大半的考试分数所以不得有任何差错..... 压力真的好大啊.....

接下来就是家乡的事啦..... 家乡发生了水灾而且听说还蛮严重的所以很担心家人的安危因为这是第一次在八月份发生水灾..... 家人告诉我有关家里的情况从他们口中可以知道水灾的严重性不过眼见为凭总要看到了才知道事情的严重性所以一直都很烦恼.....

试着告诉自己不要担心那么多不过脑袋就是不听使唤老是和我唱反调我越是不想回忆它就越要出现在我的脑袋里..... 可能我真的无法控制它的自由吧毕竟它想做什么事是我不能管的而且也管不到咯这就是人的脑袋啦.....

好了好了不聊了就这样吧..... 再见.....

Sunday, August 22, 2010


对我来说昨晚的事可能就是他们心中那理所当然的事吧..... 我没生气任何人因为我觉得那就是人的本性有时就会这样一心不能二用..... 只是我会觉得在这个圈子里我会不会是那个被遗弃被忘记的那个个体.....

其实昨晚突然心中出现一股想哭的冲动因为我没办法释怀为什么我永远是那个被忘记的人..... 在中学时也一样好几次我都被遗忘了没想到到了大学同样的事还是持续的发生..... 可能这就是我该经历的一切吧是上帝给我的磨练吧让我学会更加的独立....

我不觉得那是谁的错因为我觉得那是大家都会犯的错没有一个人是不犯错的只是我不能理解为什么你不能给我一通电话通知我呢..... 难道真的难为你了吗我尝试告诉自己你一定被某件事耽搁了所以才没打给我所以我一直都没问.....

在去的路途上我是一个人回的时候我也是一个人你知道吗我是多么的害怕..... 真想随时能看到你们其中一个的身影可惜令我失望了..... 在雨中走着回来心里在想着很多事很多某名的事都涌了出来让我的忍耐度到达了极限.....

回到来的第一件事我真的很想往你脸上打一拳好让我的愤怒能发泄出来..... 可是我告诉自己我不能冲动于是就回到房里一个躲到冲凉房里用冷水冷静自己..... 真的很想哭不过就是哭不出来可能愤怒使我忘了哭的感觉吧.....

我变得沉默寡言因为我觉得那是最适合我的状态怕自己控制不了情绪随时会爆发..... 坐在一旁的椅子看着朋友们发来的信息心里有种特别的感觉好像是愤怒都被带走了..... 不明白那是为什么不过总算是让我放下了一切不在生气.....

回到房间的时间已经是今天早上的2点多了可是却发生了一点小事导致我没办法回房里休息..... 门锁坏了所以室友将房间从内反锁了无论敲几次门就是没人来应门..... 最后我选择了放弃回到礼堂里去看到朋友们以然还在让我松了口气.....

躺在那冷冰冰的桌上睡了许久不过朋友之间的对话我都有听到原来他们都很在乎我..... 那时的我在想我应改原谅他们吗?答案我不知道..... 5点了, 朋友带我到他的房间去收留了我一晚而且还将他的床让给我睡我真的很感动而他却为了我牺牲了睡眠让我觉得很过意不去.....

心里答应过自己这份恩情我是不可能忘记的因为我有着这帮这么好的兄弟...... 谢谢你兄弟, 收留了我一个晚上让我不必在寒冷的地方休息..... 我想我会好好感谢你的帮助所以期待吧..... 至于那件事我还没准备好要如何去破解这个僵局所以我想我们还是保持现状吧毕竟那是考验我们友谊的关卡.....

不要觉得有压力因为那是我的决定所以你还是保持你的现状至于我嘛我想接下来的时间是时候让我好好的了解你了..... 对于我来说你是我相信的那个人不过经过昨天的事你在我心目的地位已经下降了..... 不室说完全不相信只是可能我会重新考虑我对你的信任度毕竟你在我的心里造成了一道伤痕而这道伤痕需要很长一段时间才能复合.....

Friday, August 20, 2010


在开始之前我想先澄清一件事那天的我真的没有心情不好更没有所谓的生气..... 所以请大家以后看到我不开玩笑或是很专注在一件事上时请大家不要怕我不会吃了你..... 其实对于一个人来说朋友真的只是互相利用还是能真正分享心事的人呢?

在大学生活了1个月的时间了习惯了每天早上大家一起到cafe集合然后一起搭巴士到上课的地方..... 这是我们每天都会作的事就算是吃饭或是赶功课我们都会聚集在一个地方互相的讨论..... 不过在每个人的心里那份友情真的存在吗, 这个答案我到现在还没找到.....

可能是每个人都有他的想法吧..... 在这个月的生活里我真的过得很开心虽然我们之间常出现一些问题..... 大家给我的感觉就好像一帮好兄弟一样我没讨厌过你们任何一个..... 在你们的眼里我可能只是个过路客就好像一个毫无关系的人..... 不过这一切我都不在乎因为我知道那不是你们的错而是我没有努力去维护这段友情的发展.....

昨天有位朋友问我对于我来说大家到底在我眼里是怎样的感觉..... 其实身边的每一位都有他的好没有一个人是没有缺点的只是你是否能接受那所有的缺点..... 对我来说他们的缺点我都在试着去接受我没有放弃改变每个人的想法因为我觉得那是我该做的事.....

就来说说在我们中间的大少吧..... 做事鲁莽冲动是他的座右铭而且我对他的第一眼感觉就是他好像我facebook里的朋友..... 老是在上课时间睡觉或钓鱼也是他的特色啦不过说到帮助朋友方面他算是义气十足的一个好人..... 还有就是他很容易受别人的影响和老是粗口成章不过我有信心能改变他的心态..... 还有就是他是个敢作敢当的人什么事他都有办法解决不用别人的帮忙.....

接下来就是我们中间老是爱装无辜的无底洞啦..... 叫他无底洞是有原因的别看他人高高瘦瘦的其实他是个超级大胃王..... 最喜欢的就是吃东西无时无刻都能听到他说肚子好饿虽然我们在几分钟前才吃过饭或早餐...... 那只是表面的他其实他是个不会表达意见的一个人这点跟我还蛮像的..... 就好像所有的事都是理所当然的不必有任何意见然而却把一切想说的话都藏在心里..... 他的坏习惯就是晚上都不睡觉真不懂他在搞什么鬼.....

来临的就是大家口中的算命佬啦..... 外号听起来真的好土不过那就是唯一能代表他的一个象征性外号啦..... 第一次见到他时就对他很反感虽然他和我一样从同一个地方来到这里不过就是觉得有点怪怪的感觉..... 说老实的我真很不喜欢听到他那夸张到爆的理论我知道也明白他是个很有经验的人不过就是不喜欢他说的那么夸张..... 相处久了才发现他是个很照顾很关心我们的大哥哥.....至于他的个性和大少一样不过他的个性比大少的还要差.....

低音男我想我们之间都知道他是唯一一个没有心机的人可能是他跟得我们少吧..... 所以对我们来说他会是那个保持中立的人..... 第一次见到他时就觉得他这个人很爱装酷没什么事就不说话开始装酷..... 当时他对我说的第一句话就是‘你好像我的一个朋友噢, 无论是说话或是五官都好像’..... 而且他还重复着同样的话好多次..... 真的被他炸到哈哈哈哈.....

在来就是我们中间唯一的女生俗称嗲女..... 叫她嗲女的原因很简单就是她总喜欢在我耳边用她那超嗲的声音说话还有向我求情..... 对我来说她是个很有主见的女生就好像什么事都难不倒她一样不过唯一的缺点就是情绪管理方面出了很大的问题..... 就无时无刻都能看到她发癫或是情绪不稳定的时候..... 这点我想我还需要很多的时间需帮她吧..... 还有啊她是个超级大鸡婆什么事都要知道才甘愿.....

最后一位也是最重要的一位啦我们都叫他胖子因为他的身材是我们中间最胖的一位啦..... 他是每次被我们欺负和奴役的那一位而且他就像是我们每个人的管家一样老是帮我们打理一切的事..... 对我来说他是个能让我说心事的对象不过暂时我还是保留了很多毕竟他并不了解我的一切..... 唯一的缺点就是喜欢把心事或不开心的事都往心里放让人猜不透他的想法.....

至于对大家来说我又是个怎样的人呢? 我想没有人比我更清楚吧..... 我是个不善于言语表达的人而且我不习惯把不开心的事说出口因为那不是我想保留的东西..... 对于不开心的事我都会把它放在我内心的最深处不让别人有机会知道..... 我是个喜欢开朗而且拒绝暴力或粗口的男生, 有时我在想会不会是我太好人让我身边的朋友觉得我是不会在乎他们过分的行为.....

那是我做人的原则因为我觉得朋友在相处的过程中难免会有些不愉快的事情发生不过我选择放下一切..... 因为我不想在我的生命中有着不开心的事存在更不想将不开心的事保留在我的内心中因为对于我来说那是一种无形的压力..... 其实每个人的心中都有个很难解开的心结就像我心里的那一块是没有人能了解的.....

这般同学或是兄弟我还得继续和他们生活在一起3年的时间所以我真的很希望我们的友谊能继续保持下去..... 我不敢保证以后的生活或相处会不会有更多的问题不过只要有我在的一天我不会让这般朋友分离..... 因为你们是我的精神支柱更是我的力量来源毕竟我的心灵是哪么的脆弱没办法一个人在没有朋友的环境下生活..... 我想我会继续保持现在的性格惟有这样我才能继续的坚强活下去.....

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

class cancel.....

'2day class PT10403 have been cancel' this is the word i saw when i walk into the class at DKP 9 after having a lunch at 2pm..... i think this is the 3rd or 4th time my lecturer cancel the class within 2 months.....

no choice so sat down rest for awhile and talk to my course mate about our personal things..... it was interesting actually and i like it as i can get to know more about them as everyone of us come from the different state or town.....

talk about how was our interpersonal attitude and get to know most of my friend have their very interesting story which show who they really are..... jz like me, actually there is four different characteristic inside my mind.....

after some time we went to library to continuing as we start to gossiping about someone..... hahahahahaha..... i not going to show his or her name out here because i think that it is not a good things to tell.....

went back to hostel at about 4pm something and now start blogging here..... actually i need to rush for 1 assignment and 2 reports which we going to hand in by this saturday or before but i still blogging here..... hahahaha.....

keep going lar and i need to finish my assignment on time lar..... so everyone bye lar.....

Friday, August 13, 2010


4am, i just went back to my hostel and sleep for around 4 hours then wake up prepare myself to go for class which my group going to do our presentation during the 11am tutorial about phases of pregnancy and milestones for each stages.....

unlucky things happen on me this morning which i have been lock outside my hostel as i din bring my key to go wash up and my room mate din realize i was not in the room..... damn shit lar then i force to destroy my hostel door with the help from my course mate..... haiz.....

the next thing happen was i need to repair the door lock which i break it and luckily the lock was not break just some part of it longgar lar..... other than that all ok de no problem just it take me 1 hour in order to fix it back..... really tired.....

next go on to be my presentation which i have been around 10 minutes for the tutorial but luckily nothing happen lar..... our tutor change to a new person le not our own lecturer and he is giving more burden to us which he told us to write a report after each presentation.....

during the presentation i was so steady as my course mate said that but actually im quite nervous just tiring to hide the feeling as im the leader for my group and i cant show out my nervousness.....

the presentation going on smoothly start from the beginning but during the conclusion time which our going to present a video but the computer cant support..... really sad but luckily i did bring my laptop to class and i have the original copy for the video..... hahahahaha

everyone was satisfy with our group's presentation and fully understand about what we are trying to explain to them..... happy that done my first presentation with such a big clap hand from my course mate..... thanks to all of u..... i will keep on this situation de.....

that's all from me bye.....

Thursday, August 12, 2010

incident incident incident.....

assignment assignment assignment..... this word keep on repeating in my brain since the first day i reach here and yet i haven finish any of it..... Thursday usually is the day for us to do our assignment and discuss for group assignment.....

as usual wake up 9.15 in the morning and prepare myself up before meet with my course mate at the cafe..... actually we do it everyday and the cafe was the place that consider as our check point which we will meet each other everyday including dinner time.....

as the time reach, 1 of my course mate came to my room and meet with me then we go cafe together and wait for others to come..... actually we need to wait for others as most of them will late for about 15 minutes or sometime even half and hour.....

having mee goreng as our breakfast after that taking the school bus and went to the bank where they wan to check for the balance and withdraw some money..... our bus driver happen to be mati enjin this morning in front of the library which it located at the hill.....

i think it is because he dont have enough sleep as starting from yesterday the malay start their puasa month lo..... but luckily everything was ok and we reach the bank successfully..... long way waiting because there is only 2 AT Machine.....

finish taking the money then we went to the library as the others was waiting us in the seminar room which we book it on Tuesday..... incident happen as we have been block outside the entrance of the library which we suppose to wear formal 2day in order for us to enter the library.....

but i think it was totally not fair as many of others wear the same dress code as us and yet they can enter with no blocking way..... luckily we have a good idea that is entering from the back door as the librarian there are more nice compare to the front door.....

start our assignment at about 11.30am and im doing my group presentation slide for 2mr presentation..... actually it was a simple job as i find most of the info from internet and post it inside my slide..... done it at 12.30pm something and go for our lunch at library cafe.....

finish having our lunch then resume back to our assignment section which i start my correction on my presentation slide..... after tat is the time to end our discussion section and change the place with my another course mate.....

now im still blogging at 24 hour study room as i waiting for my class which start at 7pm and end at 9.15pm..... 2nite we going to rush for the assignment at 11pm and dont know when will it end..... so bye lar everyone.....

Monday, August 9, 2010


the time now is 12.20am and i still doing my assignment and facebooking plus blogging now using school wireless which consider as the fastest line networking at school compare to all the broadband.....

no heart to do my assignment cause it was late now and i cant think of wat to write..... normally i seldom burn midnight oil by doing assignment or homework lo..... actually is was my very first time doing my homework at midnight lor.....

nothing to write lar and really lazy ler..... but still to continue for the assignment lo no choice war..... haiz..... that's all lar bye and nite.....

Sunday, August 1, 2010


这个星期对我来说算是满充实的一个星期咯虽然每天的生活都充满了忙碌不过还好我还能撑到现在真搞不懂我是怎么做到的可能是我够坚强吧..... 怎么说 这星期过得很充实呢,这应该可以算是我灵命上的成长吧.....

记得上个星期的小组大聚会后让我就在组长的邀请下参加了更多的教会活动而且还主动的参加了大专诗班.....祷告会也是我的初体验虽然有点搞不懂不过我会继续学习操练自己..... 至于诗班更是个大难题虽然唱歌对我来说没什么大问题不过就因为看不懂乐谱所以有点困难.....

今天早上参加了成人主日学也学到了很多新的知识之前根本就没想过的问题得到了答案..... 很开心能继续的为着教会来服侍而且还能更加的亲近我亲爱的天父上帝这是多么开心的一件事而且在教会的感觉让我能为这接下来新的星期来充电.....

以上是我在教会的事宜接下来的就是我的学习事宜啦..... 在沙巴大学的生活已经迈入一个月的时间了大致上都适应了每什么问题就是功课多了点别的都还好..... 至于课外活动的话未来的每个星期二我都会到Sabah Fencing Association去加紧练习以提升我的水准能考到好成绩..... 不当如此就像我之前说得我想学多点形的东西所以我会继续提升虽然我下个学期不必继续了.....

功课方面在这个星期就收到了6到7个而且大部分都得在假期前交不然就是得呈现出来咯..... 对我来说我可是要求很高的二我现在掌握了两个功课的助长全所以我会尽力地做好我的份内工作而且我也希望组员们能够合作啦.....

或许是太忙碌了吧感觉上有点累不过还是很享受其中的乐趣..... 因为能和来自不同地方的陌生人变成朋友是件多么难的事所以要珍惜每一分每一秒和大家相处的机会..... 对于未来的事我们都预测不到不过我们唯一可以做的就是珍惜身边每一位家人及朋友.....

至于身体的疲惫是不可缺少的每天都会有用尽体力的时候..... 所以到了那时就应该好好休息别勉强自己继续面对着困难和忧虑因为人总是得休息的不可能每天都能保持很好的状态..... 我会继续坚持下去的无论是遇到任何的困难或悲伤都住址不了我的动力因为我心中有个祂.....

大家晚安啦早点睡吧明天又是新的一天要好好的过生活噢..... 加油啦改天见啦我会继续上传些有趣几关于我在大学生活的写照啦, 所以请大家拭目以待吧.....

Wednesday, July 28, 2010


this is the 4th week im at sabah to start my new life as a university students which im taking industrial and organizational psychology for this 3 years of university life..... actually every things going on smoothly and im still very healthy just maybe im getting thinner and thinner.....

study for almost 1 month here i realize that every things here was just expensive and expensive plus busy and busy..... why i say so is because we have receive many assignment for this first semester and most of the subject with at least 1 or 2 group assignment some even have individual assignment.....

that's really shock me where we gonna form our group and discuss about something that really not familiar for us as a beginner..... but luckily our lecturer was kind enough they willing to help us all the time we needed but sometime we need to wait for long time just to get to see them.....

actually university life for me it was very interesting and meaningful cause i may get to know many new friends from different state of Malaysia and even international students where our course have an international students from Turkey as our classmate..... really glad to know him and we can be friend just like normal people.....

another things was rushing for the bus and buying foods..... it was a very interesting experience for me cause every time we need to rush for the bus by running here n there or somehow pushing each other to get into the bus in order to go back hostel more early..... and also the food, we need to pushing each other to get a place for our own in order to get those nice food.....

i think it was the time for me to learn how to get through all those difficulty by my own lo as the future is under my own hand and i wont let anyone to affect as im gonna get my first degree within this 3 years and continue my own dream..... that's my point and i wont give up my dream as a pilot so easily...... hahahahaha.....

lastly wish everyone there have a nice day and may God bless u all..... good night and bye lar.....

Saturday, July 24, 2010


i think most of u have seen my last post which about the course that im taken for this semester and there is a co-curricular activity include in it which im taking fencing as my university co-curricular activity.....

i think most of u will think why i will take this activity since i was a scout at secondary school for almost 8 years and i never forget about it and never absent for 1 time..... the first reason is because my uni din offer the rover scout co-cum for us and the second is im interested in new sport like fencing.....

actually i don't know anything about fencing and from what i saw in the television is just 2 guys or ladies poking each other to get marks and at the end the higher score win the match..... but since i have join this club for 2 weeks, i realize that fencing actually need a high concentration when u are compete with each other.....

fencing for me consider as a very new and i have never learn it before and yet i like it very much after having training for 2 weeks..... i learn a lot of fencing movement from the coach and others who are same like me which was totally strange to fencing.....

actually for me fencing is a sport that's need a lot of thinking and u must act fast as the opponent are ready to poke u..... thus it may also help me to act more alert as now im a university students and cant act like secondary student.....

i think i will continue joining the club for the next 5 semester as i want to learn more technique and i want to gain more useful experience and also fill up my time for my university life as it was my last time joining the co-curricular activity.....

last but not least i will update more about my uni life to all of u as it will be a long journey for me before i went for the next stage of my life..... so everyone stay tune to my next post lar..... and 2night im gonna go for church activity lar..... so bye and see ya.....

Friday, July 23, 2010

my daily schedule for sem 1.....

im taking 18 credit hour this semester and below is the timetable for this semester of me.....

Tutorial PT10103 (Penghantar Psikologi)
Bilik Seminar 1 (SPKS)
9am - 10am
Encik Ismail bin Maakip

Lecture PT10103 (Penghantar Psikologi)
Dewan Kuliah Pusat B1
2pm - 4pm (Seksyen 1)
Encik Ismail bin Maakip

Lecture UW00102 (Hubungan Etnik)
Dewan Kuliah Pusat 6
11am - 1pm (Seksyen 3)
Encik Mohd Sohaimi Esa

Lecture PT10403 (Pengenalan Psikologi Perkembangan)
Dewan Kuliah Pusat 9
2pm - 4pm (Seksyen 2)
Encik Zall Kepli

Lecture UC00102 (Komunikasi Korporat)
Dewan Kuliah Pusat A2
11am - 1 pm (Seksyen 2)
Encik Jamsari bin Hashim

Lecture PI10103 (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi)
Dewan Kuliah Pusat 9
2pm - 4pm (Seksyen 1)
Encik Dr. Murnizam Hj Halik / Encik Alfred Chang

Lecture UB00602 (Grammar in Context)
Bilik Tutorial 3 (SPPS)
7pm - 9pm (Seksyen 10)
Encik M. Balakirisnan

Tutorial PT10403 (Pengenalan Psikologi Perkembangan)
Bilik Tutorial 6 (SPKS)
11am - 12nn
Encik Zall Kepli

Tutorial PI10103 (Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi)
Bilik Tutorial 6 (SPKS)
2pm - 3pm
Encik Alfred Chang

Co-Curriculum ES01503 (Seni Anggar/Lawan Pedang)
Dewan Canselor
9am - 12nn
Encik Bobby Chiw

*SPKS - Sekolah Psikologi dan Kerja Sosial (my school)
*SPPS - Sekolah Pendidikan dan Pembangunan Sosial

so that's the timetable for me and i satisfy wif it cause it wont be so pack for me like before and i have more time to rest and prepare for the next lesson..... that's all from me 2night lar and pls stay tune to my next post lar..... Good Night and Bye.....

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

3rd week in KK (new home).....

long time din update my blog lar, i think is the time to update something about my campus life at UMS which im gonna to stay here for the rest 3 years..... actually my life is just like usual just the study timetable was totally different from the past.....

for the 1st week which i have told u guys before, our school having an orientation for us and it was quite boring and nothing to do so..... thus for the 2nd week of my study, is just like everything still not yet ready and most of the lecturer are absent during the 1st week of lecture.....

heard from what my senior told me it was usual for them cause normally for the 1st 2 weeks they not going to lecture because the lecturer still having their holiday and mostly will be talking about the syllabus for the course lor.....

although they told me like tat but im still going for my lecture for the 1st 2 weeks because tis was my 1st year campus life and im not going to break the school rules war..... so as usual follow my own timetable and go for lecture from monday to saturday......

oh ya, before i forget i taking fencing for my 1st semester co-curricular activity lo and i think i will continue training myself as a great fencer for the rest 3 years untill i finish my campus life here at UMS.....

actually is was fun and im having my 1st training during last saturday and my coach is a chinese guy war..... so lucky for me cause often we can see chinese inside the campus and somehow he was the coach for fencing club.....

for my lecturer i think most of them are very friendly and nice but it just the beginning of the semester and there is still so much question mark inside my brain whether my lecturer really nice or not.... but for sure im gonna obey to what they gonna told me to do in order to get good results.....

i think that's all for tis few weeks in KK my new home and my new campus life at UMS..... so 2mr morning im gonna wake up early again to attend a very important induction which i only can get my student card after the induction.....

so good night everyone and see ya.....

Sunday, July 11, 2010

the reason.....

first of all i would like to congrats all the new PLC member because u have been chosen as one the council member to lead 3rd Sibu Scout Group..... im very happy to hear that most of you are satisfy wif ur post..... and somebody do not satisfy wif it so 2night im gonna list out all the reason why u suppose to get those post instead of the post u like.....

start from our new president Richard:
Richard我知道对于你来说主席的位子并不应该由你来当任,我也承认当初我也不想让你当上这个位子因为我觉得你的压力太大不过最后想了想还是觉得你最适合而且我对你的期望也很高相信你能把所有的工作也能带领其他队员毕竟你也是5 High的带领者所以我很放心吧童军队交给你希望我下次回去时看到不一样第三童军团.....

to vice president 1 Ee Ang:
这个位子我想没别人能取代你咯因为你和我两年的合约通过了这次的考验向我证明了你有这个能力提升第三童军团在操步方面的实力也能提升大家的纪律, 还有啊记得整理下布告栏因为正的很难看所以这个神圣的工作就交给你啦, 还有最后一点别忘了准是更改信息因为要考验你的时间观念.....

here come vice president 2 Lee Hua:
原因很简单是因为我任为你做事比任何人都准时完成而且对于我来说你做事我放心还有你能帮我管好其他队员的出席率, 不要以为自己没那个资格也不要怕背被人所闲话因为你真的有那个资格毕竟你也考到了这么高的位子还有啊你能帮我压制住ee ang所以我很放心叫给你这个位子..... 不要想太多将你想要做的都放胆去做.....

next going to be secretary Eileen:
我知道你头很痛不过秘书的工作真的没那么难啦, 不要自己吓自己因为那根本没什么..... 选你的原因很简单因为我们不想看到大材小用的情况而且知道你是有那个实力所以就一把把你推了上去咯..... 希望你不要怪我啦.....

vice secretary Chiew Ee:
我知道你很不满意这个位子不过我有我的原因咯, 不时我偏心不给你你想要的而是向对比起来他正的比较适合当上那个你想要的位子..... 对于我来说给你副秘书着个位子在适合不过了因为我看得出你有一种特别的特质就是我想你应该会吧童军团发扬光大因为透过你出版的童军杂志让更多的学生能了解我们童军团的优点.....

our beloved treasurer Kwan Huey:
财政的工作往往是最辛苦的这点我比你更新出音为我曾经也当任过这个位子..... 当时的我真的非常的忙碌无时无刻都得抱着记账本到处追老师咯不过老师真的很好会帮助你咯..... 选你的原因也很简单因为看过你管理钱的方式还有你身边朋友的推荐让我仍定了你就是那个接班人..... 我的眼光很准的希望你能帮统军团赚多点钱啦..... hahahaha

next goes to the vice treasurer Rina:
actaully我会给你这个位子的原因是因为我看得出你压力很大lo..... 凡事都追求完美的你对于我来说刚好适合副财政的工作因为这封共做需要一个很细心而且还能很负责任的人来当任而你正是我想要的那个人..... 对于你来说可能不是很满意这个位子咯这些我都明白不过往另一面想着分工作真的很轻松而且还能学到好处这何尝不是件好事呢.....

our most cute quartermaster 1 Bing Bing:
选你的原因也非常的简单咯而且你是第一个我们通过讨论一致出来的结果..... 你是哪个最适合这个位子的人没别人能取代你咯因为我看得出大家都很相信你能把这份工作做好而不是放着一边等着别人来做..... 我也相信你有那个能力能把我们第3童军团的储藏室能整理的更加的干净毕竟你是个女生所以高该有的细心还是会有的所以我很放心交给你管.....

quartermaster 2 Sing Sing:
对你的选择起时我们一直都很挣扎因为这原本因该是男生的工作不过就因为缺少男生的关系所以只好选择了用女生..... 不是说你不好而是这种粗活我真的很不舍得让女生来做不过最后还是没办法选择了你..... 因为怕你一个人应付不来所以还故意选了一位助手来帮你这样能减轻你的工作量而且还能教会更多的人有关于储藏室的整理工作.....

our monkey boy quartermaster 3 Lee Xin:
轮到你了非常简单就因为你是男生而且我看过你扛木的动作真的很熟练而且看你任嚣嚣瘦瘦的你的力气真的很大所以毫无疑问的你就是唯一的人选..... 对于你来说可能这并不是你想要的不过我决的这个位子正的很适合你没有任何的反对还有就是我相信你能好好的练习你的记述将来能教会我们如何正确的保护好所有的木材还有费轮胎.....

next should be our first aider Yi Fan:
我知道你也是那个不满意你所得到的位子的其中之一因为没人教会你如何应付这项工作..... 就如我对说的你的工作范围很大的包括了所有的教学及救济这些都是你应该要做的而且非常重要..... 我知道你不能接受这种突如其来的一切咯不过时间久了就会慢慢习惯的..... 选你的原因起始时看到了你的资格因为你通过了first aid考试所以自然的你就有机会拿到这个位子.....

the second last post shopkeeper Jacqueline:
给你这个位子之前我们一直都在想是否应该要给你机会让你能为第3童军团做些贡献..... 而最后的决定时我们都能认同你是有资格的所以就给了你机会..... 对于我来说这份工作是件非常复杂的工作你必须付出很多的精力耗让每个童军都能得到更好的福利..... 对于金钱的该年我想你没问题不过要切记不准让童军团亏钱.....

last but not least our librarian Ivy:
你的工作是13 个中最轻松的一个没什么事可做不过今年可不一样你必须搞个阅读活动耗让我们团的童军们能勤于阅读让每个人对于童军的知识都能更上一层楼..... 这项建议我会和老师们商量后再通知你因为我不想看到参加了童军这么多年就连最基本的都不懂..... 选你的原因起始真的没伸么特别的就是想给你个机会让你能发挥出你的特点.....

ok la that's all for the new 2010/2011 PLC member which will guide all of our 3rd sibu scout member in the next 1 year..... congratulation to all of u once again and don forget Once A Scout, Always A Scout and BE PREPARE.....

Friday, July 2, 2010

new life start.....

today is a special day for me which im gonna start my new life at sabah..... my university life actually will only officially start on next week lo but due to the orientation week all new students need to arrive at sabah 1 week before to undergo the orientation lo.....

so this morning 11am starting my journey from sibu to kota kinabalu wif Maswings which register as 9M-MWE..... there is 2 cabin crew which consist of 1 male and 1 female..... the male one is the cabin crew officer lo.....

take off was successfully done by the captain from sibu airport..... in the middle of the flight we have been serve for refreshment which there is 2 piece of sandwich and muffin cake with a cup of orange juice..... nice actually and thanks to the stewardess who serve me this morning.....

so here comes the interesting part for me, it was my 1st time to see a pilot (actually is the Senior First Officer) with 3 bars of epaulet at his shoulder walk out from the cockpit and go to the toilet in the middle of flight lo..... he is a Chinese pilot and quite handsome xia wif his pilot uniform......

cant remove my eyes from him since he was talking wif the cabin crew after coming out from the toilet lo..... he were just very near to me and i really feel that im so lucky to see a pilot walking out in the middle of the fight lor.....

coming back to the flight so we landed smooth at Kota Kinabalu airport safely done by the co-pilot which is the one i saw just now..... KK airport was nice and big enough which my uncle say it is the 2nd large airport after KLIA lo..... i think so too.....

wait in the airport for almost half and hour before my uncle reach to fetch us back to his home lor..... at the meantime, im taking photo around the airport lo..... very big actually and i think i will sesak inside ther lo..... hahahahaha

my uncle reach at last and fetch us back his home lo..... settle my things then went out wif my aunt to have some tea break (actually consider as our lunch)..... the food here quite ok for me just the price really expensive lo..... no choice la have to use to it lar.....

after tat come back home take my surat tawaran then go to my sch to register for the hostel lo..... my hostel really sucks la so messy and dirty jz like rubbish dumb with nobody stay there for somehow hundred years and above..... haiz.....

but it just the temporary hostel for me and i really hope that they will change me to a place that more nice and more tidy de..... really cant sleep in that messy and dirty room lo..... but i have no choice lo in the meantime just can stay there lar.....

comeback from my sch then is the dinner time lar..... after dinner sleep for awhile cz i really tired le..... almost 8pm went for bath then sit here start blogging lo..... really and very good start and a very bad start also lo.....

wish tat everything will be fine after this lo..... really hope so lo so this week no choice have to stay at the place they arrange for me lar..... pray hard to God so that HE will help me lar..... tat's all from me lar.... bb n night everyone.....

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

scout family gathering.....

yesterday was the day i meet wif my children before i go for my study at Sabah lar..... we meet at pizza hut at about 7pm lo..... im going a bit late cause i have been cheat by someone that told me she din go..... this make me feel a bit sad and turn into emo for awhile.....

at last i still prepare up myself and fetch another friend who live near to my house and directly go and meet with them lar..... actually everything is fine and we have our dinner there and have some talk lo.....

the girl that make me emo appear before we start the farewell..... actually she have been arrive quite awhile just want to give me a big surprise..... really touch about that and thanks to all my friend who set a wonderful trick for me as im the only 1 who get cheated.....

having our nice and delicious pizza which order by me cause nobody gonna order it and the waitress are waiting for us so long time..... cant wait for it so i take the order as most of them have no idea wat to eat lo.....

the dinner cause us about rm250 share by 16 people lo..... i think its quite expensive cause they change the policy by adding so much bla bla bla inside the bill and order in order to earn more money war..... but never mind lar 1 year 1 time..... hahahahaha

after that we have photo taking session and i have been taking photos wif all my child and friends lar..... the most important i have something that can leave it as part of my sweet memory before i go on.....

anyway really thanks to all of u and i promise i will come back more often to see u guys and wish all of u luck and be prepare lar..... hahahahaha

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

university stuff and class gathering....

yesterday was a busy day for me cause im going to settle all my uni stuff..... wake up early morning around 8am and prepare myself up and wait for my friend to come and pick me up..... our 1st destination will be going back to our mother school to wait for another friend who will me follow us 2gather.....

after that we went for urine test which is part of the body check up before went to polyclinic for another 2 phase of checking..... actually it was very easy but im going to explain here lar next time try by your own lar.... hahahahaha

next we are going to bank to pay for our school fees cause there is a expired date for it..... so we choose to pay through counter instead of online payment cause i think it will be more easy and more safe.....

finish paid for the school fees, next we are going to have our lunch at yummy cafe since we are so hungry cause didn't eat anythings during breakfast time..... busy of all the complicated things..... haiz.....

then we went to our next stop, photostat our cert and went back to school to find for qualify teachers to certify for us..... i cant think of i got so many cert need to certify and i really thanks to the teacher who helping me in doing this.....

the time shows 1.30pm and its time for us to go polyclinic to undergo another 2 phase of checking after taking the urine report..... reach polyclinic at about 1.50pm and we directly go and find the pathologist that well known by 1 of my friend's mother.....

without any waiting, we went to the registration counter and pay for the fees the directly went to where we suppose to go for our 1st phase of checking..... actually its just a very basic checking which cover our weight, height, eye sight and so on.....

after that going to the 2nd phase, taking X-ray for our lung..... simple phase done of all the checking..... the final will be seeking for the doctor signature to approve that we are healthy and qualify to enter the university.....

finish all the payment and checking and reach home around 4.30pm and i was so tired but need to be ready up for class gathering in the night time..... it was at 8.30pm and the place where we gather are Baba And Siam Cafe.....

a very nice and romantic restaurant which full of mystery and old style furnished..... there are 16 of us who attend for the class gathering with our beloved ex form teacher..... hahahaha..... we have a wonderful night there......

i think it wont be the last time we gather and i really hope we can meet like this and have a gathering again for the coming year so we wont forget each other..... keep in touch guys and wish u all a very good luck in ur future and study hard lar.....

Sunday, June 27, 2010

campfire night.....

it was my last day and the most memorial night for me yesterday before im leaving sibu here to further my study at sabah..... campfire which consider as the most important activity for scout movement wher all of us can enjoy singing, dancing, playing and get to know more new friends through this annual activity.....

as im the scout member for my former school, i had involve myself in this meaningful activity which consider as part of my sweet memory before im leaving here to start my new life at a new city.....

before the campfire night we had to built out the main gate, set up the spotlight, set up the campfire circle which is the most important part, set up the sound system and arrange the chairs for all of our guest.....

actually im just working as a supervisor which guide all the scout members what to do and how they should do to finish off all the set up in time..... basically we have finish it before the campfire start and thanks to everyone who involve in those set up.....

next should be the campfire night..... everything going on smoothly and this year i really happy to see that all the guest hu join us in this activity are well cooperative lo..... we had fun together and we had gain our relationship.....

1 more thing to share here is im involve in performing the welcoming dance for my last (maybe) campfire night and i also accompany my youngest son by singing a chinese song as he force me to accompany him lo..... hahahaha.....

is was a very wonderful night for me and i wont forget this meaningful campfire night as it was part of my sweet memory as a scout for 8 years..... and i will continue my scouting journey as i love it so much and the most important will be follow what the slogan have told us "Once A Scout, Always A Scout"......

last but not least thanks to all the scout members from different school, our own school's uniform group and thanks to all 3rd sibu scout members for giving me a very special campfire night and well done to all of u.....

that's all from me 2night lar.... bb and night everyone....

Tuesday, June 22, 2010


昨天晚上我真的输了..... 输在亲情的攻势上因为他们把我彻底的瓦解了..... 没办法谁叫我家不是有钱人什么都得靠政府不过想清楚了也是啦我的梦想本来就遥不可及更别说什么想实现它..... 对于家人来说它们并没有反对我的梦想而是真的没有能力.....

我也非常了解这点不过就是很不甘心为什么总是要我做我不想做的事..... 不过经过一个晚上的思考我还是决定去大学了先拿张文凭再说至于我心中的梦想嘛我想我是不会放弃的..... 等大学毕业后我会继续往我的梦想前进.....

而且我姐也答应了等我毕业后我想干麻都可以只不过这种话我已经听了很多次希望她不会再开空头支票..... 还有我的父母也一样是他们要我到大学去的如果我真的不能接受我真的会回来的那时我就会一心往我的梦想去了没人能阻止的.....

不过我想应该很难咯因为我是家中出了名的固执..... 可能是因为我本身是金牛座而且还有着金牛座的个性吧所以就算遇到再难的事我也会忍气吞声将它熬过去的..... 所以一旦决定要完成某件事后我是没那么容易放弃的这点我可以保证.....

心理学系对我来说应该不算什么难事因为在业之前我总是替有疑难杂症的朋友解决了很多心理上的事..... 所以我尽我所能的发挥平常帮朋友解决问题的那种精神来完成大学3年的心理学课程..... 3年后的今天我想我应该已经顺利的毕业了并且能继续我未完成的梦想旅途.....

我会继续加油的毕竟那是我的未来不能就这么容易放弃这样并不像平时的我..... 平时的我可是个很坚强也很开朗的男生不能被这么小的事打败..... 我应该更开心的去面对眼前新的大学生活更努力完成我的学业证明给我的父母看让他们能心甘情愿的让我继续我的梦想.....

就酱咯..... 再见啦各位, 下次再聊咯.....

Monday, June 21, 2010


上个星期五本地大学的成绩公布了..... 不过我却没有任何特别的感觉而是我身边的朋友比我还紧张..... 没感觉的原因是我早就预料到我会中其中一间大学毕竟我的成绩不是很差..... 早上8点多就收到朋友发来的信息告诉我说成绩放榜了..... 那时的我还在学校忙着营会的事根本就没空去理会其它事.....

好心的朋友于是就发了封短信来说要自愿帮我查..... 后来我便把我的IC NO 给了他让他帮我查咯..... 而我则是继续我手摆弄还没完成的功作咯也没理会别的事了..... 过了不久信息又来了, 打开一看是刚刚那位朋友发来的里面写着'Hii Yu Ing, Psikologi Industri dan Organisasi UMS'.....

因为那时在忙着评分所以看了一眼就不理了然后就继续我的事..... 终于忙好了一切的事后再打开电话里的信息看个清楚, 真的没看错是我的名字而在往后看一看是我所选的科系而且还是第一个选择.....

这是心里突然出现一种很奇怪的感觉不过那肯定不是开心的感觉..... 不知道该怎么去形容这种感觉是伤心或是怎么样我没办法辨认..... 总之就是很复杂就是了而这种感觉就留在我的心里一直无法消失..... 真搞不懂为什么会变成这样.....

回到家这种感觉更是强烈让我有几度想哭可是却怎么也哭不出来..... 可能是压力吧很多时候家人对我说话我都选择不回答保持沉默就连对他们说话的时间也少了..... 家里的气氛便得很凝重也很尴尬因为我的沉默.....

于是我选择留在学校里毕竟在学校还可以见到一帮的好朋友能够让我放松下心情让压力能够见少点..... 那是其中一个原因而还有一半的原因是想逃避家人给我的压力吧..... 每当我会到家我的心情就开始复杂不想回答任何人的问题只想一个人静一静.....

已经是公布成绩后的第四天了, 我的心情还是没有回到原来的那样..... 或许我真的需要更多的时间去想想我真正想要的是什么吧..... 毕竟那是我的未来不能如此马虎的就做决定不然后悔的可是我自己没人能够帮我的.....

我心中的那个愿望到底能不能成为现实我真的没把握因为那毕竟是得花一笔很大的钱才能得到的愿望..... 而且我也无法确定哪到底是不是我未来想要的但至少那是我现在想要的..... 而对于心理学系那只是我其中一部分的兴趣因为我愿意聆听别人的心事而且还很鸡婆喜欢帮人解决问题.....

至于我到底对那一份工作比较有兴趣我只能说两边都有他的好处及坏处我真的无法作抉择..... 可能是天生就没什么主见吧什么事都由家人帮我决定所以才酿造了今天这种地步..... 就算遇到了在难的事也有家人的帮助.....

可是这次的事是攸关我未来人生的一个非常重要的转折点所以我得自己做决定不能在靠家人的帮忙了毕竟这是我的未来不是他们的..... 去或不去继续或放弃最后都得想清楚后才能作决定没有任何人能帮我的这点我非常清楚.....

我真的很需要大家的意见好让我能更快的作出一个很好的决定..... 咳...........................

Sunday, June 20, 2010

holiday part 3.....

another camp have been end during last friday that is our school annual uniform camp..... it was a 2 days 1 night camp starting from thursday (17/6) to friday (18/6)..... as im the vice president or 1 of the teacher adviser for this camp, so i need to go and handle part of the activity lo.....

thursday morning went to school early in the morning before 7am and start helping the committee member to do the registration stuff for all the participant..... actually i just assist them only lor.....

after that all the camper are told to bring their luggage to their own sleeping quarters and ready for the 1st activity which is flag designing..... then each group must explain their flag after the design.....

go to the next activity which is ice breaking game..... the game actually quite funny and all the camper enjoy in those funny game lar..... after that is time to have our lunch at school cantten lor..... the food there really sucks..... speechless.....

afternoon activity start at 1.15pm which is station game..... all we have 8 station for all 8 different group to play lor..... all the station is the afternoon section mostly related to water lo..... i think 7 out of 8 station play water game lor.....

station game come to an end at 4.30pm and all the camper ready themselves to have their bath and dinner time before heading to the night time activity which start at the time of 7pm at school hall lo.....

7pm the talent night start which needed all the 9 uniform bodies to show their dance performance and fashion show performance to compete among all the uniform group..... the dancing performance has won by Boy's Brigade follow by Scout and Police Cadet.....

for the fashion show performance, champion won by Scout follow by Boy's Brigade and then Police Cadet..... the overall result for talent night will be champion goes to Scout then follow by Boy Brigade and Police Cadet.....

light off time at 11pm mean all the camper must turn off their light for their sleeping quarters and sleep lo..... but for all the committee member, they need to have patrol during midnight time and for me i can sleep whole night inside my lovely tent with another teacher adviser.....

the next morning all the camper wake up early to ready for the marching competition which held at school stadium at 8.30am..... i wake up a bit late around 7.30am and ready up myself to join the activity.....

actually me and the other teacher adviser have been choose to become the judge for the marching competition as NGO member as there is 1 police judge and 2 other judges from jail police lor.....

the competition start on time and end on time..... counting the marks for marching competition and overall results for the whole uniform camp..... for marching competition, champion won by Boy's Brigade follow by Scout and BSMM..... and the best commander award goes to Scout commander.....

and the overall results, Boy's Brigade won the champion follow by Scout and BSMM..... the 3rd year Scout get 1st runner up for uniform camp..... and there are still more to improve..... after tat will be the closing ceremony and clean up the school compound then ready to go home.....

that's all from me for holiday part 3 lar..... bye

Saturday, June 12, 2010

new phone.....

finally get my new hand phone 2day which i have order it yesterday..... i tot that it will be only arrive 1 week after but surprisingly i get in just 1 day after the order..... really happy and excited to explore each of the function for my new phone.....

actually it's quite familiar for me cause the brand is the same as my old phone so i can handle it in just few minutes to make it more easy for me lar..... oh ya, my phone is Sony Ericsson W995 and it was in black color.....

before this i have make a decision to buy Aino but due to many of my friend says that Aino not very good so i change to W995 lo..... actually i have been make my decision to take this model before Aino was publish out.....

so show u guys my new phone lar..... is cost me around rm900 war.... almost my 1 month salary that all for tonight lar..... signing off now n good night.....

Thursday, June 10, 2010

my finger injured war.....

my finger injured during the 2nd night of the camp as i mention in the last post..... this happen when the blindfold game held as i guide 1 of the group to round the school compound..... i just realize it after the game as i feel a bit pain.....

is was green and purple in color at 1st when i saw it and it turn to red after a day..... actually hu cause my finger injured, a guy or boy who known as my son-in-law..... he feel really sorry to me but i have forgive him lar.....

here the pictures for my finger that injured lar..... (forget to take for the 1st night injured)

the next day after the injured.....
still in red color lo.....
this is the guy who cause my finger injured lo.....

that all for 2 night lar..... bye and good night.....

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

holiday part 2.....

finally end of another camp yesterday at the time of 12 noon..... is a 3 days 2 nights camp actually starting from monday to wednesday..... and actually im in-charge of night time game activity which consider as extra activity for all the camper lo.....

so im gonna overnight at sch for 2 nights to conduct the night activity after all their activity had finished lo..... so the 1st night i have set the treasure hunt game for the camper so that they can get more tired after finding their clues here and there lo.....

me and few scouter start prepare the clues in the afternoon so tat we have enough time to hide all the clues..... we have prepare 7 clues for each group so that they can enjoy the searching more long time and can waste their energy so that they can sleep well after that.....

so the game start at 10pm till 12 something in the midnight lo..... all the camper feel happy and tired but gain new knowledge through the game lo..... that is the main objective to set the game lo..... after that prepare to sleep la.....

go to the 2nd night which i have set another special game for them which need all the camper to be co-operate and follow the instruction that given by scouter..... this game needed all the camper to blind fold their eyes and the scouter will bring them round in at the sch compound......

actually it help camper to understand how's the blind people life as their cant see anything in their daily life and need more people to help them..... good experience for them and it may help them to gain more knowledge lor.....

the activity end at 12 something same as the 1st night and all the camper sleep well after that as they have no more energy to play anymore..... hahahahahahaha..... really funny lo when see them playing the game and enjoy it lo.....

so that's what i have done during the 2nd camp for this holiday..... stay tune to part 3 after next week cz my third camp will be help on 17 and 18 june..... hahahahaha.....

Saturday, June 5, 2010

holiday part 1.....

hi everyone im back lar..... i think i dint post a new post since 2 weeks ago le ba..... no choice lo cz im start busy when the 1st day of my holiday start..... my time was fully pack with all kind of activity for instance like camping, workshop, competition and so on.....

1st activity held on 27 may which is thursday after teacher's day celebration..... having a talk for BSMM member hu are going to have their camp craft badges exam on 2-4 june..... then 2 days after tat 29 may which is saturday having scout meeting as usual.....

rest for 3 days from 30 may to 1 june then having camp craft exam for BSMM member from 2 to 4 june..... 3 days of workshop really made me tired and this time im the organizer and im oso the examiner for the camp..... luckily i have so many small small sifu help me la..... anyway thanks lar.....

next will be 2day lar which is 5 june..... as a judge for scout annual gangshow competition lo..... wait up early morning same as 3 days before and went to school to judge for the competition lor.....

nt very satisfy with all their performance lo and actually they din done their very best yet..... hope tat the will do better and try their very very best during campfire..... and tat the things tat im doing for my 1st week of holiday.....

during 1st week of holiday my friends bought me a few present that bring bak from different country lo..... 1 is a magnet stamp that have my name on it and explanation for it which my friend bought it from Singapore Changi International Airport.....

another present my friend bought me was a Airbus A380 aircraft model from China..... really nice lo and i really appreciate of it..... hahahaha..... anyway thank you very much and i wont forget u guys de..... hahahahaha

tat all for part 1 and stay tune to part 2 after my next camping activity that gonna be held from 7 to 9 june which is next monday to wednesday...... so tat all from me lar..... night and bye.....

Thursday, May 27, 2010

end of teaching life.....

hahahahahahahahahahaha...... finally really finally my 2 months teaching life end today and im so happy to share all my happiness with all of u..... cant describe my feeling now but i know it was very very happy for me lar.....

but on the other hand my students say they will miss the day without me at school war..... true or not i don know lo but really thanks to all of u lo..... especially the present from my students 2day lar.....

actually our school celebrate teachers day this morning lo..... receive few presents from my students and my beloved scout group lo..... take photo with my students and have a great time with them before i go lo.....

2 months of teaching i have gain many new experience lo..... i have learn many new things for instance how to control a noisy class, how to teach a poor students, how to settle all the analysis that i never do before, how to do my lesson plan n etc.....

really appreciate for all of it lor and i will remember all the sweet memory i have gain during my 2 months teaching life at school lo and i will spend my salary wisely especially in my future study life lo.....

lastly i would like to wish all my students from class 3fleming, 3galileo, 3jujur and 3newton do your best in ur PMR exam take coming very soon and wish all of u can obtain a very good results lo..... im glad to be ur teacher for 2 months and i wont forget u guys de.....

signing off and bye.....

Monday, May 24, 2010

analysis please leave me alone.....

here come the last week for me to teach at school as a temporary teacher la..... but before i leave here come another work for me 2day morning..... actually 2day im late to school cz by the traffic jam somewhere near my house here.....

last week of teaching i though it would be a very free and it the time for me to rest since i have already finish marking the objective question paper for BM lor..... so actually this week should be no other things to do.....

but 2day i receive a copy of format from the penolong panitia of BM state that i need to do the analysis for the classes that i teach and hand in before holiday..... omg why last minute just come to me.....

really hate this kind of feeling and i need to find out all the document or record that needed to use for the analysis..... hey teacher, this job not suppose to be done by me and i gonna leave the school after this Thursday.....

anyway no choice i have to do it and there is no chance for me to get off with it..... i cant run away and as a responsible people i have to finish it..... but if next time need me to do anything can u please let me know more early instead of last minutes like now.....

i need to rush for it so that i can hand in by this coming Thursday before i leave the school to end my job as temporary teacher..... haiz.... so that's all from me tonight la..... see again next time and bye.....

you know you're a pilot when.....

- you know the rule ’8 hours bottle to throttle’

- you say ‘fou-er’ instead of ‘four’

- you have an CR-2 / E6B / (Flight Computer)

- “correction” has replaced “I mean, umm, err, sorry” in your everyday speech

- you almost pull on the hand brake in an attempt to ‘add flaps’ to slow down

- you do the ‘Tune, Identify, Test (TIT)’ check on the radio before you drive your car

- your friends first reaction is “WOW” when you tell them you’re a pilot


- you get in your car and think, “Passenger Brief”

- you no longer check normal weather websites, but rather use NAIPS for the nearest airport / Area (eg. Area 21)

- you love your beer

- you see red lights up ahead while driving and use both feet to brake

- You can name all different types of clouds when you look up at the sky

- you love flying RC planes / helicopters

- cars seem weird when you steer and it doesnt bank

- you use “three six zero,” not just “zero”

- you watch EVERY SINGLE plane that flies overhead

- you know what all this mean :

TAF YSBK 070420Z 070618 03010KT CAVOK
T 17 13 09 06 Q 1018 1019 1019 1018
METAR YSBK 070430Z AUTO 36008KT 9999NDV // NCD 19/03 Q1018
RMK RF00.0/000.0

- you’ve been told ”never turn back to the runway after engine failure after takeoff” by your instructor

- you would be more worried about losing your logbook than your first born child

- you spend hours at the airport looking at airplanes and still be amazed at how they get airborne

- you know the most of the call signs for many major airlines

- you know “Victor” is a letter, not a person

- you do ALAP scans while driving (A.L.A.P – Attitude, Lookout, Attitude, Performance)

- You say ‘clear left, clear ahead, clear right’ before you turn right in your car

- you know what a Cumulonimbus (Cb) can do to your little piper warrior

- when giving directions, you give ‘Zero-Niner-Zero (090)’ instead of East, and your friends thinks you’re crazy

- you conduct a fuel drain test after refuelling your car at a petrol station

- you know what a lenticular cloud is, and appreciate the beauty of it

- your friends always ask you, “why do you always use feet and not metres?”

- you tried using your Wizwheel (CR-2/E6B) while driving to work out your ETA

- you get ‘pissed off’ when the weather turns ‘shitty’

- you have a VTC, WAC, VNC, ERC, or a TAC on the wall of your bedroom

- you yell ‘clear prop!’ before starting your car

- you almost crash your car while looking at an aeroplane flying above you

- you enjoy reading your AIP – like reading a novel

- you remember the 4-stroke cycle (Intake, Compression, Power, Exhaust) by remembering “Suck, Squeeze, Bang, Blow”

- your friends call you ‘Captain _________ (your name)’

- you draw pictures of runways, airports, airplanes,etc when you are bored

- you love the joke :

Q: “How do you know when you are flying a Cessna?”
A: “When you get a bird strike from behind.”

- you always try to ‘trim’ your car while driving

- you know exactly what “Bankstown Tower, Uniform-November-Foxtrot, TWRN, One-Thousand-Five-Hundred,

Received Whiskey, Inbound.” means

- you at the same time hate AND love flight planning

- you use 24 hours time

- you remember the transponder codes by :

7500 – Seventy Five, Staying Alive (Hi-Jack)
7600 – Seventy Six, Radio Tricks (Radio Failure)
7700 – Seventy Seven, Going to Heaven (Engine Failure)

- you entertain yourself by reading number plates of other cars using phonetic alphabet

- your friends get confused when they look at your watch because it is set to zulu time (UTC)

- you attempt to do coordinated turns in your car

- when getting married you say “affirm” instead of “I do”

- you wear your sunnies everywhere you go just to ‘protect’ your eyes

- you pull back on the steering wheel of your car when you see an increase in field elevation ahead

- you wear your sunnies at night, just to protect your night vision

- the first thing you do in the moring is look at the current TAF and METAR from NAIPS

- you know the conversion unit for Litres to Kilograms in the back of your head

- you always practice the speech when you are bored, ‘Good evening ladies and gents, this is your captain speaking….’

- you can tell what maneuvers the plane above you is doing and say it aloud

- you always blame the crosswind for your crappy landing

- you thought/dreamt about flying a Learjet

- you always dream you are flying

- you don’t think of weather as good or bad, but rather as VFR or IFR

- you know the formula for ‘Lift’

- you know how to draw the Drag graph

- you constantly say “stand by” instead of ‘wait, hang on, etc’ when someone asks you a question

- you get in a car and first thing you think of is ‘checklist’

- you are at the airport and you can name all the planes for hours no probs

- you get turned on by the sound of an a/c engine

- the sound of the engines spooling up on a 747 at takeoff gives you an orgasm

- you would rather fly than to have sex

- you have seen Top Gun

- you enjoy interpreting TAFs to our friends

- when you do a 60 degrees steep turn in a piper warrior, you think youre in a fighter jet

- you love playing Flight Simulator games, if not, any aeroplane games that involves flying

- “affirm” and “negative” replace “yes” and “no” in your daily speech

- you pull out your weight and balance chart while loading your car

- you always try to keep the RPM in your tachometer constant while driving

- you always acknowledge any request made by replying “roger, wilco”

- you have busted airspace at least once in your flying

- you tend to look around for people before starting your car, making sure its ‘clear’

- you know what Induced drag & Parasite drag is

- you always stare at captains when you see one at major airports

- you apply back pressure on the steering wheel on dirt roads

- you always look at your watch while driving, estimating your ETA

- you never trust the weather person on tv, you always check NAIPS or ATIS

- your camera is full of aeroplane photos

- your favorite word happens to be ‘CAVOK’

- you carry TWO (2) torches with you at night

- you hope to one day live next to the airport, while your mates thinks you are stupid

- you dont experience nausea while flying

- you tilt your head (pretending the car is in a bank) while turning left or right in your car

- you can stare at ONE aeroplane picture for hours without becoming bored

- you enjoy every minute of the view outside the window while flying overseas as a passenger for +8 hours -> and not fall asleep

- your ultimate goal is to fly for an airline

- you dont think the opposite sex pilots attractive

- you know the phrase for working in an airline:
“Never screw your crew.”

- you were sad when you found out concorde stopped flying

- “Say again” replaced “what, huh” in your everyday speech, your friends thinks that you are very polite, but infact, its a pilot thing
( Evelyn Potoczny )

- you know more about the plane you fly than your own car (engine, electic systems, hydraulics, etc etc)

- your friends always buy you aviation related stuff for your birthday (like aeroplane models, RC plane,etc etc)

- you have a copy of Microsoft Flight Simulator at home

- your favourite site is ‘’

- you hate Nimbostratus (Ns) clouds

- you think flying in the sky is safer than driving on the road
( Peggy Kwan )

- you remember when sex was safe and flying was dangerous

- ‘VMC or IMC’ have replaced your description of ‘Good or Bad’ weather
( Haidee Wong )

- you know the ‘take-off safety brief’ word by word without having to look at the checklist/manual

- your friends always ask you “will it rain today?” and your reply is always “what do you think Iam, the weather man?”

- you attempt to make a ‘x3 Mayday’ call when you stall your manual car

- you answer multiple choice questions in your exams using phonetic alphabet (e.g. A = Alpha, B = Bravo, C = Charlie, D = Delta)

- out of the 26 phonetic words, ‘Whiskey’ happens to be your favourite

- you hate studying statistics

- you spend more than 10 minutes looking for the auto-pilot button in your car

- you know exactly what this means:


- Everytime you hear an aircraft flying above you, you ALWAYS tend to look up at the sky without thinking twice, and you wont stop staring at the aircraft until its out of sight
( Tobias Suen )

- this happens to be your favourite phrase/quote,

“once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward; for there you had been and there you long to return..” – Leonardo Da Vinci

- you keep your eyes on the sky all the time and constantly looking out for aircraft
( Enoch Kam )

- you can operate the FMS through the CDU with finesse, but can’t figure out Microsoft Powerpoint
( Kelvin Seow )

- you know the world have changed when a flight attendant could get a pilot pregnant

- you end your phone calls with you aircraft call letters.
( Josh Frost Worrell )

- you have been flying for years, you still remember how your first solo flight was like
( Matthew Ng )

- you have ever tried to say ”I Love You” to your girls in phonetic alphabet, that is,” India Lima oscar victor echo Yankee oscar uniform”
( Parker Leung )

- you have chosen the right uni course when you dont mind getting up at 3am for an early flight, when 60 hours a week at uni doesnt bother you
( Nathan Hayes )

- you dont have any holidays, but you would still rather be stuck in a classroom at bankstown for 7 weeks straight because you can see all the aircraft on your breaks
( Nathan Hayes )

- you know you love your course when:

* u think its fine to spend 4 hours on public transport for an hour flying
* u think holiday sucks and can’t wait to return to the airport
* u know everyone thinks u are cool even though u are just an normal person
* u think its reasonable to leave the airport at 11PM and come back at 8AM the day after
* u enjoy every single minutes you spend at the airport
* u no longer care about living under the flight path. in fact, u love living under the flight path
( Enoch Kam )

- you don’t say ‘due to’, but just ‘due’ (I can’t go due to the rain; I can’t go due rain)
( Edward Terry )

- you ever dreamt that during a commercial flight, the pilots passed out and you, the only pilot on the plane, were about to save everyone by landing a 250 tons aircraft safely
( Ryad Bounoua )

- your friends always tries to tease you by calling out “Hey! a 797, look!!” when they see a random plane flying, and you know there is no such plane call a 797

- you know what fleet of planes each airlines have

- you know how reverse thrusts works

- you know why the Airbus A380 has only 2 reverse thrusts and not 4

- you are either a Boeing fan or an Airbus fan, and not both

- you are interested in military aircrafts even though youre not from the military

- you are driving on a highway, you tend to start calling out, “Max power is set…..V1…..Rotate…..V2…..Positive rate of climb….Gear up….” when you are bored, or driving by yourself